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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Looks like somebody just one-bidded $2k for this raw copy that got listed: http://www.ebay.com/itm/332023766600?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J.
  2. That's what I'd ask if I was a seller. The last 9.6 went for $4k several months ago, and a 9.8 hasn't sold publicly in three and a half years. That 9.8 was actually just added to the census a few weeks ago. I was wondering when (or if) it would show up. -J.
  3. I number crunch everything. www.CGCDATA.com It's free. Like the advice you gave on Batman Adventures #12. Except, mine's useful. I don't remember giving advice to anybody. I remember stating an opinion- one shared by many others I heard a rumour that's what chat boards are for. Heard the same thing about trolling. That's where you come in , I've noticed. -J. Riiiiiight, because you're in this topic about Newsstand Versions and you're NOT trolling. Riiiiight. No I'm not. Again, I stated an opinion. When you started making remarks about my username, posting pictures of fat kids, and name calling, you were trolling. Hope that helps break down the differences. -J. Conversations with you are like you playing the lottery. You get all excited and bounce around in anticipation of winning, but check the numbers buddy, you lost. Again. (...and if you check the fine print on the odds... you never really had a chance.) "Math". -J.
  4. I number crunch everything. www.CGCDATA.com It's free. Like the advice you gave on Batman Adventures #12. Except, mine's useful. I don't remember giving advice to anybody. I remember stating an opinion- one shared by many others I heard a rumour that's what chat boards are for. Heard the same thing about trolling. That's where you come in , I've noticed. -J. Riiiiiight, because you're in this topic about Newsstand Versions and you're NOT trolling. Riiiiight. No I'm not. Again, I stated an opinion. When you started making remarks about my username, posting pictures of fat kids, and name calling, you were trolling. Hope that helps break down the difference. -J.
  5. I number crunch everything. www.CGCDATA.com It's free. Like the advice you gave on Batman Adventures #12. Except, mine's useful. I don't remember giving advice to anybody. I remember stating an opinion- one shared by many others. I heard a rumour that's what chat boards are for. Heard the same thing about trolling. That's where you come in , I've noticed. -J.
  6. Like I said, stick to number crunching your newsies. -J.
  7. So, your prediction was slightly true until it became hilariously false due to the only real-world events that ever happen to comic books. Good call, Nostradumbass. And you pointing out a price spike after a movie announcement is also ground breaking news, Captain Obvious? Next, be sure to tell everybody it got darker earlier a month after Daylight Savings Time ends. -J. This is exactly who I picture every time you post: https://twitter.com/jaydogrules So, you were in the 5th grade in 2012... that makes you... Math. Better stick to number crunching newsies, because sleuthing isn't your thing. -J. I know it's not you. It's the mentality of someone who would pick "Jaydogrules" as their username. It's you... and that kid. Sympatico. I'm flattered that you try to picture me as you read my posts. -J.
  8. So, your prediction was slightly true until it became hilariously false due to the only real-world events that ever happen to comic books. Good call, Nostradumbass. And you pointing out a price spike after a movie announcement is also ground breaking news, Captain Obvious? Next, be sure to tell everybody it got darker earlier a month after Daylight Savings Time ends. -J. This is exactly who I picture every time you post: https://twitter.com/jaydogrules So, you were in the 5th grade in 2012... that makes you... Math. Better stick to number crunching newsies, because sleuthing isn't your thing. -J.
  9. So, your prediction was slightly true until it became hilariously false due to the only real-world events that ever happen to comic books. Good call, Nostradumbass. And you pointing out a price spike after a movie announcement is also ground breaking news, Captain Obvious? Next, be sure to tell everybody that it got darker earlier a month after Daylight Savings Time ends. -J.
  10. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. You lost me when you compared variant cover art by a top working artist in the industry art to a hideous, meaningless bar code. Many, many people collect comic books for their art, cover, or otherwise. I could say that collecting a comic book based solely on the presence of a bar code (something that I can find on a bag of Doritos) is mind numbingly pointless, but then I would be saying "what you collect sucks and what I collect rocks". And I don't say that. -J. You're not getting it (because you're always deluded about these things... anyone who doesn't believe me can check the history of his posts). I'm saying that the 1st most important factor is what's ON THE PAGES inside the book. 2nd most important factor is whether there is only one way to get those pages, or if there are a variety in different quantities. The barcode is part of the 2nd factor, and if the pages inside the book don't matter, then the barcode doesn't matter much. $3,000+ for a copy of a book that contains NOTHING SPECIAL on the interior pages is nuts. You should get the HAND-PAINTED ORIGINAL ART FOR THE COVER for $3,000+... not a copy of a shrunken scan wrapped around nothing special inside. If the cover is all that matters, that's just a folded low-quality lithograph, and $3,000+ for one of those is nuts, too. What I collect for $3,000+ has a LOT MORE REASONS than "because it's nothing special wrapped in a standard copy of a different piece of art". I hear there's a copy of a ocean sunset mural stapled to the front of a house in Arizona. Better shell out beach-front money! What's "special" is in the eye of the beholder. This was already eloquently explained to you by another boardie. By your (il)logic, a photocopy of any comic book should satisfy a comic book collector. Talk about deluded. (or clueless, more accurately). Enjoy your "rare" bar codes. -J. $3,000+ for nothing is a different conversation than $30 for nothing. You're 100+ times more deluded than I am. Again, YOUR idea of "nothing" is YOUR opinion. People collect different things for different reasons. You collect bar codes. Others collect ultra rare books in flagship titles by top industry artists. And yes, you are deluded. Good day. -J. Math. I'm stickin' with it. ....What's really is the book was doing exactly what I said it would until the movie announcement. And that has nothing to do with "math". -J.
  11. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. You lost me when you compared variant cover art by a top working artist in the industry art to a hideous, meaningless bar code. Many, many people collect comic books for their art, cover, or otherwise. I could say that collecting a comic book based solely on the presence of a bar code (something that I can find on a bag of Doritos) is mind numbingly pointless, but then I would be saying "what you collect sucks and what I collect rocks". And I don't say that. -J. You're not getting it (because you're always deluded about these things... anyone who doesn't believe me can check the history of his posts). I'm saying that the 1st most important factor is what's ON THE PAGES inside the book. 2nd most important factor is whether there is only one way to get those pages, or if there are a variety in different quantities. The barcode is part of the 2nd factor, and if the pages inside the book don't matter, then the barcode doesn't matter much. $3,000+ for a copy of a book that contains NOTHING SPECIAL on the interior pages is nuts. You should get the HAND-PAINTED ORIGINAL ART FOR THE COVER for $3,000+... not a copy of a shrunken scan wrapped around nothing special inside. If the cover is all that matters, that's just a folded low-quality lithograph, and $3,000+ for one of those is nuts, too. What I collect for $3,000+ has a LOT MORE REASONS than "because it's nothing special wrapped in a standard copy of a different piece of art". I hear there's a copy of a ocean sunset mural stapled to the front of a house in Arizona. Better shell out beach-front money! What's "special" is in the eye of the beholder. This was already eloquently explained to you by another boardie. By your (il)logic, a photocopy of any comic book should satisfy a comic book collector. Talk about deluded. (or clueless, more accurately). Enjoy your "rare" bar codes. -J. $3,000+ for nothing is a different conversation than $30 for nothing. You're 100+ times more deluded than I am. Again, YOUR idea of "nothing" is YOUR opinion. People collect different things for different reasons. You collect bar codes. Others collect ultra rare books in flagship titles by top industry artists. And yes, you are deluded. Good day. -J.
  12. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. You lost me when you compared variant cover art by a top working artist in the industry art to a hideous, meaningless bar code. Many, many people collect comic books for their art, cover, or otherwise. I could say that collecting a comic book based solely on the presence of a bar code (something that I can find on a bag of Doritos) is mind numbingly pointless, but then I would be saying "what you collect sucks and what I collect rocks". And I don't say that. -J. You're not getting it (because you're always deluded about these things... anyone who doesn't believe me can check the history of his posts). I'm saying that the 1st most important factor is what's ON THE PAGES inside the book. 2nd most important factor is whether there is only one way to get those pages, or if there are a variety in different quantities. The barcode is part of the 2nd factor, and if the pages inside the book don't matter, then the barcode doesn't matter much. $3,000+ for a copy of a book that contains NOTHING SPECIAL on the interior pages is nuts. You should get the HAND-PAINTED ORIGINAL ART FOR THE COVER for $3,000+... not a copy of a shrunken scan wrapped around nothing special inside. If the cover is all that matters, that's just a folded low-quality lithograph, and $3,000+ for one of those is nuts, too. What I collect for $3,000+ has a LOT MORE REASONS than "because it's nothing special wrapped in a standard copy of a different piece of art". I hear there's a copy of a ocean sunset mural stapled to the front of a house in Arizona. Better shell out beach-front money! What's "special" is in the eye of the beholder. This was already eloquently explained to you by another boardie. By your (il)logic, a photocopy of any comic book should satisfy a comic book collector. Talk about deluded. (or clueless, more accurately). Enjoy your "rare" bar codes. -J.
  13. Newsstands are not always rarer in high grade. As a general rule, the closer to 1980 the book is, the less likely that high grade newsstands are anything special. Or, to put it the other way... the further from 1980 the book is... the more it might be helpful to locate a high grade newsstand. Key word being "might". Like almost all books... the "rarer" version of an unimportant book is usually also unimportant. ... and that's why books like Amazing Spider-man #667 selling for thousands of dollars makes little sense to many collectors. It's the "rarest" version of nothing special. Wow, let's fork over some bags of cash. You lost me when you compared variant cover art by a top working artist in the industry to a hideous, meaningless bar code. Many, many people collect comic books for their art, cover, or otherwise. I could say that collecting a comic book based solely on the presence of a bar code (something that I can find on a bag of Doritos) is mind numbingly pointless, but then I would be saying "what you collect sucks and what I collect rocks". And I don't say that. -J.
  14. If you're just buying one of the foreign reprints for the cover , I don't think it makes a difference. But I do think there's a German version that's a little less "busy" than the French or Italian versions. -J.
  15. 4,500/500 = 9 (900% markup) and thats why someone thought it was 9% APR. But that's not correct. Inflation rate has been closer to 2% each year between 2003 and 2016: http://www.in2013dollars.com/2003-dollars-in-2016?amount=500 2003 - $500 2004 - $500 + 2% inflation = $510 2005 - $525 + 2% inflation = $520.2 2006 - $520.2 + 2% inflation = $530.6 2007 - $630.6 + 2% inflation = $541.22 2008 - $541.22 + 2% inflation = $552.04 2009 - $552.04 + 2% inflation = $563.08 2010 - $563.05 + 2% inflation = $574.34 2011 - $574.34 + 2% inflation = $585.83 2012 - $585.83 + 2% inflation = $597.55 2013 - $597.55 + 2% inflation = $609.49 2014 - $609.49 + 2% inflation = $621.68 2015 - $621.68 + 2% inflation = $634.12 2016 - $634.12 + 2% inflation = $646.80 It's a little under the $660 amount because I rounded down to 2% even (not 2.02% and this is an average, in actuality it varied more). But you get the idea and depending on your source the inflation rate may vary a little. I think it will close just under $4K because of the copies that lasted for months on ebay, and those copies were kinda-sorta recently (6 months ago or less?). But time will tell for sure. ROI Is Return On Investment: 2003 - Bought Bats 608 9.8 for $500 2016 - Sell for $4,000 ROI - $4,000 - $500 = $3,500, which gives us 900% ROI If you wanted to know what the ROI is accounting for inflation, then you'd get $4,542. But that muddies the water a bit, not necessarily useful in our industry since we always look at todays value for our books. Jerome That's my prediction on the hammer, give or take. Lots of demand for this book, especially in a 9.8. Six months is an eternity when a book heats up, and it was already trending up before that.. Last 9.8 copy was at over $3500 before the seller ended the auction early (stupidly). Only a couple 9.8's offered a year. Who knows when the next will be. It is easily and hands down the most desired modern age Batman variant. Competition for it will be intense. -J.
  16. It will probably close at around $4500. What's that % mark-up over $500 from 14 years ago? -J.
  17. This should be interesting ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/BATMAN-608-RRP-CGC-9-8-VARIANT-COVER-DEC-2002-LEE-ULTRA-RARE-NO-RESERVE-/282238710544?hash=item41b6bcf310:g:BYkAAOSw5cNYFU~- Don't see these auctioned off very often. Wonder if the seller will actually allow this one to play out. -J.
  18. They were actually not placed into any square bounds. -J.
  19. An ASM 129 with the insert is pretty damn sweet. -J.
  20. That is some tight grading! What a gorgeous copy. It's going to do really well. Damn that is a nice looking copy. -J. I was going to say that certainly this one would be a new record high, but then I looked at the last sale for a 6.5..... $51,070 and the sale before that..... $48,800 6.5s are on fire. Makes me wonder what the next 7.0 will go for. The higher grades are definitely on fire (5.0 to 7.5 - not many sales on 8.0+ books to compare data) It seems like grades over 4.5 even don't come up for sale all that often compared to the lower grades. The ever-escalating prices in those under grades have pushed up the higher mid grade copies. -J.