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Everything posted by natevegas

  1. I still haven't seen that movie, so I'm immune! My girls had a "dance party" last night. They are 2 and 4. It was Frozen songs over and over and over and over, . I may have lost my mind for a bit... Did you have a blackout?
  2. Easter egg then? Cindy (Silk) was locked up during that time. So its a cameo of a different cosplayer in the costume of a future Marvel character.
  3. What? Wait, you are comparing the Enormous Treasury to a preview? That is simply mind boggling. Of course buy what you want, that is not the point at all. The Treasury is the first appearance, PERIOD. There is no " arguing" about it. As has already said, the main character has the same name, the title of the book is the same and the overall idea is the same. You can call the Treasury less refined, or rough all you want, it doesn't matter, its still the first appearance, just as TMNT # 1 is the first appearance of the turtles. Just as caliber presents is the first appearance of the Crow, both of which are rough, unrefined starts to the characters, As is the case with all 1st appearances of new characters and stories. I don't own a single copy of any Enormous book. I don't care what book sells for more. I was just trying to inject some sense and reality into some of the comments being made here. I think it may be best if I let Natural Selection do its thing here instead... I wasn't comparing Enormous to a preview try to read my quote I'll post it for you. "Yeah well you could also argue that previews or ads in other books are first appearances too and in most cases I don't. Buy what you want, collect what you want, buy and sell what you want." Get off your bandwagon man, drink a couple cups of coffee, listen to some music and take some deep breaths. Life is too short to get bent out of shape over why one book isn't worth what it should in you opinion. Maybe this will help cheer you up.
  4. HAHA I just watched that wow was he invoking his inner Frankenstein in that video?
  5. Children, young adults, parent, grandparents will relate to Peter Parker as Spider-Man because that's who has been Spider-Man for their entire lives. Interest waned in the ASM movies because they stunk, that's all really. Look at the pre-Nolan Batman movies. They were horrible and there wasn't even a thought of having someone other than Bruce Wayne as Batman in the later films. I hope UF4 keeps going up, I'm still finding them in the wild for cover price or less +1 These characters have staying power if and this is a big if they keep good writing and artists on the books. You don't have to reinvent the wheel or jazz it up to say hey look its selling. If its got a good story and art people will buy it however I think Marvel has burned a lot of fans my age and older on the constant retelling, rehashing, and renumbering of the same character and book IMO.
  6. As far as I can determine it is the 1st full appearance for at least Ellen :shrug: This hobby is incredibly fickle, and often there is little rhyme or reason to anything. I'll probably get rid of my two treasury copies if I can because I don't collect treasury books and they're in my way... another reason people choose to ignore it I'm sure. Its not fickle the Image oversized book is a one-shot never was a series. This current run is the series and its a different company. The tv option and series is the 215 version. Those are all drawbacks for the Treasury. It is totally fickle - the main protagonist (so far) clearly first appears in the treasury edition from Image. The publisher is irrelevant, it is creator owned. Tim has come on here and clearly has stated that was his first unpolished volley into the comic book world. She more polished in this series. Its like the Gambit uncanny x-men 266 versus the annual issue, the comic book market has made its decision. You can choose to rage against the machine but it is what it is. Just like you stated for many post earlier about how you didn't think the NYCC was worth much cause its a second print. Market has decided - not sure what complaining about it will solve. No. It is nothing like the annual 14 vs 266. The general collecting population was lied to ( by Overstreet and nearly every other publishing company including CGC ) for decades that the annual was a cameo ( therefore their choice was skewed) , and there were questions of which came out first. Annual 14 was first and its not a cameo. This is all proven now. This is the exact same situation with Conan 23 and 24. The Enormous treasury is suffering because people cannot fit it into their boxes and it cannot be CGC graded. It doesn't matter what company put the book out. It doesn't matter how well rounded the characters are.... for goodness sake characters are normally NOT well rounded in their first appearances. Its the same Title and same main character. The first appearance is the treasury, the market, which is still going through its motions on this book, is still undecided. If you think the market has made its choice before the show is out, you are being foolish. The regular issues are trending upward and the treasury is stagnant because of the reasons I, and others, have stated in this thread. If the show is made and its 1/10th as popular as WD, the treasury will explode. If it doesn't get made.... you can stick them, and all your other Enormous books in your boxes with your SIXTH GUN books. Unpolished Volley into the comic book world? Do you realize that can be said for nearly every independent book ever made? Some of which contain MAJOR characters like TMNT? Is TMNT # 1 Irrelevant because it's oversized and it was an unpolished example of Eastman and Lairds work? Get a Clue. Yes , I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Yeah well you could also argue that previews or ads in other books are first appearances too and in most cases I don't. Buy what you want, collect what you want, buy and sell what you want. I'm just tired of complainers getting upset about the why or the it shouldn't be. It is what it is deal with it.
  7. And as my late grandfather would have said. If if's were a skiff we'd go boat riding.
  8. +1 One of the best Villains created in the past decade Wow - you guys really ARE geeks . . . We geeks are badasses just like you nerds !
  9. As far as I can determine it is the 1st full appearance for at least Ellen :shrug: This hobby is incredibly fickle, and often there is little rhyme or reason to anything. I'll probably get rid of my two treasury copies if I can because I don't collect treasury books and they're in my way... another reason people choose to ignore it I'm sure. Its not fickle the Image oversized book is a one-shot never was a series. This current run is the series and its a different company. The tv option and series is the 215 version. Those are all drawbacks for the Treasury. It is totally fickle - the main protagonist (so far) clearly first appears in the treasury edition from Image. The publisher is irrelevant, it is creator owned. Tim has come on here and clearly has stated that was his first unpolished volley into the comic book world. She more polished in this series. Its like the Gambit uncanny x-men 266 versus the annual issue, the comic book market has made its decision. You can choose to rage against the machine but it is what it is. Just like you stated for many post earlier about how you didn't think the NYCC was worth much cause its a second print. Market has decided - not sure what complaining about it will solve.
  10. As far as I can determine it is the 1st full appearance for at least Ellen :shrug: This hobby is incredibly fickle, and often there is little rhyme or reason to anything. I'll probably get rid of my two treasury copies if I can because I don't collect treasury books and they're in my way... another reason people choose to ignore it I'm sure. Its not fickle the Image oversized book is a one-shot never was a series. This current run is the series and its a different company. The tv option and series is the 215 version. Those are all drawbacks for the Treasury.
  11. When variants get 2nd prints, then yes, there are too many. Don't look at Sex Criminals books then, They have a 2nd printing of the 4th printing. That makes my head hurt thinking about.
  12. This link has a picture of the full first cover. The detail is incredible. From the main characters to the background characters, to the cityscape, this is just insane...and few noticed... Ryp is a great artist and master of detail work. I agree. What is he working on now ? Clone is awesome....... Hope it gets made as a show! +1 (thumbs u
  13. Good strategy there Authority, get on his good side!
  14. Is "Encore" French for "2nd print"? No, French for "2nd Print " is NYCC Enormous Or EOW RRP or Saga RRP. Not really relevant though is it.
  15. Good pickup and Welcome to the Boards or Funny Farm whichever you want to call it. (thumbs u
  16. Looking at that picture my guess on the book is a VF/NM 9.0 at best.
  17. I'd be careful I see bottom left corner is rounded a bit and a little impact damage on the back cover. It might not be in the NM range IMO.
  18. Anything Spiderman is sony, is it not? Thanks I was just making sure.
  19. Nobody has answer my ? a while back on which studio has the movie rights to Miles. If its not Sony they the chances are zero he's in the next movie or why would the deal with Marvel have been made?
  20. If you can find him and promise not to take his picture.
  21. Only if it is witnessed by a CGC employee will I believe the drawing is authentic.