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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. +1 Agreed, his interiors on that series are sweet too. Hard to believe it's already 14+ years old. Just checked the census for #2. Only 26 copies in a 9.8, wtf? -J.
  2. Very nice. I'm still trying to figure out why that isn't a 7.0+. -J.
  3. That should be some nice eye candy when you read them. He has only done the interiors on a handful of books as far as I know. -J.
  4. Great pick ups, I've never seen these before either. Did Dell'otto do the interiors on those as well? -J.
  5. Very cool. I have never seen that before. -J.
  6. Hello and welcome to the boards ! And congrats on having a 667. It's always interesting to find out how people came into their copies, would you mind sharing how/when you were able to acquire yours? Also, I'm not sure I would get that signed. There may only be a few signed copies on the census right now, but there's only a few copies, period, on the census. If you want a Dell'otto sig on something, I would personally choose a different, less expensive and more common book. What condition is your copy in ? Many copies were produced with spine/rear cover damage. Feel free to post some scans of yours and the community can give you a very informal assessment of what it might grade out at if you should choose to send it in. -J.
  7. This was my overall reaction. I find the show mildly watchable, but ultimately pointless. And Seth McFarlane is a little too smarmy and unctious to be the lead of a TV show. I might have enjoyed it a little more if he wasn't in it, and it didn't feel like a token vanity piece that Fox is bankrolling for him. -J.
  8. That $475 sale for Power Girl was one sale and reeks of being an outlier, and the $300 "sale" of Tec 880 is nearly $100 below it's 90 day average (thus also making it an outlier, but on the low end). Which is why I said averages. (And none are as high as Tec 880, as I said.) -J.
  9. None of the other books mentioned have averages as high as Tec 880 in a 9.8. -J.
  10. You do have a way with words. I was actually wondering about this though. I don't see anyway Homecoming doesn't pass BvS' worldwide total ($873.MM) as well by the end of the week. -J.
  11. Fantastic copy. That 7.5 above is boner worthy as well. -J.
  12. What if Venom Possessed Deadpool #1 comes to mind when it comes to raw copies (but Tec 880 goes for more than it in a 9.8). -J.
  13. Touche. Bosco, you seem to have a better handle on these things than most, you really do. -J.
  14. Yes I was being colloquial (not literal). Marvel offered the olive branch because it didn't like the direction Sony was going and Sony was spending ever higher amounts to make the films with diminishing returns, so they understood that what they were doing was no longer working, hence why they let Marvel take the reigns here, and you have a movie with an appreciably smaller budget than the last several movies. -J.
  15. No matter how many times you say this it is still patently absurd. See my comment above. -J.
  16. Did you actually read past the headlines in the articles ? Or do you think Sony paid Audi to have its cars featured prominently in the climax, for example. Sony/Marvel got equal value for that investment. That's why they are called "promotional partners". Marvel knows how to make movies a smart way. That's why Sony cried uncle and came to them to show them how it's done. And boy did they. -J.
  17. ....and this is why we in fact do not factor in "marketing budgets" when we do these sorts of analytics (as you yourself said a few pages back). All those articles make it very clear that Marvel/Sony got equal value through product placement, ancilliaries, etc, with their "promotional partners". One of those articles estimated Spider-Man ancilliaries to be north of 1.3 billion dollars this year- that's BILLION. Which is why we are only looking at production budgets, because if we go down that rabbit hole Wonder Woman will just be embarrassed. Those of us who are glad that Homecoming has done so well are for the same reasons that you're glad Wonder Woman did- we would like to see more if our favourite hero on screen. And Bosco, I'm very happy DC was able to get a critical win for its movie. It has gone toe to toe with Marvel's biggest and best and turned in a great solo showing. I only hope they don't squander that hard earned good will with a terrible, disjointed JLA movie. -J.
  18. As someone with a minor background in film, I can assure you that the "estimated" marketing budget for Homecoming on that posted document is preposterous nonsense, and it is closer to being the delusional ramblings of a DC fanboy with too much time on his hands than anything based in fact. The facts as we do know them is that Homecoming has grossed more money than Wonder Woman, faster than Wonder Woman, and by the time all the numbers are crunched it will be more profitable than Wonder Woman, as well as the most successful superhero flick of the year so far. We will give Wonder Woman a nice participation trophy for grossing more domestically, but at the end of the day, second fiddle is still second fiddle. -J. **Edit- Just checked the latest weekend box office totals. Homecoming is at $861MM now. Just $2MM short of GOTG 2. And still going.
  19. No offense but I take this unverifiable document with a grain of salt. -J.
  20. You say it's about $28MM difference I said about $21MM. At this point we are probably splitting hairs (though it's interesting, after all the back and forth that our estimates were only $7MM apart). Even if Homecoming were to finish now (it hasn't), I would argue that Spiderman's bragging rights for a superior worldwide haul would offset what is largely a negligible amount (basically less than the difference between their two budgets, which is probably accounted for by RDJ's paycheck ). But again, Homecoming is still going. By the time Homecoming is done, whatever differences in final net profits will be even more menial, but Homecoming will still have those worldwide bragging rights over DC, but to an even greater extent. And yes Spider-Man is at least one of the top two marketable heroes worldwide but this was his sixth movie in 15 years not his first. Wonder Woman is supposed to be one of DC's top three, this was her first big screen solo film ever, she had a well received appearance in BvS, and was the beneficiary of relentless mainstream media hype and fawning. I'm not factoring in where it wasn't released or where it supposedly "under performed" because that's just the breaks of the movie business and is not that relevant (as eloquently pointed out earlier by a boardie). Homecoming had to deal with the Chinese embargo that backlogged American releases and probably led to excessive pirating and a compressed release schedule of American films which is probably cannibalizing their box office there, but you don't see Sony complaining about that. -J.
  21. Normally you would be right, but people have proclaimed simply that WW made more money (profit) than Homecoming. That's a different statement than talking about the degree or percentage of profit relative to the budget. Because like I've pointed out, in terms of dollars and cents, that is not true (or at least it will be before it finishes its run). -J.
  22. When you say "equal result" you're speaking in terms of proportions relative to budgets. I'm talking about the actual net revenues received by the studios (estimates only, yes). Of course WW will have a better multiplier, because it had a smaller budget. Homecoming will gross enough to offset that $25MM difference in budget, and then some. So while your statement may not exactly be "demonstrably false", it is rather easy to see the holes in your logic. -J.