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Posts posted by ebtorres

  1. I really hope that they can keep to the current release schedule of 1 per month. The loss of momentum in a title can really kill its following. I didn't keep up with it for other reasons, but now I'm scarfing up back issues with abandon. The reality is that you can have the best story and artwork in the world, but if you produce 1 comic every 4 months in a comic with slow pacing, no one's going to buy it.


    It's very sad that things turned south for Upchurch, as I think his artistic style was perfect for this genre. But I'm optimistic about Sejic.


    Issue #1 was one of the best (definitely in the top 5) comics I've read in the past 2 years.



    Eight issues straight from January through to September (well, almost, missed an issue in February) , with Vol.2 coming out next month.


    Committed to being on time and with Stjepan on board, we'll make it happen.




    Title Release date

    Rat Queens #9 March 4

    Rat Queens #10 April 8




    Rat Queens #11 August 19 ?


    Stjepan Sejic became seriously ill after finishing issue 10 and had to drop off. Originally we were going to wait until he recovered so he could resume (hence the delay through May and June) but his condition worsened and we told him to rest and we'd find a new team.


    Which we did, and they took end of June until last week to finish issue #11, with it coming out on August 19th.


    That's the reality that comic buyers don't seem to understand. If we become sick or face other life problems, there is no one else to pick up the slack. We aren't Marvel or DC where we just fill in with people on the spot. It can take months to recover from an event like that.


    As for Panzerfaust, Tyler hasn't been able to work on it because he hadn't made money on it in, at the very minimum, six issues. It's hard to commit full time to something when you can't make any money.


    Have a kickstarter for the final 2 issues and get it done. 2c


    Excellent :idea:

  2. I really hope that they can keep to the current release schedule of 1 per month. The loss of momentum in a title can really kill its following. I didn't keep up with it for other reasons, but now I'm scarfing up back issues with abandon. The reality is that you can have the best story and artwork in the world, but if you produce 1 comic every 4 months in a comic with slow pacing, no one's going to buy it.


    It's very sad that things turned south for Upchurch, as I think his artistic style was perfect for this genre. But I'm optimistic about Sejic.


    Issue #1 was one of the best (definitely in the top 5) comics I've read in the past 2 years.



    Eight issues straight from January through to September (well, almost, missed an issue in February) , with Vol.2 coming out next month.


    Committed to being on time and with Stjepan on board, we'll make it happen.




    Title Release date

    Rat Queens #9 March 4

    Rat Queens #10 April 8




    Rat Queens #11 August 19 ?


    At least there's a release date for this one. Wiebe's other title, Peter Panzerfaust has only two more issues to go to end the series and there's no release date on them at all. The last one, issue 23, was released in February! The series is on a long hiatus.



  3. Why is there all of this animosity and mhzlnq.gif at Hulk44? (shrug)


    He went all in on a book speculation wise that he believed in and struck out. That sucks. Many have fallen trap to that same pitfall. Sixth Gun, Bedlam, Nowhere Men, etc. I get his has an extra zero and a lot more $, but it still must sting.


    He's always been a nice enough guy from what I've seen. I don't get the animosity being slung his way. (shrug)


    I've no animosity towards anyone. You know I love this title, I was watching the original eBay listing, the book didn't sell for the ask price and was relisted for 1k more. I found that amusing/strange so I posted about it here.


    If Hulk44 saw that as a jab from me, that's on him.

  4. I actually did that for both of you to show everyone what #%^%%^ss both of you really are (and let me not forget the all no nothing CBT). It will go up a $1000 each time it doesn't sell.




    The cool thing about that is that you aren't the only person to use eBay for showcase purposes.


    I didn't know your eBay handle or that you were still the current owner of the book. Good to know, though I'd have pointed that out regardless, because it's funny stuff.


    GLWTS! (thumbs u

  5. I want to offer things like this on all future books (and yes, there are some new things in the works), so if I can ask that you keep this little pre-pre-sale a secret, and just go with the honor system on the quantities we can all be great friends for like ever. We just want to make sure you guys get a chance to get one and that everybody else has an opportunity as well later on.


    Read the bold, I have deleted my post about that. The part about the book being released was not what he meant by keeping it hush hush, I think. If you are on his newsletter and got the email, then you'll know.


    I'm watching you E :baiting:









    lol Yeah, I got the email and I'm just busting your chops, bud. It's not like the info wasn't going to be leaked anyway; to think that is just :screwy: Heck I'd prob have posted it!

  6. Thoughts on Alpha and the Whisperers



    I've been thinking about this all day. What if #130 isn't the 1st Whisperers ? I'm not speaking from a spec standpoint but from a storytelling view. We first see a walker herd meet the group in issue #59 or #60. What if these herds aren't a natural occurrence like Eugene believes them to be ? What if Alpha used them then or in Alexandria ? What if they've been waiting for Rick and Negan to whittle each other down and then become complacent ? This may not be the case because it seems that Alpha is content in her own lands. On the other hand, unlike many, I think she is completely manipulative. I don't believe that Lydia is with Rick because Alpha feels she will be safer with him but time will tell.


    The Whisperers seem to claim a territory that appears not far from our favorite walker killers. They were that close and went unnoticed for what appears to be a very long time. I'm getting the chills thinking about how Rick and the gang may have finally met their match. :eek:



    I'm absolutely loving the current storyline.


    What if...



    Alpha = Beginning, right? So, what if Alpha was there from the beginning!





    She was the nurse :o:ohnoez:


    ^^ You sir, are smarter than the average bear!


    James owns the OA for that page right? Let's ask him to corroborate the top left corner is the same as in the the pic I posted in spoiler tags...

  7. Thoughts on Alpha and the Whisperers



    I've been thinking about this all day. What if #130 isn't the 1st Whisperers ? I'm not speaking from a spec standpoint but from a storytelling view. We first see a walker herd meet the group in issue #59 or #60. What if these herds aren't a natural occurrence like Eugene believes them to be ? What if Alpha used them then or in Alexandria ? What if they've been waiting for Rick and Negan to whittle each other down and then become complacent ? This may not be the case because it seems that Alpha is content in her own lands. On the other hand, unlike many, I think she is completely manipulative. I don't believe that Lydia is with Rick because Alpha feels she will be safer with him but time will tell.


    The Whisperers seem to claim a territory that appears not far from our favorite walker killers. They were that close and went unnoticed for what appears to be a very long time. I'm getting the chills thinking about how Rick and the gang may have finally met their match. :eek:



    I'm absolutely loving the current storyline.


    What if...



    Alpha = Beginning, right? So, what if Alpha was there from the beginning!


