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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Oh did you know... Signed Frank Miller DK books ... Can break the bank
  2. Nope, comparing a reprint to a reprint. $5 on a $1 +/- investment? Eh, not worth the space and time to sit on them until they get to that point. I would rather hunt dollar boxes for $15-20 books that I can sell right away. To each their own though. why not do both? I guess Im looking at it from a business perspective only. If youre looking to hoard on these youre not looking at this right.. There are 2 ways to sell such a beast: bulk & cons.. You can sell those for a whopping premium at conventions, Ive sold Walking Dead's #1 for as high as $20 at conventions, IH181 hasbro reprints as high as 50.. if youre strictly limiting yourself to online sales sell them bulk 10 for 50 or multiple listings at a competitive price. You will move them REALLY quick that way
  3. Not really recent. Marvel's reprint line now is their True Believers (has been for about a year or so)... the Marvels Greatest Comics reprint line was from about 7-10 years ago. This, NYX, and a few others got MGC reprints in the mid-to late-00's. I guess it's relatively recent. It was released in 2010. I should have clarified. What I meant was it wasn't a month after the 1st print. It was produced roughly 9 years after the original. I'm surprised there is demand for it but congrats to the seller. I wonder if the buyer thinks this is a 1st print ? This MCG reprints are selling regularly for 10-15$ sometimes 20. Testament that a reprint of a (now) popular comic will yield a HUGE premium, on the condition that only ONE reprint exists. Im betting high on the True Believer New Mutants 98 reprint coming out next month for the same reason. First ever reprint of the classic for a dollar I don't think the New Mutants will increase in price. Dealers are obviously aware of it and will order A LOT. The Alias MGC on the other hand, was not really sought after when it was released. At least not to the point that it is now and it's still only a $15-20 book on a good day. I know you're not comparing NM98 to Alias 1 You can have a million of these out and a million dealers and therell still demand for this book. At a buck you cant lose. The question here only is will it be a 10-15 book or a 5 dollar book. Either way youre gonna be able to move these by the boatload.. I think its a closer comparison than NM 98 to say, Action #1, Hul #181, or AF #15 I do agree it will sell for $5 to $10 which makes if a good deal. NM98 is as popular as those books I mentioned. Sad I know. Not as prestigious as the above books, but as popular. Alias 1 definitely does not belong in that category
  4. It's been reprinted a few times including trades and such. But, this is the first time as a standalone comic book. The Megazine is fairly hard to find in the wild. Exactly. HUGE difference.. Reprints of popular books ALWAYS sell well. IH181, AF15, WD#1, Action #1.. etc etc As long as the book looks EXACTLY the same (same cover, same content) you will not have a problem moving it for a premium at a dollar (or less) on investment.
  5. Not really recent. Marvel's reprint line now is their True Believers (has been for about a year or so)... the Marvels Greatest Comics reprint line was from about 7-10 years ago. This, NYX, and a few others got MGC reprints in the mid-to late-00's. I guess it's relatively recent. It was released in 2010. I should have clarified. What I meant was it wasn't a month after the 1st print. It was produced roughly 9 years after the original. I'm surprised there is demand for it but congrats to the seller. I wonder if the buyer thinks this is a 1st print ? This MCG reprints are selling regularly for 10-15$ sometimes 20. Testament that a reprint of a (now) popular comic will yield a HUGE premium, on the condition that only ONE reprint exists. Im betting high on the True Believer New Mutants 98 reprint coming out next month for the same reason. First ever reprint of the classic for a dollar I don't think the New Mutants will increase in price. Dealers are obviously aware of it and will order A LOT. The Alias MGC on the other hand, was not really sought after when it was released. At least not to the point that it is now and it's still only a $15-20 book on a good day. I know you're not comparing NM98 to Alias 1 You can have a million of these out and a million dealers and therell still demand for this book. At a buck you cant lose. The question here only is will it be a 10-15 book or a 5 dollar book. Either way youre gonna be able to move these by the boatload..
  6. These used to go for top dollars back in the 80s. Been looking for a copy of Spaced #1 for the longest, finally got one off the bay for dirt cheap. You just cant find these around.
  7. I do love custom bound hardcovers, but it's no better deal than picking up the Alias Omnibus for $80. The omnibus is oversized (bigger than a comic) while the custom bindings have some additional content adding to the story... so either way it's a win for $80 for someone who actually wants to read the stories. The only difference being, of course, that the custom bound books are compiling the ORIGINAL prints.
  8. Not really recent. Marvel's reprint line now is their True Believers (has been for about a year or so)... the Marvels Greatest Comics reprint line was from about 7-10 years ago. This, NYX, and a few others got MGC reprints in the mid-to late-00's. I guess it's relatively recent. It was released in 2010. I should have clarified. What I meant was it wasn't a month after the 1st print. It was produced roughly 9 years after the original. I'm surprised there is demand for it but congrats to the seller. I wonder if the buyer thinks this is a 1st print ? This MCG reprints are selling regularly for 10-15$ sometimes 20. Testament that a reprint of a (now) popular comic will yield a HUGE premium, on the condition that only ONE reprint exists. Im betting high on the True Believer New Mutants 98 reprint coming out next month for the same reason. First ever reprint of the classic for a dollar
  9. There are way more than 500 Diamond accounts though. Diamond services over 2500 accounts. What was the qualifier for this variant? Interesting... you had to signup and parcipate in LCSD and only 300 some shops did so... Which is why the remaining copies are either going to "leak" out through diamond, or be destroyed... Or end up in 5 below bags
  10. This was a great deal for the buyer: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Bound-Alias-Pulse-Aka-Jessica-Jones-Complete-Full-Run-/191744130204?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=iQLOBnOThRrfulebBPzazTfAY5s%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  11. yea i picked up that 9.9 this year for 80 bucks. You paid too much.. But Ill buy it from you for 40.00 so at least you didnt lose all your money
  12. Going back for a second to Adam Legend of the Blue Marvel #1. Looks like there is continued interest in this book, with on going sales and no flood zone. Whats even more interesting is, theres only ONE graded copy on the census Yup, you guessed it.. its a 9.9
  13. How much did you think it should sell for? I cant answer this question without being perceived a capitalist. So Ill say this: Being that this it the ONLY 9.9 on the census and the only listing for such a (popular) item in that grade, the seller made the mistake of listing it at a 1500. Esp since he is accepting offers. I believe that if he listed it at, say, 3500 or 5000 he wouldve gotten higher offers.
  14. 1100.00 for a 9.9/highest and only one on census for a trending property with a large appetite is a deal
  15. 4th set acquired (or is it fifth already?.. I lost count) http://www.ebay.com/itm/MEN-IN-BLACK-LOT-ISSUE-1-CGC-GRADED-9-0-ISSUES-2-3-ARE-RAW-IN-FINE-GRADE-/361426085437?hash=item5426ac663d:g:WXAAAOSw~bFWQ3um
  16. Be careful too much disagreement and the notify button will be hit and you'll get a strike for badgering I've already humped it for this post I disagree with post humping...hit the button...
  17. Definitely WILL NOT be a $100 raw book. Wanna take that back? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alias-2001-Marvel-1-NM-9-2-9-4-1st-App-Jessica-Jones-NETFLIX-DAREDEVIL-HOT-/291617194280?hash=item43e5bd4128:g:z40AAOSwT4lWSNzZ http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alias-1-Jessica-Jones-1st-app-NM-TO-NM-TV-SHOW-COMING-/231759099904?hash=item35f5eb3800:g:D7UAAOSwcdBWTpGW http://www.ebay.com/itm/ALIAS-1-2-3-Marvel-MAX-2001-FIRST-PRINTS-1st-Appearance-of-JESSICA-JONES-Netflix-/172003519285?hash=item280c356b35:g:WHAAAOSwIwhWTT3Z http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alias-1-NETFLIX-DAREDEVIL-BENDIS-GAYDOS-9-6-1st-JESSICA-JONES-NM-/262152012184?hash=item3d097a4198:g:bpQAAOSwLzdWTqSI http://www.ebay.com/itm/ALIAS-1-HIGH-GRADE-2001-MARVEL-MAX-COMICS-1st-JESSICA-JONES-NETFLIX-/201470733081?hash=item2ee8976b19:g:T8gAAOSwv-NWT9r4
  18. Incorrect again. This book didnt turn lucrative "overnight" Notice, I've used the word "lucrative" as opposed to key just to keep you happy
  19. Why are people still concerned on whether this book will climb higher or not? Its not a spec book anymore. Thats it. done. Its a key like all keys now. It has been a spec book for almost a couple of years now. And a very good spec book at that. I hear/read about HUNDREDS of shows/movies being optioned, and I rarely see one go for over $100, let alone 150-200 when being optioned like this book have for over a year. This book has settled at 325 - 350 for almost a month now.. It may go down a bit and may go up a bit. But its a long established key by now.