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Everything posted by Darwination

  1. "Sophisticated Film Entertainment for the Select Adult Viewer" BAD MAGS. Surprisingly high production values meet low tastes from Orbit publications, North Hollywood
  2. I'm curious about George Schuyler's intro for the Avon edition of Von Vechten (and I show my liberal squeamishness by not calling out the title ). I know Schuyler from his work in Duke (and his rep as having a conciliatory nature - not calling him a T-O-M as that's offensive imo, too). Duke might be on my top ten list of favorite magazines ever (I sh*t you not). https://darwinscans.blogspot.com/2012/06/duke-v01n01-june-1957-black-playboy.html https://darwinscans.blogspot.com/2023/03/duke-v01n02-july-1957.html (you can right click and open any image in a new tab at my blog for a big scan, blogger's imaging system is truly horrible) https://archive.org/details/duke-v-01n-03-1957-08-darwination-ia_202307 I've scanned the first three and plan to do the rest. I'm still missing the sixth and final issue, though, and I've been hunting it for years. Worthpoint shows a copy, but I'm snookered how it got by me. If anybody has a copy or finds a copy of it, point it out if you would, or if you have it I'll make a very lopsided trade for it. (I have dupes of most of the run). It's a case of don't judge a book (or magazine) by the cover - I think the horrible mannequin theme is one reason an otherwise excellent magazine didn't make it (there's other possible reasons why, too):
  3. Noticed this on the Burnett pb after looking at the back cover: which led me to the older edition (not as good of a cover but first, still think I'd go for the above edition tho) But anyways, since I've been hunting this one since we need a scan, I noticed the second re-use on Famous Gangsters #3 1951: But the one that really sent me a-googling for a minute is the Von Vechten (I think it's the first edition hardcover they have at the IA). Langston Hughes liked it, so I may take a looksee - besides the provocative title Fave cover of the last bunch, though, The Icepick in Ollie Birk. Wow.
  4. For real, trying to get some scan work done and I'm all over eBay and scribbling on my wantlist
  5. I think out of those first ten Pockets, Topper would be the one I'd like to have.
  6. Best title "The Gold Plated Sewer" Best cover "The Corpse Came Calling" - very surprised this one's by the same artist (Robert Schulz) who did James Cain's The Butterfly for Signet, another one I put on the hunt list.
  7. Painter's tarp and a selfie stick to the ceiling? I hope you don't own a selfie stick I have a hard time taking eBay photos of even small lots. I always chuckle at the guys that lay out books on their cars or driveways for eBay. Bro, you really want to sell me those books you just covered in the schmooze from your garage floor?
  8. UK girlie pulps? I believe I've already posted some pirate jobbers from the 30s. These are closer to 1950. Usually they're given some sort of U.S. cost denotation so that the limeys would think they are getting something particularly naughty There's little illustration inside and not much in the way of photos. The staples are usually rusted because it rains all the damn time. The couple of times I shipped to the UK last year, both buyers asked to make sure the package was water tight, something I'd never, ever heard before. Genre-wise, they seem to lean more towards straight romance than sex comedy, but I'd have to read more before I can get categorical with that presumption. Usually the art is a little more primitive than the U.S. girlies, but I have seen a gem or two. This is a restore. The mag was in almost pristine condition outside of the rusted staple (pretty sure I recall there only being one) https://archive.org/details/amorous-confessions-01-c.-1948.-rayburn-darwin-ia That one exists in higher numbers than most, some sort of warehouse find. I'm looking at a copy right now on eBay WITH RUSTED STAPLES (and water damage) lmao.
  9. You manage to find many issues? Seems pretty scarce from a very cursory search. Judging from the quality of the material, though, I think it must have had a decent circulation. I looked through all the contents when I shared the scans at the pulp group but didn't do any digging into the nuts and bolts of ownership or distribution. I'm usually indifferent to bound editions, but when it's bound by the publisher or for file copies those rank higher. This binding, imo, though, adds to the value. Maybe not. Not really something you collect for value per se, anyways, but the beauty
  10. I tried to count all the sweat titles with Men or Man recently and ran out of fingers and toes.
  11. You jackals just stay the f**k away from my books, dammit. I lost what I thought was an under the radar book recently and realized I'd bid five times more given a second chance almost immediately after it slipped away...
  12. 3-D cover! ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Pretty cool, though ---------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Livingston_Bull Hadn't noticed that about his sig before, but you're right. Dude was a taxidermist He did a number of pulp covers (mostly for Adventure but also at Short Stories, Outdoor Stories, and Argosy) but did most of his work at the SEP and Boy's Life Another polar bear, a *little* more imposing - sorry for the little images here, was hoping my girl Saskia had got her hands on either of these issues, but no dice: I totally love this, going on my personal huntlist This elephant cover is really cool, too (scarce title here)
  13. Kind of some weird bubbling at the A and R there. I don't see any substance or anything on the cover, some sort of printing defect or something else going on here?
  14. Anybody have the January issue of Crime? I'm pretty sure the volume numbering lines up with Line-Up Detective, and the titles just alternated months (not 100% sure, though). Numbering works out that way for this one: Sadly, the third and apparently final issue of CRIME has a photo cover I'd still pick her it up if I saw the issue, though Talk about a hard magazine to find in searches, though, GEEZ
  15. Nice catch, PH, I'm ready to call it a definite swipe/inspiration (not a mere trace or anything). I like the Thrills and Chills worked into the northern lights back there, too. I've got a couple of these polar bear/aurora borealis covers P.S. Happy to see some Argosy around here, I feel like Argosy/All-Story and similar titles don't get much representation on the boards, maybe because the covers don't tend to be very sensational in nature (there are some in that category, though).
  16. Looks like the comic is in nice shape and blazing red. I consider it Famous Gangsters 04, but I may be the only one (happened to look at it just the other day). There's a Harry Lazarus story in there, an underappreciated goldenager.
  17. I'm AMAZED at how affordable Jungle Stories has been (considering it's GGA plus bondage plus George Gross plus Fiction House). There was a while there where some of my pals were hard after it. There's plenty of overpaints and the like but also some really great compositions in there, too. Not to mention, I like strong women like Sheba here
  18. You people. Have issues, lots and lots of issues. A good issue to have issues regarding.