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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. You're basing that solely on the multiplier, and that is demonstrably false. Dollar for dollar, from a net profit-in standpoint, accounting for the $25MM difference in production budget (not really that much in the grand scheme of things) Homecoming was within $20MM of WW, and that was using last weekend's numbers. And it's still going. -J.
  2. I've compared Homecoming to Wonder Woman, GOTG 2 and Suicide Squad- which just so happens to be the last three major superhero movies that have been released. And as of now, the only one Homecoing has passed 2 of those 3, with the third within spurring distance. The only remaining questionfor me is whether or not Thor 3 and/or JLA will make as much as Homecoming, WW, or GOTG 2. -J.
  3. No. I've been responding to the irrational posts of a few other persistent posters in here who have, bafflingly either called Homecoming everything from a "disappointment" to a "failure". Take off your blinders. -J.
  4. With all due respect Bosco, complaining about and excusing WW for not doing as well in some countries (or getting a limited or no release) because of the female and Israeli thing is a little like complaining about how Tyler Perry movies don't do well overseas because it has a lot of black people in it. Studios make the movies they want to make and the deal with the cards that they have chosen to play internationally. Some movies and concepts just aren't as well liked or well received in some territories as others, be it for cultural reasons, or the movie just not being as well liked there as it was domestically. Studios aren't ignorant, they know what they're dealing with going in, and if they don't, then they only have themselves to blame and should hire better market research people. But to speculate as to how much more Wonder Woman might have made in a few small countries if it were, basically, an entirely different movie, to me is pointless. The fact that it made what it made domestically was precisely because of the movie that it is, and I'm sure the studio doesn't mind the very minor trade off in the end. And to bring this back around to Homecoming (since this is, after all the Homecoming thread and not the Wonder Woman thread), when I say that Homecoming made its money 5 weeks faster than WW, that is 100% factually accurate- WW, $817.6MM in 15 weeks, Homecoming $824.1MM in 10 weeks (source, box office mojo). Furthermore, even if we added in your hypothetical totals to WW (which would, conveniently, put it on par with Homecoming's current totals), Homecoming still got there five weeks sooner, and will blow even further past WW by the end of this weekend, four weeks sooner. This has nothing to do with me liking all Marvel (I don't) or being a Spider-Man fan (I am), these are just facts. -J.
  5. Other than DC fanboy lip service, you've provided no data nor analysis to back up any of your false, conclusory statements. The numbers that I crunched were pro forma from the domestic/foreign percentages that we all generally understand to be accurate, and as cited again by Bosco a page or so back. And yet you speak with the authority of someone who has done a forensic accounting of both movies. You do not know what either Homecoming or WW's "promotional budgets" were. You do not know if the stated budgets already include those (they probably do). You don't know the ancillary revenues of either film. You don't know if Sony negotiated a higher percentage of take home for Homecoming because it had the leverage of knowing they were bringing an established property to their mainland, versus the un-tested product of WW there. But most importantly, Homecoming has still not yet completed its run. As I have illustrated already, even at last week's grosses Homecoming was only about $20MM shy of Wonder Woman's overall studio take home profits, five weeks sooner. According to that Forbes article cited by Bosco above, Homecoming will be at around $855MM by the end of this weekend, which will then leave it only about $8MM shy of GOTG 2, and will still have at least a week or two of worldwide release left in the tank. Your statement that Homecoming is a "failure" compared to Wonder Woman is so patently absurd, it warrants no response. And as eager as you are to award Wonder Woman (a movie that didn't even earn as much as the pre-inflation adjusted Spider-man 1 from 15 years ago) its participation trophy, you would probably be wise to cool your heels at least until Homecoming is done raking in the cash. -J.
  6. Oh was this another Forbes article? Don't worry, it will pass GOTG 2. -J.
  7. I figured FMV for a decent 6.0 was about $8k-$9k, but I wonder if the "verified" sig gave that Voldy 6.0 a bump.... -J.
  8. So evidently the sale was inadvertently omitted by Vincent on his sales report to GPA for that auction. The oversight has been remedied, however, and as of now the sale is reflected on GPA. -J.
  9. Thanks! Email sent. I'll let you know what I hear back. They are usually pretty fast with their responses to error inquiries. -J.
  10. +1 The market has generally decided that the two companies are not like for like when it comes to grading so a noticeable discount is routinely baked in to Voldy slabs. -J.
  11. If somebody can post the link to the 5.0 in question, I will email GPA about it myself. -J.
  12. That CGC/Voldermort spread is fairly typical. What's really interesting to me is that the SS 9.8 went for less than the blue label.... -J.
  13. Book looks over graded for a 6.5. I'm sure that's reflected in the price. -J.
  14. Oh yes no doubt. And the price that the coverless Cap 1 just went for only a plus or minus $500 what another coverless copy went for earlier this year. -J.
  15. That 5.0 Action 23 goes a long way toward proving my point that the "PQ" on the label doesn't have anything to do with what a book "looks" like, or the literal colour of the paper. The whites on that book are very vivid and it looks very clean and the colours are bright. It may have gotten that "slightly brittle" due to just one small area of paper. Someone got a nice deal on that copy and I might even say it warrants a CPR. -J.
  16. Looks like huuuuge discounts for coverless copies across the board, regardless of the book. -J.
  17. I wonder if that was the same guy that tried to convince me that the $35k he was trying to offer me for my 6.5 (also earlier in the year) was a generous offer. -J
  18. This thread needs a The 4.5, #23 on comiclink went for $17k+ tonight. http://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3DAction%2Bcomics%2B23%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1195446&id=1195446&itemType=0 -J.
  19. I would say no. A raw copy just sold for over $2200+ last week. $4k+ is a lot to spend on a modern comic, it's all about timing sometimes. Though anything in the $4k range for that book would be a good deal, as there have been a few private sales for $5k this year. -J.
  20. There does seem to be an inordinate amount of coverless Cap 1's out there. So much of this book's value is in its cover. The real score was Knight's cover that he picked up for $10k a ways back. I would imagine that would go for a lot more now. -J.