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Everything posted by manetteska

  1. Good story and thanks for diving into how you calculate what's a good deal and what is not. Had a similar situation (on a much, much smaller scale) this weekend. Made out OK and found some cool (low-priced) stuff to boot. If he sent you a list of the modern stuff (80's-90's), you can forward it my way and I could check for anything that has gotten hot of late.
  2. Oh, I understand shipping to them wouldn't be an issue. But I'm assuming they would grade the poster and place it in some sort of rigid case like the comics, in which case, how do you ship that safely? Yeah, my bad. Read too fast. Grading posters...should be fun.
  3. Kinda hot maybe? http://www.ebay.com/itm/iZombie-1-2-3-4-5-6-8-11-12-13-15-16-House-of-Mystery-Annual-1-/331474689152?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2d6e5c80 Your listing? I sold a NM/- copy of the HoM Annual for $50 about a week ago, if that helps. Sold my iZombie #1 too early but managed to find 2 Annuals for cover.
  4. Yes, I did see that one come up during a quick search. Mine is just the normal white. I figured it was legit, but with some of this indie stuff you never know. The same dealer had a Cerebus #1 that people were debating the merit of. The Turtlemania -- probably b/c it was smaller and the board was flipped backward -- slipped through the cracks.
  5. I found a Turtlemania Special #1 at a small show this weekend. Are these all legit or are there counterfeits of it as well -- and how to tell the difference? Thanks!
  6. Smoak is smokin': http://www.ebay.com/itm/231470932312?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  7. I have the biggest dilema with that book.. I have multiple quantities and I wanna get them pre-screend, but in the event that they wont pass, they would just be unbagged.. And even though thats not gonna totally kill the book it would probably still deem it less desirable to some.. Thought? I found a couple copies at HPB (gotta love it when there is a good comic that isn't a #1; #1's get snatched up fast at that store o matter what they are) so they were not bagged. Why were they bagged in the first place?
  8. I know they're long gone; wasn't looking to get prices from 2 years ago. I thought you put that link in to show the average condition of the comics you were able to buy from the seller.
  9. Oh, and all of the pictures in the link to the sale are dead.
  10. Is the seller using a OPG as a reference? Does he get a new one each year?
  11. Sold 1 copy of the House of Mystery Annual for $50; which, now that I look on eBay, was the cheapest copy in the NM range.
  12. Nice Cap 275 sale; I picked up a couple of those this weekend though b/c of its supply not sure they will reach those heights. How do you determine which comic goes under which eBay user?
  13. It's the villain Ahab, nothing to do with Gambit. Thanks. :thumbsup:
  14. I admit, I have some of these but haven't read it (yet). So who/what is this dude/thing on the cover that looks like a mecha version of Gambit? Is it Gambit -- just a weird interpretation -- or someone that looks eerily similar?
  15. Went this weekend on a "one final score" trip. Ended up with a ton of stuff -- mostly Copper -- at great prices. Buying is the easy part; now I have to figure out grading and where to put them all. By the way: Anyone have a Moon Knight #55 for sale/trade? Only one I couldn't find.
  16. Careful with that one; says it's a "non error variant."
  17. At first I read LAMBDA as NAMBLA; a bad mistake to make.
  18. As a seller if you want to be first out of the gate to get those high prices (which may quickly plummet as more copies hit), you have to take the good with the bad. Can't have your cake and eat it, too. Negative time.
  19. I sold my 9.8 for $850 on 10/1 and was doing cartwheels. If I had waited a little longer I would be doing huge lines of blow..and cartwheels.