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Everything posted by Hulksdaddy1

  1. -J. The question is: will the transaction actually be completed? I know the seller, so I'll find out.
  2. These two: 0***c ( 89) n***1 ( 147) are the only bidders since $900. Drive up the price, pop yours up with a high start, high BIN, sell it. The seller of the book doesn't have to be in on it either. I could be wrong, and those are two ebay noobs that don't know how to bid, however... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spiderman-678-Mary-Jane-Venom-Joe-Quinones-Variant-Cover-NM-/351329366668?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51ccdcb28c&nma=true&si=oEWac0nR91LAqQb4v922vVlstRY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Not saying these ebayers are connected at all. Not saying they aren't either.
  3. Diamonds also hold their value because the market for them is manipulated to an unbelievable degree through the De Beers cartel and marketing efforts. The Atlantic ran a classic article in the early 80's about it. Good reading, if anyone cares... http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1982/02/have-you-ever-tried-to-sell-a-diamond/304575/ Great article! I knew about the market manipulation, but to read about how they manipulated the lemmings is priceless.
  4. Just a little thought. Diamonds are common as, well, dirt, but their value is elevated simply because of the steady, continuous demand. It doesn't ALWAYS have to be a small supply for prices to be higher than seems logical. SW1 is also benefiting from the current comic key craze going on right now. Rising tide, and all that. I have no idea about the current pricing, whether it will stay, increase, decrease, whatever. Time will tell. And neither does anyone else.
  5. Sergio is good people. Great communication, fast pay, all-around good dude. One of the reasons these boards are so good. Thanks Sergio!
  6. I concur with the majority. Printing defect. Many, if not most, have it to some degree or another.
  7. And this relates to a 5 yr old in a Harley costume how, Sparky?
  8. Awesome! Considering the issues about shooting kids with fake guns, I find this a tad irresponsible . . . Better go find a bubble. It's scary out here.
  9. Just be mindful, two of the sales you think went in the '$1600 range' did not. This one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151546971810 Which shows as ending at $1600 was actually sold at a best offer of $1400 And this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141466670430 Which shows as ending at $1650 was actually sold at a best offer of $1300 The only sale to reach over $1600 was in October: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311150248804 Thanks, that's what I get for using a "smart" phone to double check my numbers... That still leave us with an outlier sale of $1690 for a 9.8, back in October, which is before (I believe) the news on her officially being casted in the Suicide Squad movie was released. That was a mycomicshop "sale" and they are notorious for listing books on ebay as being "sold" (usually Copper Age books or thereabouts) at a full price that is very often significantly higher than multiple other listings on ebay. GPA still picks it up and records the sale but it almost always stands out as an outlier sale. There are recent sales of ASM 300 and 361, as well as NM 87 where they have done the same thing. -J. What do you mean exactly? MCS They are notorious. You make them sound shady. Is Comic connect notorious for selling Action Comics #1s? Just a poor choice of words or have you gone from bashing BA12 to now bashing sellers of as well? Who's "bashing" anything ? Maybe you should check your own choice of words and save the hyperbole. Marking books as "sold" on ebay at prices they did not actually sell for is what mycomicshop does, usually when the book actually sold directly from their site at a lower price. The sheer volume of their sales almost guarantees some bad sales slip through. Pointing this out with regards to this (and other books) does not constitute "bashing". -J. I'm pretty sure most people are aware that you can actually buy the book and save a little bit going direct through MCS. Some buyers may elect to paymore and go through ebay and earn the ebay buck and often enough 4x ebay bucks. You can also use paypal on ebay. you can not on MCS. You must add 3% to a consigned book on the MCS site. Also I don't see how they would be able to show the sale was actually on ebay unless the sale was actually on ebay. Does it say the listing has ended or does it show sold and the price is in green. How is it possible without paying fees? why would they care to pay fees? I don't sell comic books, so all I can do is throw a hypothetical question right back at you: would YOU pay $600 more for the an identical book just for the privilege of buying from MCS? On ebay, no less, not even direct ? Probably not. MCS is a very high volume seller on ebay no one knows what kind of arrangement they have as a result. But it is clearly unique. -J. if you've been tracking MCS sales for a certain length of time and had some hard facts to base the "Notorious" labeling, then I say you got something. However you select the hottest book today and undoubtably the largest comic book seller on eBay single sale to make your statement. We all know you missed the boat on BA12 and this thread is riddled with posts from you with nothing positive about it. Now you want to drag MCS down because one of their consigners sold a BA12 for a big price. What does MCS have to do with it? They don't set the price. The consigners do. MCS get 3% of the sale from the buyer and 8% from the seller. Sure they can have a special negotiated arrangement with ebay but that's all part of business, a the power to them if they earned that perk, but Imfamous rather than notorious is the adjective I'd be using. Junk, you have an odd way of making assumptions about my collection and only regarding selective points from my posts. I'm pretty sure I mentioned three other "Copper Age" books that I have seen MCS mark listing as "sold" at exorbitant prices that are way out of whack with multiple other listing that are readily viewable on ebay. This has nothing to do with "missing the boat" on what you call "the hottest book" (it's not, you should really venture out from the CA and MA sections by the way), and everything to do with pointing out the obvious shilling and pumping that's going on with this book. -J.
  10. Beautiful book ruined with scribble. Ouch! Why someone would intentionally damage a book like that is beyond me... Did I miss the part where he asked for opinions regarding SS books?
  11. Mix a little vinegar with water, that will get rid on anything. Completely safe for the cases.