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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. Loved this movie so much. It’s felt like the last little bit of magic from the 11 year run. I’m sorta iffy on phase 4, maybe the magic is going to flame out and Disney manages to blunt the power of brand...but that can’t change the last 11 years of just awesome films and great stories. This was the perfect Spider-Man movie, it was fun and suspenseful and often times sweet and endearing...if that’s the end of the line and the films go down hill, so be it at least it went out in top form.
  2. I’m talking all movies with Thor In them. Anytime you see Natalie Portman in a movie with Thor, it’s horrible. Every time you see Thor in a movie without Natalie Portman in it, he is awesome and the movie is great! Its always been awkward casting. She has no real chemistry with maybe the most likable actor of our generation (next to Chris Pratt maybe) and that’s an amazing accomplishment. She is to me the most over rated actress in our lifetime. She deserved an Oscar as much as Marisa Tomei did. She can’t do comedy, that’s the biggest issue. Nothing exposes an actors flaws like comedy, and that will cause problems.
  3. Eternals: could be bad but giving it a chance Wanda Vision: guess we are getting The Vision back, could be fun team up movie Thor: The best Thor movies are the ones Natalie Portman doesn’t appear in, now she is back and is Thor? No Loki but heavy Jane Foster?! Anyone clambering for this? Falcon and Soldier: could be epic Loki: little nervous about undoing all the growth from the movies but could be fun. Shang Chi: no brainer should have done before Blade: wish they kept Snipes, bet he could still do it but I’m will probably be awesome. Dr. Strange 2: Autopilot decision, should be fun Scarlett Widow: Autopilot decision, should be fun Hawkeye: I expect something psychotic and fun. We’re mostly past the first tier characters so onto to 2nd round draft picks. I’m really disappointed in Thor god I can imagine it might suck. No more Cap, replaced Thor turned to joke, now replaced Iron Man Dead Loki turned back all development gone Vision dead (for now) Black Widow dead (least we get a prequel) Hulk now boring Smart Sassy Hulk Seems like Marvel is moving Heaven and Earth to smash apart the avengers and stomp the characters we love into dust.
  4. I’d say the best of the kid actors was the one who played Dustin.
  5. So basically they picked something not popular and well tell us we love it til we eventually obey and do love it..the outcome being guaranteed success and money! You’re probably right, time to grab some checks!
  6. Just finished, clearly weaker on multiple levels than season 2 and of course well behind season 1...but god the music and sets/props/themes were just on fire perfect! Loved the nostalgia of it, felt like growing up. Was fun.
  7. So, the world wants to see Ironheart basically?
  8. Is iron heart a very popular comic? I’m not much into current marvel.
  9. Man, Legion is beautiful but they bent heaven and earth to make David into a monster and Sydney into some helpless victim not at fault for her sins. And how they turned the mass murdering serial torturer Shadow King into some sort of rogue anti-hero? Its a beautiful show but it’s developing some major story flaws and is trying to justify them in odd ways. This is probably how die hard GoT folks felt over the last season lol.
  10. I love faint praise! And additionally kudos to you on your never end reposts of box office twitter feeds! You truly do the Lords work!
  11. Just because the movie might have had her flying around in space for the last few minutes, doesn't mean it still wouldn't have sucked. This was a joyless by-the-numbers super hero cash out film with a standard issue "special girl" and mailed in star performances throughout. Special Girl flying in space would have made very little difference IMO.
  12. I saw an interesting special from the BBC of all places about Chinese re-education camps for Uygher Muslims living in the west. Lots of little games and redirects but with a little investigation the Truth oh how these thought correction facilities are run came out. I just see bad things coming for a government who literally creates and maintains literally re-education facilities to correct wrongthink. But, that’s does seem to lend support to the idea they will be Buscema Conan fans.
  13. Clearly BWS, are you even paying attention to my screed!?
  14. Britain’s population at the time was living under expected conditions, it was traction around the world to live under a monarchy at that time. China is living under a “fear of death” single party dictatorship where the general population knows there are much better options and have been for centuries, but they are denied it. If anything, don’t think England early 19th century, think France late 18th.
  15. China will be in a state of near if not actual civil war in 20 years. India will have such disparity of wealth it will be bogged down as it tries to transform into a welfare state to avoid similar issues. Those are the two main engines of Asia, and they are due for some major rebuilds. People sometimes don’t seem to respect the decades of growth through anger and disagreement the US has gone though, something that hasn’t happened much outside of the western world. You grow by allowing people personal power and freedom to define themselves and create their own independent path. China’s government and India’s culture/disparity of wealth are going to be toxic to that process of them becoming true superpowers. China is a powder keg, held together with debt and bullets. People act as if they are still this ancient culture with thousands of years of built upon tradition and planning. They are really only about 70 years old considering they executed/tortured out the leaders of the old traditional China in the 60’s as they were “reborn”. And that’s not even factoring in that on many levels China is made up of multiple smaller countries held together by force. As for India, 70 percent of their population don’t live in houses with toilets/functional bathrooms...and those affected are very aware of how insanely unfair that is and that the government has no way to fix that in the near future. Imagine how many other areas of growth as a society they are deficient in if they can’t even give folks working toilet access? I believe we are headed for some really...REALLY...rough times ahead who know what’s gonna come out of the drama.
  16. They hit 20k without being exceptional issues or pages. https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/dave-cockrum-and-bob-layton-x-men-105-story-page-17-phoenix-original-art-marvel-1977-/a/7204-93035.s also multi pages from 100 sold 20k recently. Just being from the issue BEFORE the big issue I don’t think is enough of a boost to disqualify it as a special page outside of the norm. Good X-men 94 pages I’ve seen 30-38k a few times but I’m not counting those. What made me feel this was well bought was the 95 cover selling for over 2x as much as the splash, but over 3 years earlier. With the huge inflation in prices over the last 3 years I figured the cover would do 200k today and this piece would hit 90-100k. Would this piece have hit 90+ in Heritage?
  17. 25 is sorta tough. I’m thinking we will either be coming out of or near the end of a period of real global unrest/strife so I’m not sure really how this stuff will be priced when compared to more pressing needs.
  18. That splash at 75k all in was bordering on a steal. Very well bought. Dynamic image, something special from a historic book by a great artist. 90k-100k seems more reasonable for that considering good (not great) panel pages have been going off over 20k a page for that early run, and have been doing so for a while.
  19. Not joking, wife doesn’t care what I spend on art. I provide for her and the kids, make sure the house is constantly being updated, and put reasonable effort into accommodation for her scheduling needs. Over the last 20 years of us being together she has seen i make it work so she no longer has misgivings. If it’s Ferrari money or Uber ride to Chik-fil-a money she has faith I’m only spending what we can afford and that I’m thinking about what’s in our families best interest. Take care of stuff , be honest, and let her know how much you might spend and how you plan to pay for it. Do that and I believe most women would be cool with you spending nearly anything.
  20. On some level the best show on TV. Easily the most beautifully shot show in the history of televsion. Each episode feels like its own unique piece of art. As much as I love David Lynch stuff, outside of Dune and Series 2 Twin Peaks his films are rarely beautiful. I really think if he could just shoot scenes without dialogue or sets just people silently interacting he would do so in a heart beat. This show captures the feel of Lynch (especially 2nd series Twin Peaks) but with more attention and focus on the beauty of each shot, the dialogue existing for a purpose beyond keeping filling space (might not agree with me thats fine, but Ive always felt that way about his work (You could probably watch Mulholland Drive with the voice track removed and the movie would still make as much sense). Good show, loved Season 3s opener.
  21. I’m still bothered I wasted money seeing this POC. This was such an shameful way to put a stake in this pivotal franchise.
  22. Solid effort, but easily the lowest ranked of the TS movies. I really hope they stop here. No spinoffs, no 5th release...just be done.
  23. Because, once again, all creativity and fun in movies stopped around 2006-2008. If you want a movie to be good/profitable now you have to tie it to something made before the cut off. Makes sense to me. Matrix:Rebranded
  24. I remember that most as being on 1/4th Of the 35 cent price variant marvels. Nice piece.