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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. I really regret not bidding a little bit more on the 'original' art prototype sericel that recently sold on Ebay ( https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Tales-From-the-Crypt-EC-Horror-Comics-Golden-age-style-sericel/193618651205?hash=item2d14922845:g:QgsAAOSwWyZfMIyi ). I was able to snag a few other golden age covers that will make for amazing wall art, but this one slipped by
  2. Awesome guy! Dan bought an epic mega key book from me - he was friendly with negotiating, and made for a very smooth transaction. Definitely a trusted buyer I look forward to dealing with again.
  3. Any idea of the print run for TMNT #1 (fifth printing)? As I recall hearing that one was technically 'rarer' than the fourth.
  4. Yup! Worth every penny! The start of a golden age cover obsession!
  5. I will have the entire art drawn from scratch, mimicing the golden age style. I prefer to make the cover evoke the same composition as the original art so it doesn't seem too 'custom' - so in this case I'll replicate most of the original cover as-is but replace Spectre with a floating fate who is casting a spell against the same two bank robbers. I'll color it myself afterwards to match golden age printing / color guidelines just a I did for World's Finest #3 (which didn't have Scarecrow on the cover of his very first appearance)
  6. Yup - the only half-face helmet cover I'm interested in hunting down is #74, so that does help keep my collecting goals cost down considerably (I also want to find a coverless #55 so I can do one of my custom covers for it - finally get Doctor Fate on his own first appearance issues cover!)
  7. So I caved and had my under copy of More Fun #61 graded. I wasn't planning on it (as I love to have a reader copy of this issue on hand - the color/printing process just looks great compared to modern reprints) but it was literally going to disintegrate the next time I tried to read it. While I was expecting a lower grade, maybe 1.5 due to the brittle and stained spine, I wasn't expecting restoration (apparently the entire cover was re-glossed. Something both me and Metropolis Comics missed - but even though I bought it over a year ago they gave me a credit when I mentioned it this week which was super decent of them). At least it still looks amazing and matches my other restored copy As long as the inks are rich and deep, I'll be happy! SIGH am I forever doomed to only own restored copies of my favourite Fate cover? Back to hunting for another copy or two (at least one Universal graded and hopefully another raw reader copy)
  8. Eastman started doing more special mail-in signings over the last year, so perhaps that helped call attention to it as well as putting more signed copies out into the wild. His signature on any TMNT stuff is actually fairly common (as he has been signing stuff for decades), whereas Laird's is much harder to come by and I believe commands a premium.
  9. BUMP - chance to enter my free giveaway will be ending in four days, be sure to like & comment on the post before September 1st! I'm also looking through my books now to figure out what else to giveaway - so many options!
  10. Ah nice - I also just learned another 6.5 sold for $12,000us so I guess that elite one isn't that far off the mark. oi!
  11. Where did the 7.5 sell on? Clink, I assume? I can see the method behind his madness though, as even on the GPA an 8.0 sold in April for $6,500 but then an 8.5 went and sold for $16,177 in August. A 10k difference of three months for just 0.5 is some hard line drugs right there - The pages of this comic are literally distorting physics and the concept of numbers as time progresses.
  12. but seriously, this price of this book is twisting and distorting reality in ways that can only be described as some sort of Lovecraftian induced insanity. I logged into instagram to just double check prices in order to potentially work out a sale of my 5.0 (so I can finally feel secure in a price I've come to) and see this posted...
  13. Does anyone have any hi-res shots of Hourman? I know there was a character poster of him, but wanted to see if some other awesome shots were out there?
  14. It would be funny if TDK was killed in this movie, but one of the other group members kept one of his detached arms that was technically still alive and could emote. So for the next movie they carried around this limb that would give the thumbs up or flip people off (an explicit version of the Adam's Family Thing) Hollywood, call me, we'll do lunch.
  15. Agreed, but to add to that I'll say at least half of those deaths won't be 100% explicitly clear and confirmed, giving some wiggle room on characters returning in the future (though not all in one piece)
  16. Got back the restored Planet 44 I posted awhile ago. My curiosity got the better of me in this case, as while I knew it was restored with CT and was expecting something like a 5.0 grade for how great it looked, but apparently I missed two tiny little pin holes that went through the interior of the book and backcover (super tiny and not open - the paper closed up over it when whatever made them was removed. Only after reading about them in the graders notes I inspected the back cover so close I could finally see them - they look like tiny dirt specs at first glance). That fault made the book cap out at this grade. Oh well, it still looks amazing with the rich colors and isn't missing chunks to the book. Pretty sure I'll never find a better looking copy for the price I paid for it (even with grading added on) so still a win-win for my personal collection
  17. Might give the series a rewatch now that it is easily streamed on CW. On first watch I found it started strong and went downhill, so maybe it just needs some more love
  18. For sure, for someone to go out of their way to mock someones tragic loss like that is sick - I don't care who it is and they need to get their mess together. Reporting someone as well for laughing at a music choice in a superhero trailer is also some questionable thinking I propose we raze twitter to the ground with as big a fire as we can conjure (no hyperbole)
  19. First, hyperbole, but I also don't expect people to care so much they keep troves of screenshots for such things (I've had personal experience with in discussions over MoS and Suckerpunch which I tend to think of as pre-dating the current Snyder fandom which feels unique surrounding JLSC, which every fandom has, be it Star Wars or whatever). Of the top of my head I would say the negativity sent over to Diane Nelson when he was trying to support Joker wasn't a good look for Snyder-fans (I actually don't like this 'blanket' fan label, it seems to now only mean to refer to those fans being highly vocal about the Snyder-Cut and not his full body of work) My personal opinion with all this dog piling (regardless of side) is that if you don’t like the person or their opinion, don’t follow and don’t interact - easy. If fans feel they need to defend a work against every random critique, valid or dumb, then that is their choice on how they respond (Someone takes a 'nasty shot' at Snyder then the reaction to that is not in their court - Snyder fans could literally just ignore it or laugh it off. The response is toxic, even if the OP was also being toxic - that doesn't excuse anything) I don’t like his body of work (except Watchmen) and some choices he makes in that content, and at the same time still also be super excited for more JL/DC content, but also not go out of my way to drive toxicity towards people with differing opinions. It's really easy to do that. Don't like what those people on Twitter are saying - add them to your block list and don't interact with their feeds. It's easy.
  20. I totally respect his choice for the reasons he had, so I'm cool with how he made it work for the trailer...regardless if I think it was overall a dumb music choice. His personal reasons and opinions are his own, but nobody has to think it was a good idea. That still doesn't excuse the dog piling, its wrong whomever does it, so 'giving back what they got early on' is simply hand waving away their toxicity (and makes it sound like Snyder fanatics haven't been doing this from day 1). Also, stating an opinion isn't the same as dog piling a single account who you don't agree with. That example you posted was perfectly within her rights to say that, regardless of how crass and dumb it was, but the reaction of a fanbase attacking her afterwards is reflects on that fanbase (once again, regardless who does it...its wrong)
  21. Calling it now: Weasel will run off with one of TDKs arms and try to hide it in a secret burrow as an extra snack for later. He will be seen licking his lips and eye-balling TDKs arms throughout the movie in background shots
  22. Excitement level for this movie just went up another million percent. This is going to be bonkers.
  23. The reason behind the songs inclusion doesn't necessarily make it a good song for the the trailer nor does it make it any less overused. It is a valid critique. I found its inclusion in Watchmen decent though (but I chalk that up to it matching the overall tone of the other music choices in the film, so it fit very perfectly) I fully support and am perfectly happy to see him using a song that meant so much to his daughter, while also holding to the opinion that song is 100% played out and verging on becoming a cinematic cliche at this point (Alex Winter also posted on twitter that he thought that song was overused within the industry and got dog piled by Snyder fans until he removed the tweet - even though he wasn't directly criticizing the new trailer specifically.)
  24. Got my last submission back from CGC this week and am super happy about this issue! I was honestly expecting it to be a 5.0 at most, so this is a very happy surprise for what amounts to one of the best painted golden age zombie covers. I also had issues #3 & #5, though they came back exactly as expected (5.5 and 5.0 respectively).