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Everything posted by precodekeith

  1. I'm glad you took my post with a grain of salt, Sid. After all, it was meant for the most part to be humorous. I would like to ad though, you and I and others have known for the past two years that BA horror prices have been on the rise in HG, and all we needed was this mesage board, right? From a personal standpoint, I don't want the mainstream to "catch on" to BA horror; especially if all they are interested in is "value." I saw how that kind of action pretty much ruined the pre-code horror market (for the horror fan) in the late 1990's.
  2. Sid! You read Wizard!! You faddish fanboy! (Just Kidding!) Frankly, I could care less if horror gets "respect" from the mainstream, and I don't need Wizard to tell me if horror is "cool" this month.
  3. Like I said, most DC pre-code horror WAS lame. If I had to pick some of the LEAST lame, I'd go with the Sensations and maybe HoM #1. BTW ... I wasn't "complaining" about YOUR HoM # 9 specifically, Adam. ( I think you took it personal for some odd reason? ) I was stating that in general, it was my opinion that DC pre-code horror is inferior to the output of other publishers of the same era. Now you're talking! Let's see it!
  4. I'm with ya, POV! The Sensation covers were probably the best DC pre-code horror IMO. I am kinda partial to the first HoM cover as well.
  5. Ouch, Adam! No need to get personal! It's not your fault DC pre-code horror is laughable!
  6. One thing I liked about the Marvel BA horror titles that WEREN'T reprints is that they were making great use of some fine horror short stories such as that Robert Bloch yarn. Really makes for quality reading for those of us who still do that...Sturgeon, Howard, and Lovecraft are some other superb authors that pop to mind who had stories adapted. Roy Thomas sure was making good use of his old pulps! BTW - If I can ever get HCR 5 out in print, it will have some never before published original art by Gil Kane. He was a fine craftsman capable of any genre IMO.
  7. Man, I think I'd rather read an ACG than a pre-code DC horror. Am I alone in feeling that DC pre-code horror was SOOO not worth the dime back in the day compared to the other publishers out there?
  8. What was your first taste of Copper horror? If memory serves me right, mine was TWISTED TALES 6.
  9. Oh yeah!!! Loved it! One of the better slasher films of the 80's , if ya ask me. SPOILER ALERT! Good old "Harry Warden;" what a psycho character! The heart shape boxes stuffed with hearts is sooo great, and who could forget the old lady gettin' stuffed in the drier at the laundry! Just thinking about that boiling pot of hot dogs is making me hungry! THE END haunted me when I was a kid, with "Harry" (wasn't it Axel!?) retreating back into the mines and cackling those unforgetable lines: "SARAH, WON'T YOU BE MY BLOODY VALENTINE!!??" I think that guy's name was Neil Affleck, wonder if he's any relation to Ben?
  10. I'm glad to see someone else appreciates Ace horror!!!
  11. I notice that you show up every time I post a copy of this book! What can I say?! Unexpected 202 is by far the book that has made me for horror comics! Not to mention, that is quite a nice copy! (scan colors aside)
  12. I just turned 34 last month. I've been collecting pre-code for 12 years now....
  13. I believe you, Shivs..... and I agree!!! The eyes have that "glow" about them that Hennyson put on the bunny! CREEPY!!!
  14. Yeah, I thought it was a "Spanish" style artist at first, too. My fave!? That's a no-brainer! HOPPIN' DOWN THE BUNNY TRAIL - Unexpected 202 My next issue of HCR??!! - well, I can't say! As soon as I can, but I'm pretty bogged down with class, homework, and clinicals right now......
  15. C'mon, Jayman! You are soo funny...trying to be sly and coy by putting that "?" after Tenny Henson. After all, I know you had to check your copy to see who it was; NOBODY has ever even heard of Tenny Henson!!!!! ( kiddin'... the guy drew my all time favorite BA horror story ever!!!)
  16. Yeah, "Nightmare" is regarded as one of the best BA horror stories. Hey, man! Don't forget "The Secret of the Egyptian Cat." It is also highly acclaimed as well! (I think both were reprinted in WELCOME BACK...) Might be one of the best single issue one-two punches in Cain's HoM arsenal. BTW - I was going to say something about the Social D tag, but I figured people would already know what it was! Is Mike Ness still alive!? I remember watching "Another State of Mind" in the 80's as he wore his hand painted Misfits shirt and swilled alcohol 24-7, and thought that he would never make it to 30.
  17. Jbud - While I agree with you that there are people on this thread who may (or may not!) be banking WAY too much on BA horror comics as a great investment opportunity, I'm just not on the same page with you as to some of your explanations on why. I'm not throwing heat at you, but when you make a statement like : "aside from Vertigo, there are no high profile horror comics being published today" ... it is going to raise a few eyebrows. Not only is it erroneus, but it also implies that the Modern horror comic market somehow dictates the potential value of the BA horror books. I do not agree. I also stand by my opinion that the horror anthology format is more newbie friendly, since you DON'T have to worry about continuity. But I must ask: How does "lack of continuity" negatively impact the possible investment value of a comic?? Also, why would the Big 2 NEED to revive any of the BA titles in order to make the back issues viable??? You yourself said these titles haven't been around for some 20 years, but they still have been rising nicely in HG nonetheless, have they not? You keep talking about "horror comic's place in collecting hierarchy," yet no one here has said horror was at the top of any percieved hierarchy of the masses. We all know that right now superheros rule the roost, but ya know that doesn't mean they will in the future, especially since they haven't always ruled in the past. Still, I have to ask: does a genre have to be #1 to have legs?? Sure, horror is a comic niche.... a historically important one, to boot. I like it that way. I PREFER IT. Myself, I don't want the comic industry to be "all horror all the time" or "the next big thing." It keeps the weirdos away.....
  18. Jbud! I don't see or "get" the point of this statement. If you're trying to say that horror in comics takes a back seat to superheros ...well, you'd be right... CURRENTLY. Frankly, I don't mind. It's nice to be part of a small, devoted portion of the collecting community. More books for us! However, none of us can state 100% the future of the comic collecting hobby. Remember your comic history: from 1950- 1955 superheros were pretty much on vacation while horror and other genres dominated the news stands. It could easily happen again. Horror, as a genre, is not about to disappear. It has argueably been around in human culture longer than the idea of the "superhero," and in mainstream mass media it is probably more lucrative. How many horror movies and paperbacks are made each year compared to "superheros?" There will always be horror fans, thus always assuring SOME demand for horror comics. WHAT!!?? I'm sure you'll rethink that one. Someone is bound to post a long list..... Why is it a problem? I think you'll find a majority of horror collectors PREFER the anthology format. I think it makes it EASIER for a new collector to "get into it." I agree with this one! (basically, I agree with your opinions on over-all "investment" potential, I just don't agree with some of your perceived notions of horror comics) I DO think nice HG horror is going to draw money from a small, select market. I just don't think it will be the "cash cow" some think it will be. As for VF's and lower.... well, I guess that remains to be seen. Sid will have to let us know how it goes. Two years ago most of these type of lots he's been buying could have been had for $1 a book and sometimes less than that. The past year, especially the past 6 months, they've been going for a bit more. Time will tell .....
  19. yup! she's mine, all mine! got it for $20 back in late 1995. as for grade...it was graded VG by the dealer. Very strict grader, that guy. Book is very solid with minimal wear (mainly a couple stress lines lower staple, and dogged URC), but you might be able to see that there is an infamous "Bonnett's" stamp on "Witches." That's the main detractor. Thankfully it is so light that you can tell it is there, but can't read it because it almost looks "faded."
  20. Nothing says late BA like a disco..... Took me a long time to find this book, but when I did I lucked out and got two nice ones almost at the same time! It's a pretty lame cover, but I wanted it not only to help me complete my run, but because I own a page of original art from it by Jack Sparling and Vince Colleta....
  21. poor Ace.... gets no respect.... here's some killer Cameron work from WoM 6...