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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. If I had an X-Men in that condition I would have worked out this trade without any hesitation (I traded my low grade X-Men 1 for a TMNT #1, and had this been an option I wouldn't have thought twice about which comic I prefer).
  2. A recent purchase I just got back from grading, Whiz #22, and I now have some regret slabbing it. I bought it raw just because of the amazing cover, so figured it was worth slabbing if that was my main focus of the book. However, when I got it in hand it was the first Captain Marvel comic I've ever actually owned (of any era) AND was the very first golden age story of that character I've ever read...and I was absolutely floored by the interior art when I opened up the book for the first time (the line work, the panel shape choices, and the rich clean colors!).
  3. I think it might be the opposite of that and be a little more troublesome. Black Adams story seems to lean heavily on the idea of mass slavery in Egypt (technically, not really Egypt, just whatever they are calling it in this universe but the comparison will be understood), but modern archaeological scholarship has shown it didn't exist as we previously though of (utilizing rotating paid workforces, a requirement of their own citizens.) or on the scale believed by Jews & Christians in regards to Israelites being subjugated in Egypt for generations prior to the Exodus (which also did involve the amount of people accepted by theists). Just to be clear though, slavery did still exist. The issue I'm interested to see develop is will Black Adam reinforce the casual pop-culture 'common knowledge' of slavery in Egypt many hold today (or reinforcing theistic expectations about those events as not to offend them), or will it present something that is closer aligned to our current understanding of those events and thus help correct the current doxa or any stereotypes. Not really a movement on the level you were implying, but still tied to a very politically charged topic.
  4. I just really can't wait to see Doctor Fate in all his glory (though I am still saddened on Hourman and Sandman not being part of this JSA lineup) edit: The more I think about this the more I feel not having those members are a missed opportunity. Sandman would have gave the team its own 'Batman' style character who the audience won't need much setup to understand, and he can age in real time to appear in other modern DC movies as an old man (like he was in Kingdom Come, give us comic nerds another Easter egg to fawn over). As for Hourman, even though I love him I honestly would be happy with him showing up to just get janked in order to showcase Black Adams strength and willingness to kill - and that would explain why the Miraclo pill isn't all over the place in the DCU). My biased JSA needs must be met!
  5. Live action, but they don't have footage yet so just did a motion graphics teaser to talk about some of the story.
  6. mmmm #1 has been on my want list for being another 1st appearance of Hawkman...technically...but I really like the cover for #3 I think I'll it to the ever growing list
  7. Would really love to see any of these; as any Golden Age in such a grade would be crazy amazing to stare at.
  8. Look at that, they actually did this right and rendered a lion and a lionesses! In 99% of the theological depictions the Noah story has two male lions walking to the ark.
  9. That's your problem right here, you are making the focus of speculation on that of specific characters. I prefer to focus on issues that have more broader appeal and display better (as not all first appearances had good covers, or even cover appearances of that character) - iconic cover art is the way to go and is what I aim for with any age of comics. Can the issue be attractive to someone who does not know the characters or specific comics themselves - or just has the basic knowledge and appreciation from other media, like the MCU and DCU.
  10. It's that time again...for me to give away more random back issues! This month I'm giving away some sweet Batman books! No cost (shipping is free to anyone in North America, if you are international you can still win it for free but will have to help cover the shipping to you), all you have to do is follow my account and leave a like/comment on the giveaway post below. Easy-peasy, and just staying a follower means you'll see each future giveaway (as well as the occasional random comic post I do - I actually don't post often as I prefer to keep that low and not flood peoples timelines).
  11. Desperately struggling to keep the last of my willpower from breaking and holding onto the idea I really should keep this book
  12. Legal boring stuff first before getting to a random sale by your favourite sauce dog, www.saucedogcomics.com Please no hall of shamers or probies. I ship to Canada and USA only, and I accept Pay Pal, EMT, or cash if you are local and we meet up in person. No returns on slabbed books. All prices are in USD. Shipping from Toronto, Canada. Can meet up if you are local to the GTA (I could possibly drive it to you depending on your address) First timestamped gets it over any in progress PM discussions. Soooo, not much to say here - the comic speaks for itself. Great vibrant colors, super crisp and clean edges. A cgc 7.5 last sold for $2,650usd this month, which is a good indicator where this book is going, but since the last sale for for an 8.0 was $2,542usd I'm going to go with that number. For further reference, last 8.5 sale was $2,800usd and I've been told this copy has some good upgrade bump potential. Giant-Size X-Men #1 CGC 8.0 Off-White Pages $2,540 shipped.
  13. This 7.0 is just finishing up now and has already cleared $1,670us - a decent difference between it and that above 6.0. Now I'm reconsidering grading my other raw copies - as I figured I would only slab my 1st print and leave the rest raw to read since they wouldn't be "expensive" https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles-1-2nd-Print-cgc-7-0-TMNT-1st-Appearance-Turtles/164321122905?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  14. Nice books - shame about international shipping, I've been considering another copy of Thing #15 and yours is pretty nice (but this does save my wallet) Somebody here better buy it!!
  15. and there it is...$12,500 smakeroos.
  16. The reproduction covers I posted before are finally printed and in hand! Amazing! Finally the Blazing Skull is given the respect he deserves by way of a proper first appearance cover (heck, just getting any cover appearance would have been nice for him). My coverless copy now has a fancy new cover, and looks mighty slick in a bag/sleeve. Had multiples printed with varying levels of paper yellowing / distress and black levels in order to find the best look in hand (and a few prints of the original cover just in case)
  17. MY ARSENAL IS COMPLETE! Just a small fun set I wanted to have for one of my favourite lesser known Marvel characters (My custom set can be found here.). Arsenal was great in that his first three appearances were all connected across three different titles, he appeared on all those covers, and was a badass that legit knocked the Avengers around better than most edit: The Hulk 282 came in today and is very impressive in hand - the red on the cover really pops! Really wish I worked harder to get it months ago as for some reason its now worth actually money. Last Ebay sale was for $188us (thankfully my connection had it for much less than that - whew!) and the only other one listed online is $300!!!
  18. 2nd print is 100% the way to go - because it still is technically a real 1st appearance, what I mean is by the time they did a 3rd print other TMNT issues had already been published (3rd print came out in 1985, after issues #2 was published. So in my mind it isn't a true 1st appearance if they already had more issues before it.)
  19. Great buyer - Pleasure to negotiate with and was quick to make payment. A+
  20. My problem is that they are exactly earth mode alts and not pre-earth cybertronian - which make for a stark contrast to the setting of the entire show. Prowl is literally a Japanese police car (right down to the paint applications found in Japan), and all cars are likewise based on existing earth vehicles (albeit with some stylization). We rarely have any of hint of their 'alien' modes, and had a great opportunity to show some things that maybe were not even toys yet. I know the Siege toy line (and all recent lines) have been leaning heavily on G1 influences and designs, but they had a chance to at least introduce some unique cybertronian modes here before the characters all left for earth (War Within was a great comic that offered better alt modes that still evoked each characters G1 design, or even the War for Cybertron game - lots of references to pull from). Just seemed lazy and a missed opportunity to me I agree, I also didn't want another standard Bumblebee, it was more that it felt like they were trying to shoe horn him in someplace without really thinking about who the character was in any past comics (not just the G1 show. Most IDW comics handled him well). I certainly won't advocate for anything being more like the G1 cartoon, as that was pretty bad (comics were better as you said), but there has been a wealth of other media that shows we should expect better (especially with characterization), as I previously mentioned War Within was amazing (and set the standard)
  21. That Chaos Orb looks soooo good in the case I'd be tempted to slab mine if I didn't use it for play in my decks often. Seeing the two side-by-side now makes it really clear to me what I don't like about the CGC label in this use. So much vertical space is being waste on the top CGC bar, as well as the large card/set info. There isn't any white space between all that info and the sub-grades, which make it looked very cramped and haphazardly stacked up. A good solution would have been maybe to also move the date to be beside the set name in small type (as opposed to Magic: The Gathering). This would have opened up much more horizontal space and maybe made it look a little cleaner - the design and text need to breath . I struggle to think of how these cards are going to look once you factor in signature information, restoration/alter information, or any other additional text that breaks the current format (unless the plan is to use the backside of the label)
  22. I thought the series was pretty bland at the best of times, and this the most accurate praise one could give to it. It was better than Last Knight (and better than the prior Machinima series too as I recall). Felt really weird they decided to focus on doing a Cybertronian origin story but have all the toys be their earth alt modes, making most of the Autobots feel out of place on Cybrtron (of course they tried to hide this by not having them transform much, and when they did it was pretty dark or in gritty smoke - such as was the case with Hound in the early episodes). The show did look decent, though a little too dark and gritty (which made the scenes very bland and repetitive. Add some alien tech / neon to spice things up!) Optimus felt like an incompetent leader with no inspiring morality to share with his troops beyond "HAVE FAITH WE MUST KEEP FIGHTING!". Bumblebee likewise didn't feel like the character at all and they were struggling find a way to slot him in; in fact I really think if they just re-colored him red and said it was Cliffjumper it would have made more sense and been in keeping with the character (Heck, his name is literally evoking the idea he is jumping between factions but never deciding on one. Being reckless to survive.)