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Everything posted by bffnut

  1. This thread became real interesting once the TWD fans started posting. The thing is, most of them (the WD fans, of which I am one) seem to concur that the current price is a bit high and it will drop. However, we are not concerned because we are not speculating; it is for our PC. Yet the common retort is that we are stupid to invest $10k in a modern comic. We are, in fact, not doing that. But this seems to be the same back and forth between both sides of the argument. This thread was very frustrating to read. It was like watching two deaf people arguing with each other with their back turned.
  2. BTW, dayum on those Saga's! Did that 13 10.0 come from Dre? And I'm curious - do you need 13 2nd print? I do.
  3. Good point. With 9.8s hitting $2k, I'm surprised counterfeits haven't popped up like they did for other Indy books in the past.
  4. It's not a bad idea. But that's only the universal. To truly corner the market, you'd have to grab the SSs, too.
  5. The WD thread in CG is something else. I found it particularly funny when joe_collector turned on rfoiii, but I think they were both on the same "side" of the arguement! Wow, it looks like Zombie Einstein's crawled out of his crypt and joined the discussion. Next up, we won't be able to discuss valuation without eBay, right? Like I said, the print run of a comic book, taken as a single factor, means absolutely nothing to a comic's market value. Absolutely nothing, and that is a verified fact. Only when linked with a myriad of other factors does it even start to have an effect, and in the statement I was quoting, the OP was all over the "low print runs" like by itself, it was the be-all, end-all of "high comic prices. Which it isn't.
  6. If I had the dough, I'd pick this up in a heart beat. But I'd probably still haggle him a bit
  7. I watched a documentary film last night on Netflix about Drew Struzan. If you dont know who he is, he painted probably most of the iconic movie posters from the late 70s to early 90s: Back to the Future, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc. Anywho, apparently he did a Walking Dead poster back in 2010 for San Diego Comic-Con. He is one of my favrotie artists of all time, and it was awesome to learn that painted another one of my favorite subjects. The OA is for sale on his website. Any takers? http://www.drewstruzan.com/illustrated/portfolio/?fa=medium&gid=1099&mp&gallerystart=101&pagestart=1&type=mp&gs=5
  8. I don't collect OA at all, but I'd pick the OA from issue #1 over a 9.9 #1 if I was in a position to blow that type of money on a single comic.
  9. We're they really stolen, though? From previous posts, it seems like artists were given multiple copies, in case they messed up.
  10. And here is an statistical analysis to help determine which one is rarer: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=303053&Number=6783284#Post6783284 it is the black label
  11. Ah, a British person as Negan. I can see it now...
  12. If they bring Negan to the show, I would really want to see a lot more character development than thay have done in the comic. He is pretty much a caricature. I like the character, but he would work so much better if they fill him out, which I believe the show could do well.
  13. Nah, far from it. I think he was decent in "Just Friends"
  14. The reason why Klein came to mind is because he has a great smile. And Negan is always smiling, no matter whose skull he's cracking.
  15. I know this one is waaay out of left field, but how about Chris Klien?
  16. Nice acquisition, Bjorn! Same to you, rh3522. That Hero sketch cover looks great, better than some of the "official" ones IMO.
  17. I think it is normal not to have spin offs if the comic is not from Marvel or DC. Look at comics likes Strangers in Paradise, Savage Dragon, Cerebus. I'm sure there are others. Occasionally you'll see a miniseries. Spawn had a lot of spin offs, though. If WD was a Marvel book, you would have seen five spin offs by now. And six reboots to number one.
  18. I like it, but I will follow Eric's lead and wait to get it cheap.
  19. I'll probably get one eventually, just not anytime soon.