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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Okay, your first problem is, you're comparing a solo character's first movie, to another's sixth. Yes, I know Spider-Man is a much bigger character than Wonder Woman, but still. Your second problem is, Wonder Woman didn't even make as much as the first Spider-man movie, not adjusted for inflation, and with that movie getting 0 China box office . Your third problem is that Homecoming is still not even done with its run yet, so even if your statements (assumptions) were entirely accurate (which they are not) they are premature. Your fourth and final problem is that, even using your fuzzy, premature math, Homecoming is only about $21.5MM shy of WW's net profits, $197MM to $175.5MM (by using somewhat rough and rounded numbers in the paradigm cited above by Bosco and his very helpful box office charts). This is taking into account both films' stated budgets (which usually includes advertising, but, even if it didn't, Spider-man's vastly superior ancilliaries more than offset whatever unknown minor differences there might be in ad budgets). And bear in mind, Homecoming came out five weeks after WW. My original point was that Homecoming has already passed WW's worldwide grosses five weeks sooner. As an addendum to that, I will now add that it will be a more profitable movie overall than WW by the end of this weekend, four weeks sooner than WW (and will also likely pass GOTG 2 as well and become the highest grossing superhero flick of the year). -J.
  2. Um...no. Homecoming only cost about $25M more than WW. That difference will be more than made up for by the end of the week, and then some, by a lot. Plus, Spider-Man is still playing domestically in the top 10 and just opened in China. The question at this point no longer is "will Homecoming be a greater financial success than WW?". That question was answered in a resounding fashion this week when it passed WW's worldwide total five weeks ahead of it. It's "Will Homecoming manage to stretch its 8 mighty legs at or close to 900MM?". -J.
  3. Holy moly. This thing did even better there than I expected. If the patterns hold it will pass GOTG 2's worldwide total next week.... -J.
  4. Those small countries that wouldn't exhibit WW are hardly box office juggernauts that, at the end of the day, would have impacted the film's final grosses significantly. And like I said in my prior post, the unabashed and constant media virtue signaling for the movie state side more than made up for that, and then some. And Russians just didn't like the movie. Apparently neither did the Japanese very much. It happens. Not every movie will be a raging success in every country. WW copied the Marvel movie making formula and did just fine. Homecoming will do better because, well Spider-Man is just a bigger international brand. It is what it is. -J.
  5. Bosco- My comment was aimed solely and squarely at the Forbes' coverage, mainly because that seems to be the most oft-cited article around these parts. But your response brought up some larger issues that I have had with the excessive, gushing coverage for WW in general. I saw the movie. I thought it was OK. I thought is was basically a combination of the first Captain America movie with some Thor mixed in. So DC finally made a "good" movie by making their movie more like a Marvel movie. Good for them. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all and what-not. But for the folks who want to blame sexism, racism, religious-ism, or whatever other perceived "ism" for the movie's very real shortcomings and shortfalls, but while also touting it as the "highest female led, directed, grossing"- whatever - is trying to have your cake and eat it too. And none of that has ever been a stat I have ever heard anyone in the media mention before until with WW, by the way, so I don't think it's really a "thing". Whatever additional minimal grosses WW "might" have lost out on by not being released in a few countries were more than made up for by the relentless coverage and SJW preening the film received state side. Also, the movie just didn't do that great in some larger territories, and not just Russia, but also Japan. Maybe that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than the fact that the movie just wasn't as well liked, or did not translate well there. Maybe it's just that simple. Meantime, nobody is making, or needs to make, these kinds of excuses about Homecoming, even though the Planet of the Apes movie coming out one week after Homecoming might have taken $25-$30MM out of its domestic coffers. That was a dumb move by Fox, and was more to their detriment in the end than Sony's, but it happened. When Homecoming had that "big" second weekend drop, Forbes was the first to point it out, and started re-adjusting its forecasts for the movie's final numbers. Marvel didn't panic. Sony didn't panic. At least not publicly. Homecoming also released during the most competitive point in the summer movie season. Sure it had Iron Man and some other MCU cameos, but again, that was the point of the partnership with Sony. That's called good business, and it has paid off handsomely for both studios. At the end of the day, you're right, the marketplace is large enough (for now, at least) to sustain two decent-good movies. These two, along with GOTG2 propped up the entire summer movie calendar. But blaming "isms" on why WW didnt make a billion dollars makes just about as much sense as blaming the hurricanes on why Homecoming won't. -J.
  6. Great news for Spider-Man, begrudgingly reported by Forbes' resident DC fanboys who still felt compelled to not only shoehorn Wonder Woman into the lead headline (a movie that is essentially done with its run and out of theaters), but also use a picture from the movie for the main article accompaniment. That pretty much cements the DC fanboy rep with me. Also love the token aside near the end of the article that Homecoming will pass WW's global totals this week as well (and not mention the fact that Homecoming made the same worldwide tally about 4 weeks sooner than WW). I "wonder" if they will still be fawning over Homecoming when it is sitting in discount dollar theaters, and making $160,000. -J.
  7. $12k. Greg Reece just listed at blue label 3.5. I feel like this is a boardie book: http://www.reececomics.com/Comics/CAPTAIN_AMERICA_1_CGC_3_5_LT_OW_PAGES -J.
  8. A raw copy with a few small colour breaks just went for $2222: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spider-Man-678-Mary-Jane-Venom-Suit-Variant-Original-one-NM-/222622070735?epid=1401488621&hash=item33d54f37cf:g:rYUAAOSweQBZnb74 -J.
  9. No, I didn't. I included all public sales where there were same grade sales from this year, within a reasonable time frame of each other. I don't know where you are divining your data for 8.5, 9.0, or 9.4 sales, but they do not exist in the public forum., and I already stated that FF1 still performs somewhat better than ASM1 in the higher grades anyway (for the moment, at least). And, as an interesting side note, the way I compiled this list actually gave an advantage to FF1, which had a number of outlier-ish looking sales that superficially make it look like it is outperforming ASM1 in a few of the grades noted above (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0). In reality, the picture is even bleaker for FF1, as, when you look at the 12 month averages for those grades 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 it loses even more badly to ASM 1: 1.0 (12 Month Average) - ASM1 - $1781, FF1 - $1584 - ASM1 Real Advantage 1.5 (12 Month Average) - ASM1 - $2733, FF1 - $2138 - ASM 1 Real Advantage 2.0 (12 Month Average) - ASM1 - $3217, FF1 - $3132 - ASM1 Real Advantange FYI, ASM1 wins in the 12 month averages as well in all corresponding grades that it has the advantage, so if you look at 12 month averages it gets worse for FF1, and really shines a light on what's going on in the marketplace: ASM1 (Real) Advantage - 12 grades FF1 Advantage - 5 grades There's nothing "distorted" about looking at how books are selling relative to each other to determine "value". In fact that is probably the most objective and clinical way of doing it. And the language of the poll isn't asking for which book is more "important". That's the kind of question where emotions and nostalgia might be more relevant. Me personally, I think ASM1 is also more important than FF1- it's issue #1 of Marvel's most popular character in his first, long running, and flagship title and is tied for having the first MU crossover, while FF1 is neither considered to be the start of the SA (SC4), nor the first integrated team concept (BB28). From a contemporary perspective, FF1 isn't even published anymore and when it was, its sales were dismal, the film rights are not with Marvel, and one bad, failed movie after another have all but destroyed the brand. Meanwhile Spider-man remains in publication, in multiple titles, still headlines Marvel's top selling solo character title, and is the cornerstone of a multi-studio, multi-film, multi-billion dollar franchise, and sells more merchandise worldwide than any other character. Perhaps this is why we are seeing ASM1 overtaking FF1 in most grades. -J.
  10. Word on the street is I'll be okay waiting until Sept 29. -J.
  11. Enough with nostalgia and emotion, that's boring and irrelevant. Let's try looking at actual recent, comparable data points: 0.5- ASM1 - $1800 4/17, FF1 - $1107 5/17 - ASM1 advantage 1.0- FF1 - $2200 5/17, ASM 1 - $1912 6/17 - FF1 advantage 1.0 (Sig Series)- ASM1 - $2895 7/17, FF1 - $1461 3/17 - ASM1 advantage 1.5- FF1 - $2500 6/17, ASM1 - $2145 5/17 - FF1 advantage 1.8- ASM1 - $3250 5/17, FF1 - $2650 4/17 - ASM1 advantage 1.8 (Sig series)- ASM1 - $3150 7/17, FF1 - $2050 3/17 - ASM1 advantage 2.0- FF1 - $4780 9/17, ASM1 - $3700 8/17 - FF1 advantage 2.5- ASM1 - $4000 7/17, FF1 - $3824 5/17 - ASM1 advantage 3.0- ASM1 - $4300 8/17, FF1 - $4000 7/17 - ASM1 advantage 3.5- ASM1 - $5300 7/17, FF1 - $4800 8/17 - ASM1 advantage 4.0- ASM1 - $5500 8/17, FF1 - $4852 4/17 - ASM1 advantage 4.5- ASM 1 - $6000 7/17 (12 month average $6058), FF1 - $6000 7/17 (12 month average $5500) - ASM1 advantage 6.0- FF1 - $19,120 8/11, ASM1 - $13,145 5/17 - FF1 advantage 6.5- FF1 - $15,535 6/17, ASM1 $11,450 6/17 - FF1 advantage 7.5- FF1 - $23,500 3/17, ASM1 - $18,600 8/17 - FF1 advantage 8.0- FF1 - $35,000 3/17, ASM1 - $30,000 7/17 - FF1 advantage Tally: ASM1 advantage in 9 grades; FF1 advantage in 8 grades Take aways: ASM 1 has already overtaken FF1 in almost every low and mid grade. FF1 still currently holds the advantage in higher grades (6.0+), however ASM 1 is rapidly gaining ground on it there as well. I would expect in less than 5 years ASM 1 will be selling for more than FF1 in virtually every grade, emotion and nostalgia notwithstanding. -J.
  12. Actually, it's the second- first in own title. What # appearance was that of Batman in Batman #1? -J.
  13. I will point out when a dealer's reported individual experiences are inconsistent with broader market trends. I am capable of doing my own research and reaching my own conclusions now, thanks to the internet, and most people, including ethical dealers, would recommend the same. The hobby isn't still in 1985 when Overstreet and local vendors were the only source for information. Thank heavens for that. -J.
  14. I'm the guy who relies on publicly available data points and current market trends, not emotion and nostalgia. -J.
  15. Good to know that polls have the ability to alter the trajectory of reality. -J.
  16. While I can appreciate all the sympathy votes for FF 1, I think we all know in our heart of hearts the answer is ASM 1. -J.
  17. I know you're being tongue in cheek here but I'll do you one better and say that's also Lois on 24. It's interesting to note that Shuster stopped doing all the covers after 24, so it's not unfathomable (and would seem much more likely) that the Lois with the slightly different hairstyle is just another artist's mildly different interpretation, or it was simply a very minor change in character design (not unheard of during these characters' infancies). After all, the themes of 23, 24, 27, 29 are all the same- Superman saving Lois. -J.
  18. I don't think it's very meaningful or anything that warrants a mention on a label, but I don't see how that isn't Lois on 23. -J.
  19. Awesome. I bet those are like eye candy to read. . He also did the interiors on the Sex and Violence mini I believe. -J.
  20. Nice. That looks like a sketch version of a cover he did that was released only in Germany. -J.
  21. Nice! He had some awesome covers on that series. Wish the movie was better... -J.