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Everything posted by cbaileypacker

  1. I'll play. Here are some of the books IMO that are undervalued, that I still "speculation buy" for cover or less in the wild. Disclaimer: I am well-stocked on all of the books listed, so yes, pump pump pump... Batman 21 - 1st Duke Thomas Batman Eternal 9 -1st Julia Pennyworth Superman Adventures 1 - 1st Mercy Graves Earth 2 19 - 1st Val Zod El Diablo 1 (2008) 1st Chato Santana Green arrow 12/13 - 1st Onomatopoeia Teen titans 8 - 1st Ravager - Rose Wilson Teen Titans 26 - 1st Terra Avengers Academy 21 - 1st White Tiger / Ava Ayala New Avengers 4 - 1st Maria Hill Young Avengers 1 and 5/6/10 - 1st Kate Bishop / 1st cover(s) Cable 3 - 1st Weasel Black Panther 2 1st Shuri Captain Britain and MI13 1 and 11 - 1st Faiza Hussain / Excalibur Captain Marvel 16/17 -1st Phayla-vell Adan Legend of Blue Marvel #1 - 1st Adam Brashear / Blue Marvel Dakota North 1 - 1st Dakota North MCP 118 - 1st Doom 2099 Marvel Point One - 1st Sam Alexander Punisher 64 - 1st Outlaw Runaways 1 and 2 (vol 2) - 1st Victor Mancha Secret Warriors 7 - 1st Manifold / Edin Fessi Star Brand 1 - 1st Star Brand Amazing Spider-man 565 - 1st Kraven's daughter Venom 38/ 39 - 1st Mania Vengeance 1 - 1st America Chavez New X-men 117 - 1st Glob Herman New X-Men 134 - 1st Quentin Quire Avengers Arena 1 - 1st Death Locket Thor annual 18 - 1st Flame Thunderbolts 45-50 - 1st Citizen V John Watkins III New Avengers 16 - 1st "Great Society/ Squadron Supreme" Doctor Spectrum Cheers!
  2. Cool. Cover alone is never considered a first full appearance in the hobby. Story is everything. CM 17 2nd for Ms Marvel (cover appearance pre-dates 1st full in ANMN # 1) 1st full is the lesser in value. X-men 282 for bishop (Cameo) 283 (full). again, cover trumps first full appearance in value, not labeling The rules for 1st app tie to the story as far as a term and labeling. that doesn't mean that the value will reflect the facts, as CM 17 2nd is far more valuable than the actual 1st full appearance, as with x-men 282/283, cover wins in price and popularity, but not in terms of factual comic labeling info. In this case the label is correct, but does not determine which book will be the "one to rule them all" only time will tell (I would put my money on dssw2 variant in the long run, but I wont be putting any money on this garbage gimmick bastardization of a character in the first place.. )
  3. No. They have it correct. DPSW2 will be labeled same as CM 17 2nd
  4. (thumbs u I had a tee shirt made of the common sense meme. Cheers!
  5. Out of curiosity, did you just pick this up recently? Or did you acquire it around the time of the release? It would be odd for a gorgeous piece to be available for purchase for so long, especially, regardless of the 1st App aspect, it's a beautiful homage cover that stands on it's own merits. ^this. Jerry said Pete just decided to sell another stack of stuff he dug out, that included this, and things like the cover to deadpool 32, catwoman covers, ect. He mentioned that the Deadpool #11 cover WAS in the batch, but by mistake as Pete decided against selling it, as it was one of his first covers, AND it was inked for him by Joe Sinnott(!) so it's very personal to Pete. I almost didn't even stop at the Serinpidity art table, if Jerry wouldn't have waved me over to show me some new stuff. Sometimes it's just meant to be. Every year Pete seems to part with just a little more. I also got these two pieces a few years apart from him: Double page opening spread from Deadpool 32 The "my common sense is tingling" page from Deadpool 26 page 13 Cheers!
  6. This^ Everyone loves to Poo-Poo on a book when it becomes a possible "speculator" hit. Getting a new BA Harley (the one and only REAL Harley) book was great! I absolutely hate "new 52 slutty suicide squad Harley", but I absolutely love BA Harley. Even though I won't touch the new Harley stuff, I would go crazy for a new Bruce Timm Classic Harley series. Dont underestimate Classic AND recent Harley fans desire to own this book with homage ties to BA 12. The nostalgia on this book is high, while the print run (est 6800) is low. No speculation needed, as I don't buy ANY recent Harley books, but I couldn't wait to check out this one for content alone, and I thought it was great. I'm obviously not alone... Low print run = speculator. Low print run + content = classic book.
  7. There is a pretty large population of people in the formentioned "only" fan base.
  8. I was lucky enough to pick up the cover to AF 15 vol 2 from Pete Woods @ RCCC! Blown away to find it was available. 1st Amadeus Cho / Pete Woods pencils and inks / AF 15 homage cover! Interesting note: he did it on the back of a DC/Vertigo art page(!) They added Positron last minute to the cover after being a late story addition to the book, and changed the look of "the man being saved by spider-man" to a look closer to the interior design of the characters story in the book. Still looking into if those mod pieces are around, or if they got thrown out. Cheers!
  9. Read it. Loved it! Batman Adventures versions of Catwoman, Batgirl, Ivy and the the original classic Harley, you know, the good one. Very cool book. Sold out (now) here in the Portland. Even the biggest LCS's had very little to start with. This will be a thing, and not a gwen pool "thing", but a classic Harley thing. Cheers!
  10. Book is doing great.. Only five GPA sales. 230 250 275 490. July 2015 377. Last sale. Looks good. Not a lot of history but for a modern great prices. Sold a 9.8 for $517, which might be a steal in a few months. Graded copies seem to have disappeared completely. great price.. Did not see this sale in GPA ? Private sale? eBay sold, but this ones not tracked by GPA....
  11. Book is doing great.. Only five GPA sales. 230 250 275 490. July 2015 377. Last sale. Looks good. Not a lot of history but for a modern great prices. Sold a 9.8 for $517, which might be a steal in a few months. Graded copies seem to have disappeared completely.
  12. Judging by your post count, you have had a lot of slow Saturdays.
  13. Please notice no accusations were made, just a request for answers about the posts and image. I'll question the POTUS if something looks screwy, and hope others would as well. Cheers!
  14. Thanks for un-bunching my undies. It was becoming uncomfortable.
  15. Somehow the barcode is https://www.cgccomics.com/grading/verify-cgc-comic.aspx?cgc-comic-cert=0253416029 now? Great catch! Photoshopped the serial #, but missed the barcode. Bad photoshop job too, case is all wonky and the text is blurred, but the serial # is clear as day. Bad stuff going on with this image that needs explaining.
  16. Search it on the CGC website, it comes back void - no match found. I wouldn't have even noticed if he didn't go all Tom Brady and delete the post and image. If he starts deflating comics, he should be suspended from the boards! That is not unusual for CGC to have a new slab not show up on the census. Pinky is a honest guy come on now really ? Pinky is one of my favorite people. Good guy. (thumbs u I didn't ask for peoples opinion on his character, but I'm sure pinky thanks you for your support. I asked him to explain why he's posting and deleting a 9.9 slab with a photoshopped serial #. Still waiting...
  17. Search it on the CGC website, it comes back void - no match found. I wouldn't have even noticed if he didn't go all Tom Brady and delete the post and image.
  18. Same old song, get a new line already. Making money is fine, but both parties should benefit. If you walk away from a deal knowing you fleeced someone, you shouldn't have done it. Capitalism says that's okay, but these are $5 funny books. Have a heart. Just curious, does this thinking apply to dealers and LCS's, people who's business it is to know the product they sell for a living? Your LCS has a NM Preacher 1 for $15 bucks, you gonna pass and tell him it's under priced? I don't tell my bartender they are not charging enough for a shot of Goose, it's their job to know that, it's my job to enjoy the great price on Vodka.
  19. Pinky Lee Zepplin - Can you please explain this photo with a fake serial # you posted, and are now trying to delete?
  20. Pinky Lee Zepplin - I saw that post that you just deleted. What did you mean by "that graphic is messed up, mine is actually the 0253416029". Did you photoshop the serial # on your picture? So your saying the serial #0343416002 on your photo isn't real? Now you change the picture on your OP? What gives with that 6002 picture? Somethings not right here...