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Posts posted by miso

  1. I usually stay out of these kinds of threads. The oh-too common one where people start talking about things on a civil adult way, then go off track and start to make the thread about some personal vendetta. It's :screwy:


    This time, I will throw my opinion into the ring. First of all, the comment that "Miso" made was purely tongue in cheek. That's completely how I took it and while email/text can be misinterpreted, I think his intent was clear.


    As far as "hero worship" or any praise Dre gets from his quality of submissions is purely on a topical basis and is more about his sharp eye towards grading. I have yet to pin down a 9.9 or 10.0 book...But he does on a regular basis and any praise is based on him doing something well...as if someone played the piano really well or can sing....Before his untimely passing, Nik used to get SA/BA books that were graded higher than even he thought they should have been. Board members would call it the "Nik bump"....And people used to (worship) to him, on a strictly joking fashion.



    Another comment was made about Dre and his business model and that he's "in it for the money, so stop drinking the Kool-Aid". I am paraphrasing here. This is my quote, but I took it to mean basically the same thing.

    Let me tell jjeanius and anyone else that thinks Dre is "raking in the dough" or "taking these suckers for a ride".....What Beachbum does is tedious, time consuming, boring and ALOT of WORK !....For what I am guessing, little reward. Sure he makes money, but I think he deals with volume with a narrow profit margin . Supermarkets do this type of model. They are a penny or two difference, but the volume is what makes up for the lack of a large margin.

    Add in the fact that I think Beachbum just LOVES what he does. Like a school teacher or someone who works for a nonprofit, they may not become rich, but they love going to work every day...


    Lastly, as far as the drama and temper tantrums that go on here....and believe me, it used to be so much worse. People need to realize that if you ignore the people that like to poke, incite, create drama/tension/arguments, then it stops. It's sort of like a bonfire. You have to keep adding fuel to keep it going, more fuel, bigger the fire...No fuel, it goes out.


    That's how you deal with nonsense...


    Okay, I am stepping down off the large soapbox and going back to my (mostly) lurking stage.


    Thank you you said it much better than I could have. It was purely meant in jest (major props to Dre). People seem to keep missing my posts stating as such. Hopefully this clears it all up


    And Dre sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. I totally didn't mean to start this whole mess.

  2. I never give specualtion or advice but I had no particular interest in this book for my own collection but have decided to keep a set of #1, and all issues going forward for myself. And I haven't even read an issue yet.


    There is a reason, and one day it may come to light.


    My advice, hold on to a set of #1s graded for yourself.


    The all powerful dre spoken. hm


    I'm sorry, but this sort of hero worship is sickening.



    I thought it was tongue-in-cheek. (shrug)


    I also appreciate the heads-up from dre. 2c


    That's exactly what it was. I haven't been on the boards long, but I know Dre really knows his stuff and I think he does a great job. I was just trying to make a slightly funny post and this whole thing got blown all out of proportion. (shrug)

  3. I never give specualtion or advice but I had no particular interest in this book for my own collection but have decided to keep a set of #1, and all issues going forward for myself. And I haven't even read an issue yet.


    There is a reason, and one day it may come to light.


    My advice, hold on to a set of #1s graded for yourself.


    The all powerful dre spoken. hm


    I'm sorry, but this sort of hero worship is sickening.

  4. I never give specualtion or advice but I had no particular interest in this book for my own collection but have decided to keep a set of #1, and all issues going forward for myself. And I haven't even read an issue yet.


    There is a reason, and one day it may come to light.


    My advice, hold on to a set of #1s graded for yourself.


    The all powerful dre spoken. hm

  5. OK who brought the Revival #1 9.9 for $417 :ohnoez:


    Holy !


    Sorry nothing relate to the revival!


    I just finish watching the rap video of your GIF, that guy is ***** funny with his dancing, William Hong II....


    It's currently my favorite video atm. Just so hilarious. But back on topic. Can't wait for the 3rd printing of #1 and #3 to come out.

  6. Has anybody found the elusive Image 20 FCBD booked highlighted by bleeding cool yet? Any proof other than that one article that it exists?


    Wish I could find one. It's the last book I need to complete my revival collection.

  7. thats what someone said about thief of thieves when the person sold the slab for 75 dollars before the big blow up..


    I doubt the story line will start to take a dive for the crapper, we'll see how issue three goes..


    good point, can you PM me the links to the news story about AMC optioning it, and the interview with the writer stating he arranged with them to do the screenplays at the same time as the comics.....


    oh wait....NVM...k, explain to me again how they compare??


    and why this exists with out bids.....



    It's not that hard to come up with one listing that fits your argument. I mean I just found this one after searching for 30 seconds.





    Just everyone calm down and have a relaxed discussion bros. Chill. :grin:

  8. Had a good day today. Picked up two nice copies of #1 2nd print, one Epic Kill preview, and another 1:10 variant. Had to go to two shops but was totally worth it.



    Also a heads up to anybody living in the Chicago area, If you are looking for 2nd prints of #1 head on over to Graham Cracker Comics in Downers Grove. They have about 7 left (some do have spine ticks). If you are looking for copies of #2 and #1 1st printing head over to Amazing Fantasy Comics in Tinley Park. They still have about 5 copies of #1 and about 25 copies of #2. However they do have a 3 copy limit per issue.

  9. ah, i must have missed that, thanks.....

    No problem.

    Once he told me that it became the reason why I have bought every graphite cover.

    So does this mean you're the one that has my precious #1 cover?


    remember when the OA to cover #1 sold for $600 and some people were like ... why so much?



    I wants it so bad!

  10. ah, i must have missed that, thanks.....

    No problem.

    Once he told me that it became the reason why I have bought every graphite cover.

    So does this mean you're the one that has my precious #1 cover?

  11. Did everyone get the first print. regular cover. i'll try to help out. guys..


    Saw Revival in Previews and then totally zoned and forgot to look for issue 1. Picked up #2 today. Any #1s first printing left? :wishluck:



    i've got one more at my LCS if no one helps you


    I know 2 LCS that between them have about 20 first prints. But a majority are crappy =/