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Everything posted by goldust40

  1. Yeah, and our membership will be very exclusive. You'll have to buy your own maroon loons if you want to be in our gang.
  2. I do have da funk. In my pants. My brother and I were discussing early Simple Minds the other day...we agreed they were the most underrated band of their era.
  3. I do happen to have those albums too, you know.
  4. Yes - that type of diversity of nationalities isn't too atypical of the top teams these days (in the Premier League, at any rate). I remember the old days...the UEFA Cup final of 1984, when every player bar one in the Spurs squad was English. Not British....English. The exception was a Scot.
  5. I was about to say... However the Yanks in the WC know way more than us about their game. It'd be nice not to have Tim (God bless 'im) get all hoity on us when we're having an NFL discussion. Tim is a Liverpool fan, he's going to give his opinion whether you want it or not Liverpool are 33-1 to win the league this year, for those who know nothing about gambling it means if you put £50 on, you will lose £50 And the Arse are about 15-1, which is the longest we've been for ages, but still not long enough to make any decent money without risking a lot. Also, we're almost certainly not going to win the league, 4-0 defeats of Cologne notwithstanding... It'll be like last season.
  6. I was about to say... However the Yanks in the WC know way more than us about their game. It'd be nice not to have Tim (God bless 'im) get all hoity on us when we're having an NFL discussion. Tim is a Liverpool fan, he's going to give his opinion whether you want it or not Liverpool are 33-1 to win the league this year, for those who know nothing about gambling it means if you put £50 on, you will lose £50
  7. Sure, why not. Everyone else is bleedin' doing one of me with a "red pants" theme. No worries though...although aren't there a few former punks like me on here who remember wearing red trousers? What is the big deal about wearing crimson kecks anyway? I can't say it will come to fruition. Seriously, I can really only copy what I see. I've tried in the past to draw from imagination and its like a 3 year old has done it. Go for it...but I want first dibs on the cover. If you need any help, ask Chromium or Flee....
  8. I was about to say... However the Yanks in the WC know way more than us about their game. It'd be nice not to have Tim (God bless 'im) get all hoity on us when we're having an NFL discussion.
  9. Sure, why not. Everyone else is bleedin' doing one of me with a "red pants" theme. No worries though...although aren't there a few former punks like me on here who remember wearing red trousers? What is the big deal about wearing crimson kecks anyway?
  10. I haven't been on this thread for that long. It's cause I've been on this forum for nearly NINE YEARS. I tried to escape, but they keep on pulling me back in.... It seems like you've been in this thread for years.
  11. I haven't been on this thread for that long. It's cause I've been on this forum for nearly NINE YEARS. I tried to escape, but they keep on pulling me back in....
  12. I thought that was a nice touch, especially as that piece of music was written by John Barry. Must've missed that it was his work. Still thought they were overegging the pudding.
  13. Will definitely make more of an effort to watch the US Open as often as possible this time.
  14. One final bathetic scene which should've been done in silence (the extinguishing of the Olympic flame, set to manipulative "Battle Of The Somme" type music). And then The Who, who did pretty well, considering their advancing years. Daltrey's voice has experienced considerable wear and tear over the last 50 years, but he was infinitely preferable to all the showboating nonsense that came before. And he still looks okay. Thought the Brazilian bit proved that they're as good at arsing about looking silly as the Brits. Although it was nice to see Pele. One more worthless platitude from the ridiculously dated Hazel Irvine and Huw whatsisname, and then cut to Lineker and Barker (and her rictus smile) and the put-upon Michael Johnson, being asked (this time by Barker) for the hundredth time what his favourite moment of the games was. Which he answered with his usual good grace. Then another final manipulative montage bit featuring crying athletes set to Lennon's Imagine (the Beeb milking it again). And cut. Right. Back to the EPL!!!
  15. Actually, to be fair, he almost did. Sending everything up was the way to go and he did well with that old chestnut tune. Made me laugh anyway....
  16. Maybe the remit of the organizers was to take whatever was once great about English pop culture and reductively trivialize it into the ground? Never seen such tawdriness. Ah well. Lord knows why Kate Moss and those other mannequins were paraded around. Smacks of cronyism.
  17. Not in my opinion. MBE, OBE, sure. But I think it's crazy to hand out knighthoods for one successful year. Of your list, Wiggins deserves the most recognition. Look at Beckham and all he's done to raise the profile of English sport for the last 15 years - no knighthood. Ditto Johnny Wilkinson, a world cup winner. I'm not saying that what our athletes have achieved isn't admirable, and I expect all our gold medallists will get MBEs, but none of them deserve to be knighted... yet. I think you'll find that Wiggins has had more than one successful year. Mo has been fantastic but Brad's Olympic Gold, Tour de France win and the wins he's had in all the other road races this year should make him Sports Personality of the Year. At least the BBC should have a few women on the list this year. I don't follow cycling, and having looked Wiggins up on wikipedia I can see that you're right (I knew about the TDF and his London gold already of course, and that's why I said he was perhaps the most deserving). No issue at all with Sports Personality of the Year - although my money's on Ennis - you wouldn't hear me complaining if he won that. But, per my post above, not a knighthood. Just to reiterate, I am NOT a Wiggins hater (or anyone else we've mentioned) - these guys are great and have done the country proud. But that doesn't mean we should knight them. And I'm not disagreeing with you. It is preposterous....but I was only applying logic due to what has gone before.
  18. thankfully ITV have no coverage and we dont have to see the worst pundit ever Adrian Chiles He's not a pundit, he's an anchorman. either way he's awful He's not all that, true.
  19. thankfully ITV have no coverage and we dont have to see the worst pundit ever Adrian Chiles He's not a pundit, he's an anchorman.
  20. Not in my opinion. MBE, OBE, sure. But I think it's crazy to hand out knighthoods for one successful year. Of your list, Wiggins deserves the most recognition. Look at Beckham and all he's done to raise the profile of English sport for the last 15 years - no knighthood. Ditto Johnny Wilkinson, a world cup winner. I'm not saying that what our athletes have achieved isn't admirable, and I expect all our gold medallists will get MBEs, but none of them deserve to be knighted... yet. Kelly Holmes got made a Dame for winning two golds in one Olympics (and nothing else). Chris Hoy got a knighthood for winning three. If Holmes and Hoy got titles, who's to say that Farah, who is in every way an equal to them, doesn't deserve one either? As for Ennis, she, like Holmes before her, has Lord Coe's patronage and was the so-called "face of the games". She's in with a shout of damehood too.