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Everything posted by Batman1fan

  1. With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75 So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence Or assist with seller credibility Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it. You obviously don't know what the word "Credibility" means. Here is an assignment for you: Look up the definition of Credibility. Next, post that definition in your response. Next, tell us why asking between 2 and 3 times the value of your book does or does not hurt Your credibility and why. And by the way, your answer cannot include the fact that You overpaid for the book in the first place and it cannot include "But I put OBO". If you do this, you MIGHT actually learn something. I won't hold my breath, but stranger things have probably happened. Oh, and by the way, when you are asking 2 to 3 times market price for your book, why would a potential customer Not think that you are trying to rip them off? Definition of the word credibility the quality of being believable or worthy of trust: I was always told by my dad to always ask double and work my way down so if people haggle I'll still get the price I want. Another excuse. This time it's your dads fault? You didn't even answer the questions, you just blamed your overpricing on your dad and let it go at that. You're 23 years old, at what point do you intend to start taking responsibility for your own actions? If your dad always told you to rob a bank whenever you were short of money, would you think that was good advice?
  2. With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75 So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence Or assist with seller credibility Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it. You obviously don't know what the word "Credibility" means. Here is an assignment for you: Look up the definition of Credibility. Next, post that definition in your response. Next, tell us why asking between 2 and 3 times the value of your book does or does not hurt Your credibility and why. And by the way, your answer cannot include the fact that You overpaid for the book in the first place and it cannot include "But I put OBO". If you do this, you MIGHT actually learn something. I won't hold my breath, but stranger things have probably happened. Oh, and by the way, when you are asking 2 to 3 times market price for your book, why would a potential customer Not think that you are trying to rip them off?
  3. With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75 So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence Or assist with seller credibility Are you listening to this, Gabe? This is sound advice, for free, from an extremely successful person that has been buying and selling not only high dollar books, but low dollar books as well. If you were the least bit concerned with getting better at buying and selling, you would address this right away. But you won't, because you're more interested in making the big score than in making a small profit on a pile of books one at a time. As to the ASM 7 on fb, where do you come up with an asking price of $150.00 for your coverless and cornerless copy, when a graded, blue label 4.5 can be had for $253.00? No one in their right mind will pay you that price for your book, and even if someone did, who would it be? I'll tell you who, a new collector who has no idea of the true value of the book. So, let's say you sell the book to a person like this, what will you have accomplished? You will have found someone who actually knows less about comics than you, and when that person finds out that he way overpaid for that book, they are going to be suspicious of all other sellers out there, and rightfully so. Ill give you this much, though; you have managed to create a thread that's better than the Jelly of the Month Club, it just keeps on giving year after year.
  4. When are you going to stop making excuses and using your disability as a crutch? Excuses? I'm giving you the reality of things that I deal with and I've mentioned I'm working on each problem How many times have you mentioned your various problems, especially your learning disability? Certainly more times than I can count. 95% of the people who are reading and responding in this thread are well versed in your disabilities, and the fact that you continue to bring them up sure looks like your using them as a crutch. Lots of people have learning disabilities, it's not uncommon. The difference between them and you is they see no need to make sure everyone knows about it. Those people learned long ago that they have to work harder to be successful in certain areas and because of that, nobody can tell the disability is there. You seem to bring it up constantly, I'm guessing to fish for sympathy every time you screw something up. I guarantee that a lot of people, some on these very boards have been dealt way worse hands than you, but they overcame because they were willing to work harder, rather than continually offer up excuses, to get to where they want to be. As far as I'm concerned, and I speak for nobody but myself, given the fact that you continue to bring up your problems as an excuse to cover your mistakes, coupled with the fact you won't even work a full time job, my sympathy for you hovers right around zero.
  5. He should take the money and run. But I know he won't. I wouldn't be so sure of that [/quot I'm happy you proved me wrong, I think this was a good move. Is the money going right into savings or are you going to buy more books with it? I only ask because you said you were going to do the $11 a week budget for the time being. I'm going to buy more comics as soon as it clears but I'm still following the budget James told me because I haven't gone overboard with any of my spending. I'm thinking I might make a sales thread to raise some cash. You need to buy more comics like I need a bullet in my head. You don't know enough about the market to buy books. Bro, you don't even have the ability to market the books that you have. A blurry picture + stating a case has scratches etc makes buyers think something is wrong with the book.As in the inner holder may or may not be cracked, requiring re-grading...or best case, reholdering. When asked about that, you respond with something like "you think so?". That is only one example.I could spend a week reading this thread, composing a 100 page essay with a point by counterpoint breakdown on 99% of your posts... You should sell all the books that you have before you spend a single dollar on books. Organize your boxes and do conventions.Post books on eBay.Use this forum for market research. Get a haircut, a job, an apartment and date girls.Or date dudes, whatever floats your boat. Get some life experience before you spend money on comics. Do the above for a year, than when you have a better handle on things....take some of the money you have earned and buy books. I'll talk about your points then, I buy comics and I sell them and I do market them I say that their scratched because I'm afraid of getting a negative for it being not as described. I also answered "You think so?" because I'm not sure which is why I asked as Adam knows more then I do. With selling my comics that's exactly what I'm doing I'm selling the more expensive ones, holding some and that leaves me with a bunch of dollar comics. My comics are organized somewhat and as for going to conventions I see merit in it I'll do it and I already post comics on ebay. I already have a job but still live with my parents could care less about dating. I assume by life experience you mean me knowing the market and making better choices. Don't forget about: 1. Learn how to take clear, high quality pictures. 2. Write a clear, concise description of the item for sale. Both of these skills are not difficult to master, but for an experienced comic dealer/flipper like you, your pictures and descriptions look like they were taken and written by an 80 year old person whose last use of a camera was a Polaroid instamatic and the descriptions are written by the same 80 year old who just found a comic book in his attic from his childhood. He knows it's a comic and that's about it.
  6. I don't deserve advice? Red I'm a stubborn person but if push comes to shove I follow what I believe will help me. Which is why you're in your situation. What you believe will help you has gotten you further into your mess. You should stop listening to yourself because you're giving yourself horrible advice. You're 100 percent right, however, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the next "sure fire money making book" that he comes up with. We all know it's coming, so let the anticipation begin!
  7. I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed. Hopefully not but if it happens I can at least say I tried . You tried what? To cheat someone? For a guy who has been scammed as many times as you have and professes to not feel good about it, you don't seem to have any problem doing it to someone else. eBay is a business, and they deserve to be paid for the service that they offer. How do you justify listing your book and then saying in your auction to basically contact you to conduct the sale off eBay, thereby using ebays service to advertise your book, but then depriving them of their rightful fees by selling the book off eBay to a buyer who most likely would never have known about your book without eBay. If you're not happy with ebays fees, then don't list your book on there, but if you do use their service, they deserve to be compensated for the service they provide. It's not their fault that you overpaid for a book that's as common as a dishonest politician. But, professing on one hand to be upset about getting scammed yourself and then turning around and trying to do it to someone else (eBay) isn't cool at all. Have you ever heard the phrase "he's talking out of both sides of his mouth"? If not, look it up, because that's exactly what your doing.
  8. I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.
  9. He also had an CGC 8.5 so the buy price could have been for that. Either way he lost money. Yeah I did have a cgc 8.5 but that's after I got it pressed and cleaned. You got the B&V 7.0/7.5 pressed and cleaned and then it was an 8.5 is that what you are saying? Or are these two completely separate books? Yes I got the B&V 7.0/7/5 pressed and cleaned to a 8.5 That's a lot of effort to expend just to lose $220.00. Just say in'.
  10. If it's the same one I just saw, he has it posted for sale at $1400.00.
  11. No, he won't. He's in his mid 20s, can't even manage a minimum wage job working 40 hours a week and still lives at home mooching off of his parents, and it's obvious that he is perfectly okay with that. The only reason he can "afford" to keep making these mistakes is that is he is constantly being subsidized by someone, either by Canadian taxpayers or by his parents. As long as this situation remains, he'll keep on fubaring up one thing after another because he doesn't have to worry about things like groceries, utilities, car payments and all the other things that the rest of us who live in the real world deal with every day. I don't have a 40 hour job that's true and I would have less luxury to buy things if I moved out because more money would be focused on other things and as for a car I don't have my license yet. Also I would find a place that includes utilities in their monthly rent which many places do. For Petes sake, do you even read things before you post them? You get called out for sponging off your parents, and the point you latch onto is that you don't have a drivers license? Okay, let's run with that for a second...you don't have a license, I'm sure you have an excuse for why you haven't got one, Lord knows you have one for everything else. That means that someone has to drive you anywhere you have or want to go, and unless you have some very understanding friends, I'm guessing that that "duty" falls to your parents. The same parents you were whining about a few pages back because your mom didn't want to take you to the post office. Do you honestly think that they haven't or wouldn't get tired of being your chauffeur eventually? At what point do you anticipate deciding that it's time to stop playing around with hobbies you can't afford and be an if not productive or even a useful member of society, at least a self-supporting one. Unless you have the most understanding parents in the world, and maybe you do for all I know, eventually they are going to get sick and tired of supporting you while you continue to indulge in hobbies you can't afford at the same time not even working a full time job. When that day comes, and believe me, it will, you won't have the time, inclination or money to even think about buying a ten dollar comic, much less a thousand dollar one. And before you come back with the statement that your using your own money to buy comics, forget it. When you can honestly say that you are on your own, supporting yourself, without any financial assistance from anyone, then you can say you can afford a hobby, be it flipping comics or anything else, not before.
  12. No, he won't. He's in his mid 20s, can't even manage a minimum wage job working 40 hours a week and still lives at home mooching off of his parents, and it's obvious that he is perfectly okay with that. The only reason he can "afford" to keep making these mistakes is that is he is constantly being subsidized by someone, either by Canadian taxpayers or by his parents. As long as this situation remains, he'll keep on fubaring up one thing after another because he doesn't have to worry about things like groceries, utilities, car payments and all the other things that the rest of us who live in the real world deal with every day.
  13. Man, I think it is way past time for you give this up. You need to stop buying comics and sell everything you have. Give up this foolish dream and focus on your life and getting it straightened out. This is more advice you won't listen to like the other that has come before it but it is time to grow up. This is great advice that the OP will, as usual, completely ignore. Gabe reminds me of my next door neighbors. They are in their 60s and have 3 kids. Two of those are grown, with families, careers and HOMES of their own. The third? You guessed it, a slightly older version of Gabe. He is 35 years old and lives in his parents basement. I don't know if he's ever been on his own, but he's been living there for the 8 years since his parents moved in. He's a nice guy, but he'd be just as nice if he wasn't approaching middle age and still mooching off of his parents. He has a job, but he's perfectly okay with his mom and dad, who are already past retirement age, not only still working, but working harder and longer to support HIM. Does this sound like anyone the readers of this thread are familiar with? Now I know that if Gabe even responds to this, it will be with one of his canned statements of how his situation isn't his fault, no one will hire him for a better, or even a full time job and how he intends to move out on his own eventually. Lip service is cheap, and I believe what I see once I reach my limit of hearing someone say one thing and then do something completely different, and I reached that point with Gabe about 2 years ago. The only way Gabe will ever change is if his parents get tired of supporting him and toss him out. When and if that ever happens, he'll find out in a hurry that there is no such thing as PayPal money or living money or whatever adjective he wants to use to describe funds that he spends on expensive comics that should be spent on supporting himself. Like another boardie pointed out, there is only money, and there won't be any left over for any non-essentials if he ever does have to truly support himself. I'm sure that like my neighbor, Gabe is not a bad guy, but for crying out loud, he is in his mid 20s, living in his parents basement AND spending $1000.00 at a clip on comic books, while at the same time not even working full time at a minimum wage job. On what planet does that even begin to make sense? The only difference that I can see between Gabe and my neighbors son, besides Gabe being 10 years or so younger, is my neighbors kid spends his "extra" money on weed and Gabe spends his ( or someone's) on comic books. I'll go out on a limb and say that if this thread is still around ten years from now, Gabe will be in exactly the same place, saying and doing exactly the same things. Why? Because he doesn't want to change or to improve his situation, at least not enough to work for it, and flipping comics, in Gabes case, is not working for it. When you have been doing something for 2 and 1/2 years and still are in the red, you are not successful at it, but when your parents are still supporting you, you can continue to "invest" in comics and then make excuses like "I've been scammed 3 times" when things don't turn out the way you want them to. If Gabe ever has to live in the real world, with a full time job that has to support him, he is in for a rude awakening, and it's called REAL LIFE.
  14. Okay, OP, you really have to explain this. What do you mean I'm struggling with the 1000 dollar purchase? The BB28? Actually it went smoothly till UPS was playing games with the package but in the end I did get it after I said I'd report him to his manger to get him fired because honestly I've had it with him, I've been a pushover for a long time and I've made many mistakes and learned from most of them. I should have listened to the advice Rick gave me to not be so kind and believing with others because business is business well I'm learning the hard way for sure. You said in a previous post that you never even saw the UPS driver, your dad did, which by the way, I don't believe for a second. You now state that you told the UPS driver that you would report him to his manager to get him fired, which I also don't believe, but even if these statements are true, which is it? It can't be both. You need to understand that the people on this board are educated and knowledgeable not only about comic books, but about life. Your days of people taking anything you say at face value are pretty much over. Because of that, anything you post is going to get analyzed, picked apart, and you will be questioned on it, as you should be. Since you're obviously going to keep doing what you want, regardless of any advice given to you that doesn't happen to jive with whatever pipe dreams you're currently pursuing (like becoming a voice actor), here is a tip that you might try: Before you post something, read it first. Not only will you fix the majority of your spelling and grammar errors, but you should ask yourself, "does this make sense?" A lot of what you post is so jumbled up, it's hard, if not impossible, to tell what you are trying to say. Also, you can ask yourself if what you are about to post is likely to be questioned, and if it is, have a reasonable answer ready or consider not posting it. Otherwise, you'd better be prepared to have the BS flag thrown up.
  15. The comic came in today but UPS was playing stupid games and today the guy knocked once, dropped the package and ran off I'm just thankful the guy packed so well So what were "the stupid games" that UPS was playing? Are you saying the guy literally DROPPED the package and literally "ran off"? IS your friend satisfied with the book? Care to share some pics? The games that UPS was playing was claiming they knocked on the door and no one was there all three times which is bs and finally he can again and kocked once,and literally dropped the package and ran off. What pissed me off most is he said he couldn't understand my sign that said "Knock on door #1" Pics will come tomorrow as I need to ship the comic tomorrow anyway. Okay, this requires more explanation. UPS is in my neighborhood a lot, and I have never, even in the busiest time of the year, seen a driver run to their truck, with or without a package, so why would they run from your house? Did you actually see him drop the package? Did you actually see him run away? Because if you did, you saw something that most, if not all of the board members have never seen. I could be wrong, and if I am I apologize in advance, but this is starting to appear that you are setting up a scenario where your friend is not happy with the case, possibly because of damage caused by the errant UPS driver, and thereby your deal goes south, but not from any fault of yours. You said that your friends only concern is the case. You can always pay to have the comic recased, but what if there is a defect on the covers that he didn't know about? Are you saying he wouldn't care about that, but would bail on the deal because of a damaged case that is easily replaced?
  16. I've been following this thread for 2 1/2 years now, and I'm curious about a couple of things. First off, you get a thumbs up from me for getting a job and sticking with it, even though you don't like it. My questions though, are how do you justify spending $500.00 on a comic book, or any luxury item, for that matter, when you are working, at most, 25 hours a week at a job paying minimum wage? Now I know that you're going to say that you keep your "living money" and your "other money" separate, but when you are over 21 years old, still living at home and not working even 40 hours per week, there should be no such thing as "other money", or whatever you want to call it. Are you planning on living with your parents and trying to be a comic book dealer or flipper indefinitely, or are you planning on getting out on your own, with bills and responsibilities like the majority of those on these boards deal with every day? My second question is how much, exactly, have you made or lost buying and selling comics since you started this thread? My point in asking this last question is that your track record for buying and selling comics doesn't seem to be very good, to say the least, yet, as others have pointed out, you seem to continue to take chances on buying expensive comics, this latest time with $700.00 that isn't even yours. Why is that?
  17. Terrific find! Love the Black Knight 1 and Atlas Wyatt Earp! Well Done!!
  18. Awesome movie! We all know the head was in there, why couldn't they just show it?
  19. Congratulations on a great find! It's posts like this that make this my favorite thread in General! I can't wait to see what was in the box!
  20. Check out the website Comic Spectrum. A gentleman named Bob Bretall currently holds the Guiness World Record for having a personal collection of over 102,000 different comic books. I would post a link, but my computer skills are stuck back in the 1970s.
  21. Can I ask what your eBay I'd is. I'd like to follow your auctions and possibly make some purchases myself!
  22. This thread ceased to be about comics a long time ago and these boards are dedicated to comics, it's not supposed to be a self-help forum, which is what this thread has turned into. I'm of the opinion that this thread be allowed to die and this will be my last post in it. If the OP wants to update the Internet using free world every time he does or doesn't do something not related to comics, I'm sure there is a message board dedicated to that. Please go find it and let this forum get back to comics.
  23. This thread is the biggest train wreck I've seen on these boards. You say you feel successful when you dress nicely, well what about basic grooming habits? I just watched your latest video on YouTube which you uploaded on January 24th. First, any potential employers who watch that will write you off immediately. I could remodel my bathroom in the time it took you to open one package. I also see that your back to your vampire fingernails. Not only is that just gross, it says very plainly to any potential employers that if you can't be bothered to observe basic hygiene and grooming habits, why on earth would they hire you? Based on everything that I've seen of you, I wouldn't hire you to mow my lawn. After a year of "looking" for a job, the previous poster is 100 percent right-it's not that you can't find a job, the truth is that no employer in their right mind would hire you.
  24. Still with my parents paying 600 a month. That is a big part of your problem. You don't need lessons in how to buy and sell comic books, you need some lessons in life. If you were actually on your own, with a job and paying your own way, you would be surprised at how much "annoyance" you could deal with at a job. When you have a choice of saying what you want and probably being fired or sucking it up and moving forward, it's very different when the consequences are possibly being evicted because you can't pay your rent. I have a hard time believing that your parents would toss you out if you failed to pay your $600.00 for a couple of months, and if they would, good for them, that is exactly what you need. You've been offered some excellent advice here, most of which you ignored, unless it just happened to jive with the way you want things to go. If you take instruction at a job like you take good advice offered to you here, it's no wonder you keep getting fired. You need to grow up and accept that things aren't always going to go the way you would like them to. As far as the money you got scammed out of, I hope you get it back, but when you are over 21 years old, living with your parents and getting public assistance, you have no business spending $4.00 on a luxury like a comic book, much less $400.00. You need to sell every one of your comics for what you can get, get a job and get out on your own. What you paid for them makes no difference anymore. They're worth what someone is willing to pay you for them. You seem to have an excuse for everything and some of them are downright laughable! I mean, for crying out loud, you're fine until someone pisses you off? Really? Learn to deal with it, it's called LIFE! You need to start making your own way instead of playing at being a comic book dealer while someone else pays your bills for you. Start paying your own way, like everyone else on these boards and I guarantee that your self esteem and self respect will increase tremendously. A good start would be getting a job, and I don't buy for a second that you can't find a job. I do believe that you can't find the perfect job that happens to appeal to you. I would be willing to bet that if you put as much time and energy into getting a job as you spend on comics, you would have a job in two weeks or less. Is it going to be your dream job? Probably not, but if you want something better, you work your butt off and you earn it. Look at any of the people on these boards whose advice you say you want. Do you think they got where they are by magic? Hell no, they worked their butts off and earned what they have. Why should you be any different?