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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Had to work through the weekend. Waiting for ABC premiere. -J.
  2. Nice. So it's now looking like an $850-$875MM worldwide earner. This move is going to make more than Wonder Woman, and be at least the second most profitable Spider-Man movie ever by the time all is said and done. Not bad for a solo character with 6 movies under his belt in 15 years. -J.
  3. Well it looks like I was right and Homecoming surpassed Suicide Squad's domestic box office this week, and its global box office as well (and after just 9 weeks, vs the 14 weeks that SS was in release). -J.
  4. Whoa. You guys are hitting it out of the park with these last two hauls. Awesome grades on those! -J.
  5. The one that sold for $450 in April was a blue label. -J.
  6. Congratulations those are some spectacular grades. I have looked at the immortal iron fist #1. Yes the census numbers look low, but this book just had it's first nice sized sale in April of this year in a 9.8 (August, for $450). You really can't tell how much a book is "out there" until those first couple of bigger sales hit, then you really see how many raw copies come out for sale and how many others hit the census. It s second printing so I am kind of curious to know how many of those were actually released for that title. Either way, definitely one of my favourite Dell'otto covers. -J.
  7. Outstanding result for what was a risky reboot. Looks like the Marvel/Sony partnership has paid off like gangbusters. Are the early indicators that China will get it past $800MM? I'm seeing some articles saying that the anticipation is high there and that that territory could add up to another $100MM, even with the early bootlegging. -J.
  8. There were many, many other record breaking sales in various grades between the first sale of this 9.4 a year and a half ago, and that comic connect auction you reference from last May, that I have already detailed here in great lengths that disprove your theory on that. Sufficeth to say, we will just have to agree to disagree on that point. -J.
  9. Nice. The price spike has now come full circle. Now to see whether or not this sale triggers another surge, or if it closes the loop for now, so to speak. -J.
  10. That's a very, very nice looking 3.0.And.....you have great taste when it comes to collecting focuses. -J.
  11. That's a really nice find! A top two modern isn't often seen on a wall. Are you going to slab or leave raw ? -J.
  12. Wow very nice, a raw copy. Looks great too! Is it as minty fresh in person as it looks in the pic? -J.
  13. Hold up....the fight sequence between dirty, angry evil, Supes made ill by the synthetic kryptonite, and Clark Kent is still one of the coolest things ever done in a superhero movie.. That one scene alone makes the film a worthy watch, and upon recently watching it again, it holds up today. It's intense, genuinely intense, a little scary, and Reeve, with the subtle nuances of his acting, playing against himself even, shows us why he will always be the definitive Superman. -J.
  14. Holy schmokes! That's a really nice line up, leading up to the crown jewel. You've offically joined one of those most exclusive ownership clubs. Congratulations again. And yeah, slight spine stresses or not, that's a good call on leaving it blue. You can get another Dell'otto piece signed by him and Stan, but leave that 667 nice and virgin. -J.
  15. That's just one (and one of the easiest) ways to spot a shilled auction. But there are others. I stand by my points. (Not that the shilling of that auction actually affects my original points one way or the other). And again, nothing personal. -J.
  16. Meh. Can't really see the difference on my smart phone. The first auction was still shilled and my points stand regardless. -J.
  17. The $38 dollar "sale" from 8/20/17 was re-listed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Legionnaires-16-RARE-DCU-Adam-Hughes-DC-Universe-Variant-Comic-Book-/232447130370?hash=item361eedbb02:g:OOgAAOSwRypZkNB5 I guess that's what you have to do when your shill account "wins" the auction... And it's just a little too easy when you think about it, what these CBSI guys do. Step 1: Select easy to find, readily available dollar bin drek- bonus points if it's Adam Hughes. Step 2: Use one eBay account to "BIN" or run up the auction on exactly 1-2 listings. Step 3: Go on to your Google+ group and post those two "sales", how "rare" or "hard to find" it is, and "good luck finding a copy". Step 4: The sheep from the Google+ group do just that, go to eBay and buy the lowest priced copies they can find, thus creating the illusion that the book is "heating up". Step 5: One of the site's owners post an article on the main site that the "variant" is "hot". And if they get questioned on their utilised data points or methodology, they innocently proclaim " well we're just reporting the sales that we see". Yeah, sure. Can't tell you how many times the "hot" books they have featured, the one or two sales that they use to tell you a book is "hot", if you just take two minutes and look, most of the time they were shilled. I used to think otherwise but I find no credibility with that site. They do have some interesting articles from time to time, but the other half of the time they are pump and dump scam artists and it's obvious. -J.
  18. I agree with all of your points and Spider-Man 2 is still my favourite one overall (though I actually like 3 more than 1, because, well, bad Venom is better than no Venom IMO). My statement about the Forbes guys was more based on the amount of DC coverage they seem to give as opposed to the literal content. Even in cases where they have to admit they don't care for a DC movie, you have to admit you can almost taste their tears while you read the multiple articles they still manage to generate about movies they supposedly don't like. Which is fine, everybody has their preferences. On a side note, Homecoming will pass Suicide Squad's domestic gross this week (if it hasn't already). -J
  19. This has everything to do with that: https://comicbookinvest.com/2017/08/22/variant-heat-check-for-82217/ The dedicated Adam Hughes dollar bin pump and dump site. -J.
  20. In case you missed It, there was a subtle reference to the Uncle Ben tragedy, where Peter was being consoled early on and was told something to the effect of "I know this must be hard, after all you've been through". Iron Man was just as much a surrogate father to PP as PP was a surrogate son to him (he even said as much himself when he "called" him to tell him he was proud of him, and mentioned that his dad never did that with him). Again, the whole point of the giddiness generated by Spidey being in the MCU was so he could interact with MCU characters. If someone still doesn't get that, or was even somehow bothered by that, then you clearly have missed the point. -J.
  21. It was arrogant and presumptuous for the studio behind the Ape movie to release one week after Homecoming, and they paid the price in a big, big way. Sure, it knocked Spidey off the #1 spot and caused it what looked like a superficially large second weekend drop off. But did it really? Turns out all the Ape movie likely did was just backload Homecoming's domestic grosses. It is likely going to end up domestically right around where it would be anyway had the Ape movie not shot itself in the head with that moronic opening date, meanwhile the Apes franchise is probably (rightfully) dead. As for those Forbes guys, yes they're total DC fanboys, and some of WW's biggest cheerleaders. I too wonder if they will give Homecoming they same kind of breathless lip service should it come even within spitting distance of WW global take in the end. -J.