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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Prob 1200-1500$... This book will sell for crazy money then you will see 2 pop up every week raw like ASM 688 did, well maybe who knows Offered him a sale off ebay last night when he posted it (I'm going to just let the auction run unless someone makes an irresistible offer for it) That's kind of already happened (is happening)..... http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Black+panther+1+campbell&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&_mPrRngCbx=1&_udlo=100&_udhi=1000000&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=91604&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=200&LH_Complete=1 -J. That one that sold for 150 and 200 is the same book... the seller canceled the buyers 150 transaction and resisted it for 200... which then sold... Looks like it. I've seen 8 distinct copies for sale in the last 3.5 months on ebay though. And that's just there. I know a few others who have pulled some copies from LCS'. I know multiple people whom are sitting on multiple raw copies. I've maintained the book isn't as rare as it looks on the census. The way many convention books are distributed can skew submissions low (ex. this book). Just as the way RRP books are distributed can skew them high (ex. Saga 1). -J.
  2. Prob 1200-1500$... This book will sell for crazy money then you will see 2 pop up every week raw like ASM 688 did, well maybe who knows Offered him a sale off ebay last night when he posted it (I'm going to just let the auction run unless someone makes an irresistible offer for it) That's kind of already happened (is happening)..... http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Black+panther+1+campbell&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&_mPrRngCbx=1&_udlo=100&_udhi=1000000&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=91604&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=200&LH_Complete=1 -J.
  3. Still not cooling off.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-23-1-CGC-Superhero-MARVEL-COMICS-DellOtto-Variant-Cover-White-Pages-/252384341434?hash=item3ac3476dba:g:VH4AAOSw8vZXMMLe -J.
  4. BTW, the $27K 9.8 finally hit GPA. Hot Damn I saw that. Only took what 6 weeks. Really wish that comiclink sale would get reported there too. -J.
  5. Interesting history on the book and congratulations on the result. As I said in another thread , there are likely as many people who might bid a bit more for the book because of the unverfied sigs and sketch as there are who opted not to bid because of them. So that was probably a wash. Incidentally , a non-signed/sketch 9.6 copy shows as being sold on another venue (comiclink) recently for $15k. -J.
  6. $9500, but it's irrelevant since the BP is factored in by the buyer. I'd say a 9.6 is officially a $11k+ book. Yes the final actual and real cost (and as reported to GPA) includes the juice- $11.3k+. -J.
  7. That's just some pre marvel chips/tears, a bindery problem. That marvel chipping and generally poor eye appeal for the grade (looks more like a 4.5/5.0) "cooled off" the price of that particular book. -J.
  8. Sorry, but JLaw's mushy Cabbage Patch Kid face has never done it for me. Rebecca's more angular features and lean and lanky physique said "Mystique" much more to me. -J.
  9. I don't think that signed and sketched copies officenecessarily increase value on a book like TMNT 1. I know many people, including myself, would prefer to have no markings on the book. Agreed. For every person who might have paid a small "premium" for the unverified sigs and sketch on the TMNT 1, 9.6, you had a person who didn't bid at all because of them. So it's a wash. That's still a decent result and good $ increase from a year ago for a 9.6, but yeah, still about $3k less than and AF 15, 4.0. -J.
  10. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. If nothing is happening between the pages in these variants, then why will people give a damn about them 20 - 30 years from now? There are plenty of collectors who buy books for the cover art alone so this isn't always true. Plus there some keys... New Avengers 7-Squirrel Girl becomes Jessica Jones Nanny. ( laugh all you want on this one but there's a pretty big Squirrel Girl fan base out there.) Thor 617-First Kid Loki Anyone who doesn't know this is demonstrating a shocking ignorance of the comics market. Going all the way back to the GA, some of the most valuable and sought after books are such based only on their covers, be it because of the image itself, the artist , or both. -J.
  11. That's just about the safest bet around. Some creative financial engineer needs to sell a put option on the group so we can score on the nosedive. So let me get this straight.... You just told us the only modern comic books we should spend our money on are the most common versions of whatever "key" flavour of the week that you guys are talking about in here. Great thanks, got it. -J.
  12. I thought Grundy. Also, I hope we see some version of a cowl and cape in the season finale. Even if it's tucked away in a corner of the cave. I couldn't find a clear picture of him, but it could be Grundy or Killer Croc. Skin looks scaly around the chin, but the line across his forehead is usually shown on Grundy. Nice screen grab! Could be Grundy but the baldness threw me. I didn't think Croc because they're already doing something with him in the Suicide Squad movie. Would love it if it was Clayface. He may be cost prohibitive FX wise on a TV show budget though.... -J.
  13. Anyone other than me think the one dude with the green eyes and mushy looking skin that they were leading out of one of the cells in arkham in the freak wing might be future clayface? -J.
  14. Proof positive that perseverance pays off. Big time congrats man and welcome (back) to the Bats 608RRP club. Better hold onto this one ! -J.
  15. Same seller has a Superior Spider-man #20 up for auction as well. http://www.ebay.com/itm/252383310778?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J.
  16. Just picked up a JSC variant from Jerome. Price was great and the shipping was immediate and the packing was great. Thanks Jerome ! Regards, -Jay
  17. This debate was rightfully put to bed two years ago. Yes there are much less TMNT 1's in a 9 6 than AF 15's in a 4.0 on the census. And it still doesn't matter. AF 15 will always be a far more desirable book. Period. Someone has said a few times (I think the OP), in an apparent attempt to demonstrate that the smaller numbers of TMNT in a 9.6, as established by the poll results (at that time), "should" make the TMNT more valuable because there were more people voting for the TMNT than the amount of copies at that grade in existence. Well since this poll was resurrected people have continued to vote. Not counting restored copies of AF 15 in a 4.0 (since it is unfair to count those in the tally since those books aren't really 4.0's, they are "apparent" 4.0's) there are actually only 176 copies of AF 15 in that grade. And as of now, 295 people have voted for that, compared to just 88 for the TMNT. Or, put another way, according to the poll, only 47 people more than copies exist of a TMNT 1 in a 9.6 would want a copy. Whereas 119 more people than copies exist would want the AF 15. A differential of over 250%. People can have their sentimental favourites, but It's just no contest, and there is no rational comparison between the two books on any level. -J. AF doesn't have to have more absolute votes for your thesis to be backed up. It needs to have 4.29 times more absolute votes (429%). That accounts for the difference in supply. With those numbers, the minimum number of votes necessary for AF to the same scarcity/demand factor as the TMNT would be 378. 176/41= 4.29 4.29*88=377.52 This is mathematically correct , but fails in the real-world since the demand for TMNT #1 is not equal to the demand for an AF 15 (hence why the AF 15 sells for markedly more in spite of the greater supply ). I was simply applying the same absolute methodology as the OP did when he originally made his statement on the matter. -J.
  18. This debate was rightfully put to bed two years ago. Yes there are much less TMNT 1's in a 9 6 than AF 15's in a 4.0 on the census. And it still doesn't matter. AF 15 will always be a far more desirable book. Period. Someone has said a few times (I think the OP), in an apparent attempt to demonstrate that the smaller numbers of TMNT in a 9.6, as established by the poll results (at that time), "should" make the TMNT more valuable because there were more people voting for the TMNT than the amount of copies at that grade in existence. Well since this poll was resurrected people have continued to vote. Not counting restored copies of AF 15 in a 4.0 (since it is unfair to count those in the tally since those books aren't really 4.0's, they are "apparent" 4.0's) there are actually only 176 copies of AF 15 in that grade. And as of now, 295 people have voted for that, compared to just 88 for the TMNT. Or, put another way, according to the poll, only 47 people more than copies exist of a TMNT 1 in a 9.6 would want a copy. Whereas 119 more people than copies exist would want the AF 15. A differential of over 250%. People can have their sentimental favourites, but It's just no contest, and there is no rational comparison between the two books on any level. -J.
  19. How sure are we this is a legit sale? http://comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch%2Easp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3Dteenage%2Bmutant%2Bninja%2Bturtles%2B1%26GO2%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1114386 -J.
  20. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NYX-3-CGC-SS-9-8-SIGNED-BY-STAN-LEE-1st-X-23-Laura-Kinney-NEW-WOLVERINE-/182117673382?hash=item2a670f29a6%3Ag%3ALvAAAOSwM0FXH3qE&nma=true&si=4x1dlkWqkw018nq9YkZPEroyRHA%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 -J.
  21. The fact that a 4.0 AF 15 sells for so much more, despite how many more copies of it there are, is prima facie evidence that it is the much more desired book, and it isn't even close. -J.
  22. LInk? http://comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch%2Easp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3DTeenage%2Bmutant%2Bninja%2Bturtles%2B1%26GO2%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1114386 That's a pretty blatant outlier from the last sale (granted , the last sale in that grade was over a year ago). -J. ya but 9.8s were selling for 15k a year ago. Now 9.8s are consistently well over 20k. This book was due for a price jump in very high grade. High grade copies were relatively stable the last 5 or so years in terms of price while the mid and low grade copies doubled in value during that same time. There just wont be enough of these books with a 3000 print run for all collectors who want one- a small portion of those copies probably dont even exist anymore- There are only 664 graded, whereas your typical silver age keys are in the thousands. Even the rare marvel keys like Hulk 1 has twice as many graded. But there's a cheaper 9.6 copy on eBay... -J.
  23. LInk? http://comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch%2Easp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3DTeenage%2Bmutant%2Bninja%2Bturtles%2B1%26GO2%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1114386 That's a pretty blatant outlier from the last sale (granted , the last sale in that grade was over a year ago). -J.
  24. It must be a hell of a lot more than 9. Have you seen ebay lately ? 9.8 copies have dried up and now 9.6's and 9.4's are starting to go for some crazy money. This book is actually surging right now. -J.