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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. What a great great loss to our community
  2. I really think this will be a huge hit. Reason? Demographics... Male, female, AA, Hispanic.. This show will work for everyone
  3. When I was 18 I used to ask that about girls
  4. On a sorta related story I just did my taxes for the first time without an accountant with credit Karma and can't recommend their service enough.. very pleased!
  5. Walked to a PC Richards the other day and this was on one of their LED display as a screen saver. Such an under rated cover by K Stacey. I would absolutely kill to own this OA
  6. In fairness Darkhawk 1 and Marvel Age 97 were always big winners in 9.8. Definitely not quick sellers but they always sold for over a hunned fitty
  7. Only once.. I won 2 NM MIB #1 for under 30$ I was quite shocked when I sniped and won cus I'm always under the impression there's some serious shilling going on w their auctions
  8. Feel like going to Ikea for some meatballs rite about now
  9. Darkhawk continues to perform very well over the weekend. Here are some examples: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Darkhawk-1-1991-Origin-1st-App-Darkhawk-Chris-Powell-NM-/332141621449?hash=item4d552ef0c9:g:hmAAAOSwuxFYtjlU http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Age-97-Feb-1991-1st-Appearance-Darkhawk-/152467989563?hash=item237fcce43b:g:3n4AAOSwdGFYw3~B http://www.ebay.com/itm/DARKHAWK-1-NM-1991-1st-Appearance-Origin-of-Darkhawk-Marvel-Comics-/322448974483?hash=item4b1374e293:g:xbwAAOSwB-1YxAb5 Also this JCP variant: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Darkhawk-5-Jul-1991-Marvel-/282384447658?hash=item41bf6cb8aa:g:kr4AAOSw4CFYsurq
  10. God hath no fury like a nerd scorned
  11. MF had fantastic talent. This is at the time before Liefeld, McFaden and the likes ruined comic art. Perez, Byrne, Ken Stacey, starlin, Mignola, Miller, Golden and some really really early Art Adams cover and interior art. I was very excited for every issue when they came out.
  12. Considering there's not much buzz over the TV show adaptation I'm surprised at the prices Y The Last Man books are fetching.
  13. This is not unheard of and makes sense. You can draw similarities from the music biz. Many new musicians and DIY labels break into the market TAKING A HUGE LOSS on record sales and heavy marketing promoting their acts. Some even intentionally leak their albums/singles to the blogosphere, social media just to generate a buzz. The goal is, among others, to get radio play and licensing deals. It's basically common practice in that industry
  14. Only if RSA is a variant of.. Well... u know who
  15. That's the 1:100,000 Owen incentive variant!
  16. It's Owen-Lorder. Not awe and lorder
  17. This is definitely an unprecedented time for comics when it comes to creativity. Even more so when considering that printed matter is a dying format But lets not just look at comic book properties as a surging stock in popular culture. Lets also look at avenues like kickstarter, Patreon. I think that readership is at an all time high when you factor in modern mainstream top 100+ digital + TPB + kickstarter. Certainly more diversified than ever. Also, I think that comic book covers are some of the best produced in a long while. Not since the 50s have we seen so many painted covers. DEFINITELY not that are associated with super heroes. I remember in the 80s there were only a handful of artists producing painted covers and they were always a hit or miss. I think that Dave Dorman was the first successful cover artist that brought back painted art to mainstream comics. Nowadays painted covers are the norm and without taking away from the shine of such 50s classic cover legends, modern comics can take pride in some amazing masterpieces that will surely be indicted in comic book history in years to come
  18. I think that at this point, eBay is the center for comic book pricing. Definitely with books from 70s-current. Anything that goes anywhere else, for the most part, will draw value from eBay. When I go on IG, FB groups, yard-sales, cons, LCS or craigslist to look for finds, I always compare prices to eBay recently sold (if Im not aware of a book's value) The only exception would be Amazon with TPB/HCs
  19. I know that this aint it, but still a good deal for a beater: http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Amazing-Spider-Man-16-Sep-1964-Marvel-GD-Low-Grade-/232239430723?hash=item36128c7c43%3Ag%3Ab-QAAOSwB-1Yolqf&nma=true&si=vdm0gutAhaAQW7Fj2b5K455SZ1U%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557