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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. X-Men #256 might get a small bump, but I think New Mutants Annual #2 and Captain Britain #8 will be the big winners here. The reason why X256 will never see a significant bump is because.. Well.. Its a DREADFUL cover You're high. Pass the bong. Right cause the mud greenish brown background works so overwhelmingly well with the Psy's turquoise outfit.. And the disorderly lines in the background make it stick out even more! Theres no question in my mind who was stoned when drawing this cover.. Excuse me while I go throw up once more examining this cover
  2. X-Men #256 might get a small bump, but I think New Mutants Annual #2 and Captain Britain #8 will be the big winners here. The reason why X256 will never see a significant bump is because.. Well.. Its a DREADFUL cover
  3. That, J Scott, is capitalism. People will buy what people will buy. But tastes change and either you change with them or you appeal to a market increasingly reducing in prominence. That is all
  4. Start putting the term combo pack in your title and you will be good! combo pack is not a term.. Its a lifestyle
  5. Saw the first episode today. Liked it alot. I was looking for it in my Netflix: new arrivals, hot picks, just added and couldnt find it until i typed search.. a lil disappointing that this was so well hidden
  6. Theres a seller on eBay that moved over 60 copies of batman 40 Combos and he keeps relisting them, dont know how im feeling about that.,. wonder if DC will overprint or if he will be shortened. I ordered 3 copies through him
  7. I like and respect both artists. I really like Robbi's passion about his work, it shows in his statements, even though I think he got a little carried away. I say, as long as we keep it a civil conversation, we can only learn from this and the current state of the comic book industry
  8. I second the notion that a book with a greater value of a 1st appearance of a popular character is a sign of a bubble. The only exception would be if said book is overpriced right from the get. Such as ah! SG #1 or Silk Comicspro.. These books, for the most part, appeared on the Bay at a price which was 100 times higher than suggested cover price. And while I love Spider Gwen as an investment, no, it would be incorrect to state that eosv2 is a more valuable book than asm 31
  9. Someone put a donnie rumsfeld gif on that qoute pleeeeease
  10. Not correct. Not all moderns are new books, though all new books are moderns.
  11. That has always been the problem with investing in something you like. You get carried away and lose track of what is a smart investment and what is just a pretty book. I already expressed my opinion on this many times - I really dont think there is a bubble, I think the "investors" or "flippers" get enticed by the product and lose track of the investment risk. Boba Fett is a classic example of that, yes, Spider Gwen phantom is too. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH BUYING THESE IF YOU WANT THEM. But assuming they will bring profit when they take off at a premium, while the whole world is talking about them BEFORE THEY WERE EVEN PRINTED is a red flag from the investment point of view.
  12. Well then I have to watch it because True Detective was pretty special imo. I really liked The Knick, but sorry, True Detective was better IMHO +1 Not to be "that guy" but the last show I watched that was near as gripping was The Wire. TD was an excellent show. Corey Stoll in House of cards was a - may - zing! Cant wait to see Corey play Yellowjacket in Antman (thumbs u
  13. Star wars combo packs! Brought to you by hoknes Hok n' Lorder!
  14. I was thinking the same thing as I watched people buy them. I wonder how many artist make this kind of money this quick and if this could become a short term trend ? If I'm an artist, I'm exploring my options. Literally anybody can do their own variant. That is correct. If you have the money to pay Marvel your on your way to own your own variant
  15. I was thinking the same thing as I watched people buy them. I wonder how many artist make this kind of money this quick and if this could become a short term trend ? If I'm an artist, I'm exploring my options. I think there are an extremely limited number of things that collectors are going to pay $20 for with the knowledge that there are 5000 available, and that a company is going to let an individual artist rake the money in on rather than offer it up themselves. Maybe the action figure variant is such a huge success that Marvel threw the artist a bone in this case. I believe that according to the Marvel Custom License program, if you can foot the bill and print at least 3000 copies you can take that chance.. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.. It all depends on the numbers.. It probably made more sense to the artist in this case to invest the money instead of commissioning the artwork to marvel.. That explains why he offered them at 20 a pop.. You just never know
  16. One thing that I will say is this.. Many thought that Star Wars million copy print run would cause a crash. Look at us 3 months later. How many star wars related titles are marvel running now? 4-5? How much discussion was on this board about sw related "heating" books.. SW Ross 1:50, Hot topic, DV#3, now this.. Kudos marvel for figuring this market out
  17. This, but only if the copies you receive are slab worthy you have a Seal 210M.
  18. Again, maybe I'm missing something big about Convergence, but the Cap was in Multiversity recently. Dont really know as I dont follow DC stuff regularly now.. I went to Joe Koch's warehouse to get some books last week and asked him for CC #12 because of the Art Adams pin up. He didnt have any and said he sold more sets of CC in the past month than he did in the last decade
  19. And for the record, I hope everyone does well with their investment, I just refuse to speculate $30 on a book with alot of hype.. If this was an "Under the radar" book I'd be all over it by now, if it was $5-6 id already have 4-5 copies, but $30 for something which is well advertised is risky business for me based on experience. This is a nice cover, popular character and everyone should buy this just for that, if it becomes a winner, heck you may flip them, if not, youll still be happy cause you like the cover. Win win
  20. Under 600 I didnt order any. I think the price is too high. Sorry But thats just my opinion They'll be higher for a few months and in a year you will be able to get them for $20 or less. There were enough of these printed and they went to enough 'speculators' that they won't be locked up in people's collections. We will see. 5000 copies for a Star Wars variant featuring an extremely popular character is not a lot of copies at all. The fanbase for non-comic Star Wars dwarfs the number of SW comic collectors. 1) This isn't the rarest Boba Fett cover produced. Just in January we had Boba Fett covers with 3000 copies and 1500 copies each and none of those issues are selling for $100 raw. 2) How many different comics have Boba Fett on the cover already? And this isn't even the best of those covers. 3) The first appearance of Boba Fett (whichever comic you consider the first appearance) doesn't even sell for $100 NM raw. I think it is great people are hyped about a comic with a cover with Boba Fett. But the euphoria needs to be put into perspective. Ill just wait for the Boba ASM#300 tribute