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Everything posted by Hekla

  1. 'guy selling comics on the street' - love this about NYC. The best Phoenix has is guys selling tamales on the street.
  2. I did too. I like Remender, but I could never get into the comics series despite several tries. The soundtrack definitely help set the 80's vibe.
  3. I naively shipped a book to a secondary address recently and the ebay buyer claimed it was never received despite tracking saying it was delivered. I informed buyer that the package was insured so he had recourse, but i was not going to initiate the process because it looked delivered on my end. I asked my local PO clerk and they agreed saying the buyers delivery person may have done something wonky (eg leave the package with an apartment manager and marked it ‘delivered’). Buyer opened a case against me on ebay, which was dropped with a phone call to customer service. Everything worked out, but a lot of email exchanges with buyer explaining why I'm not accountable and an overall PITA and waste of time on my end.
  4. The page is in the next Clink focused auction http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FPREVIEW.ASP%3Fcode%3D2019jan%26itemtype%3D1%26pg%3D2%23Item_1298146&id=1298146&itemType=1
  5. @the authorityHow many pages did you have to go back to resurrect this thread? But yeah, I had forgotten the last time I had an issue of Low waiting in my pull box. Maybe now that Remender has gotten Deadly Class to the small screen he can devote more time to Low?
  6. to be fair, Infantino was only great on Flash and Mystery in Space and was terrible by the time he got to Marvel and Tuska had a nice but small window of (almost) greatness on Iron Man. Plus Kane did a lot of Marvel too. Kneel Atoms edit - I guess your list is Silver-age centric, but Tuska still wasn't too bad in the Silver Age.
  7. Heath was definitely a great artist and excelled at every genre he did, but I felt Kubert captured the war-torn spirit as well as anyone, if not better. For contrast/comparison's sake - Kubert's sci-fi art was whereas Health was fantastic. ... and I agree, Marvel's Sci-fi didn't catch up until the Bronze age and even then it was best in the magazine arena (talking off the top of my head without really thinking too hard about it and not talking about cosmic heroes)
  8. ... and war comics; those were really good stories plus Kubert's art captured the essence of the gaunt-but-not-quite-yet-defeated soldier perfectly.
  9. When I got back into comics about 10 years ago, I learned pretty quickly to not go back and re-read my favorite Silver Age stories from my youth as they were pretty terrible. Better to look at cool covers and have fond memories.
  10. I bought a Lan Medina Dethlok page off ebay several years ago that had practically no description. I was surprised to find a panel redraw on the back with a draft layout of splash
  11. I haven’t read any of the Captain Marvel books either, but I’ll second the Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel as being age appropriate. There’s a lot of similarities between her and the classic portrayal of Peter Parker/Spider-man – geeky kid trying to figure out powers while navigating high school pressure and parents expectations (in Kamala’s case, religion and ethnicity are part of the equation in addition to the typical parent gripes), making super-hero mistakes along the way with local politicians and news media branding her either a hero or menace. Some stories are a tad nonsensical (hey, it’s a comic book!) but overall it’s well done I won’t be surprised if this character shows up in a movie or as a TV show on Disney’s streaming service in a few years.
  12. That was my assumption too... that the survey was based on the average creator or creators that are in the early stages of their careers. A Super-Star creator taking the survey would skew the results higher.
  13. I'm very familiar with Photoshop (but I'm sure I don't use it the same way a comic creator would use it) so I can see it being beneficial if an artist draws using functions such as Layer Groups or Mask to make the colorists' job easier.
  14. 2017 Creator page rates based on a survey from earlier this year, by publisher http://www.creatorresource.com/page-rates-2017/
  15. A story that fits the Annoying category A few years ago, I was looking thru a box of 90’s drek at an estate sale when a woman approached me saying she had some old Tracy comics for sale, 10 cent covers, among ‘a few other old comics’ so we made an arrangement for me to drive out to her house the next day – it was clear across the other side of the county (Maricopa County is a BIG county), so it took a while to get there. I didn’t know what to expect, so I had the latest OSPG and a notebook in case I had hit the motherlode. When I entered the house, there were hardback and paperback books everywhere – looked like a hoarders house, plus one corner had a lot of shipping supplies. Turned out she was an Amazon seller and hit up estate sales for inventory. Anyway, she excitedly pulls out a small box of about 30-35 comics, but they are the early 80’s DT reprints that faithfully reprint the original covers, including the 10-cent price on the cover. I make sure I show the lady the indica with 1982, etc. and explain that they are work very little and that I would not be interested. She then asks me to wait while she runs to another room and brings out other comics – most were Copper age superhero (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, etc.), but not much better than the drek I had walked away from the previous day. THEN, as I was starting to leave, she starts to tell me of other comics she had found in the past and sold on Amazon – Bronze age spidey’s and Uncanny X-men and it hits me… she knew a little bit more about comics than she was initially letting and I was beginning to suspect she knew the Tracys were reprints the whole time: she didn’t act surprised when I told her the comics weren’t original and she pulled out the other comics as a desperation act…. she was looking for a sucker. I was done at that point. I know traveling around and looking thru near-worthless collections is par for the course in this hobby, but dealing with someone who is knowing being deceptive is another matter.
  16. Marat is a local guy so I've seen him at every Phoenix CC for years. He's definitely escaped Liefeld's shadow and has a bigger presence at shows the last few years with Pooh and the Zenescope-esc Notti & Nyce. I bought quite a bit of his Deadpool Corps OA back in the day but his creator-owned work doesn't appeal to me.
  17. Watched the first episode last night and enjoyed it. It was a little contrived and a touch overly dramatic in 'the reveal' stage but it didn't diminish the show for me. I would have loved to have heard more from the Establishment Authorities at the end regarding how they reached their decisions, however.
  18. gotcha. I agree - it was probably a wash for the seller.
  19. Bradstreet Punisher covers can be bought for ~$1000 from Spashpage http://www.splashpageart.com/ArtistGalleryTitleDetails.asp?ArtistId=83&Mag=Punisher+Max&From=Title
  20. I had a Land X-men page that I sold because I could never get over the weird grinning/laughing female in a battle. I do like this page sequence from Ultimate Power and am happy to have it in my collection. Seems like the general consensus in the thread is 'He's *ok*, but here's my one example that's really outstanding'
  21. Album had recently been split into 2 stores, across Blvd. St. Germain from each other; The big one is mostly pop culture/statuary/american comics (english and french) and the other is Euro comics. The most interesting store I visited was Aaapoum Bapoum, which was mostly European comics (with the adult comix in the basement!)
  22. Great store (for American comics) - I wasn't expecting to see any OA when I visited a couple of months ago, but swooned a little when I saw this on the wall BTW, there are several comic shops in a five block radius of this part of Paris (This is near the Notre Dame) ... I had a fun afternoon while the wife was clothes shopping.
  23. Of the ones I was tracking on Saturday, this seemed high compared to other Adkins/Wood Thunder Agents pages (although, it is a good action page) https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/panel-pages/wally-wood-and-dan-adkins-thunder-agents-6-story-page-13-original-art-tower-1966-/a/7192-95030.s?ic2=mytracked-lotspage-lotlinks-12202013&tab=MyTrackedLots-101116 There were also a few Luis Dominguez covers sold that I had noticed on Anthony’s website recently which sold for close to what Anthony was asking for