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Posts posted by Knightsofold

  1. Eureka!


    when I first collected timely's, I had the entire superhero set except one comic... USA 5....


    well, I sold my USA's back in 2009 having never completed that one timely hero run...


    in 2012 I finally got a nice USA 5, so I decided to put a mini run of 5-13 back together, just so I could finally say "I owned them all at same time"...


    3 years later, I had 5-7 and 9-13 but the 8 eluded me....until Heroes con when a friend traded me a copy...


    so, finally, I have a complete, unbroken subset of 5-13...





    Nice!! Can we see it??

  2. Finally got a 5-day pass to SDCC again. For the past few years, we have been able to go only one day and that was only because an artist friend would get me in with a guest pass for the day.


    While my comic collection is gone, I still add the occasional art piece, but I clearly didn't plan for what I did in San Diego. I spent much more than I had ever thought I would in a weekend and came back with some pieces I am truly happy with. (It also shows the danger of going to a con and not having a plan.)



    We are inside for about 2 minutes before I come across David W Miller, an artist whose work I always like and feel is undervalued. I flipped through his books and picked up a piece for me and a piece for my dad, who is a Blackhawk fan (not the Chicago kind).

    David%20W%20Miller%20Kong%20and%20Woman_zpslun0hkex.jpg David%20W%20Miller%20Lady%20Blackhawk_zpsxxxrkwbw.jpg



    Five minutes later, I see Sara Richard and tell my wife that I think she will like Sara's great work with all the wonderful colors. Sara pulls out her original art book and we like just about everything we see, but when we come across the full story for a just-published comic, my wife falls in love with it. So I end up buying the eight-page wedding story. Very pretty work.




    10 minutes in and my expected expenses for the trip were gone.



    Great story!! It reminded me of my first few SanDiego Cons in the mid eighties. I would work all summer just for the con and blow like 85% of my cash within the first few hours!! I guess I learned my haggling and trading skills from all the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days of the con.


    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Happy to have finally landed a copy of this book last night off of the Bay...



    Another super cover to go in already super collection of classic cover issues! :applause:


    Ha! A few years ago I got this on ebay from boardie Action252Kid (ebay:blissard) a few weeks ago I traded it back to him and then you got it! Glad it stayed in the family!


    I wanted to collect nazi zombies for awhile, but had to narrow my focus.

  4. Great Schomburg observations David! I look to explore this type of stuff in the Schomburg covers by newstand month thread.


    I do think you coild add another Schomburg period for his Timely work. At some point in 1944 or 45, i think main characters in his work lost lost some appeal. I can did up some pics later, but if you compare the caps from say... Cap #46, to maybe.. All select #1, the poses are less dynamic, and the faces are somewhat silly looking.

    Sometimes Cap even has a bulbous head. ><

  5. Great stuff Marty! Thanks!


    1. Did you know when a book was due out?


    2. Were some books sold out before uou got there?


    3. It's been said that at the time, Captain Marvel was more popular than Superman. What's your opinion on this?


    4. Did ayou see many adults buying and reading comics?


    5. What was the first movie you went to?


    6. I'm not sure what a newsroom is, but I'll do some research.



  6. What was the earliest Timely you remember buying?


    Did you trade comics with your friends? Did they have any nice collections?


    Thanks for sharing.


    Thanks for asking...my first TIMELY was ALL WINNERS #4 which was the FIRST

    comic book I ever bought.

    As far as trading comics, we never did...we would sit on the stoop and read each others

    comics, but at the end of the day you took your our books home.

    As far as their collections, they were always nice...just not ones that I bought.




    I'm quite inquisitive, so I hope you don't get mad at all my questions.


    How old were you when you got the AW4?

    Did you guys buy comics after school or weekends?

    Did you roll them up when carrying them?

    Did you ever buy from a newstand that had the comics pinned way up high?

    If so, could you look at the comic before purchasing?

    Were the newstand/shop owners nice?

    Did they appreciate comics?

    Were kids allowed to look at or buy the more "adult" pulps?

    Do you remember any major headline days? Hindenburg, Pearl harbor, D day, VE day, Hiroshima?

    Did you buy candy/drinks with the comics?

    What else competed with your cash?

    How did you earn your comic $?

    Did you have older friends/relative who went overseas for WW2?


    I haven't read all your posts yet, but it looks like you kept all your comics? If so that's fascinating!

    I assume most people didn't. What do you think the majority of you friends ended up doing with their comics?

    Was there ever a time when you almost had to recycle/sell/dispose of your comics?


    Thanks, I really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you. I recently lost my grandfather, he wasn't much of a comic guy, but he fought in WW2, and was my last link to that era.

    I miss his stories of growing up in the Bronx.