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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. My #1 is Uncanny 510 Sketch HeroesCon/SDCC Variant. And my #2 is the JSC Wolvie/Deadpool variant someone else posted.
  2. Pretty sure that Big Hero 6 was Marvel Studios in conjunction with Disney Animation.
  3. Doktor


    Just remember, every superhero related property gets worse when the word "Rise" used in relation to it. Rise of the Silver Surfer was worse than FF. Rise of Electro was worse than ASM. Dark Knight Rises was worse than Dark Knight. Rise of the Lycans was worse than both of the first 2 Underworld movies. That word is like a curse on superhero media.
  4. Also, I think we can scratch Sinister Six off that list. I'm pretty sure it's scrapped at this point since the ASM universe is dead.
  5. He's likely currently choking on a pretzel from his jaw dropping in amazement over how poor the movie is. Someone might want to call 911 just to be on-call
  6. Doubt that's the case - all the suits care about is $ and the stink of this one may taint them into working something out with Marvel. Why does Marvel need the FF? Between the Avengers and the Inhumans they've got teams covered. What does the FF offer? Striking a deal for Spidey makes obvious sense, but I'm not sure the FF does outside of pure fanboy desire to see them in the MCU. Galactus,Doctor Doom and Silver Surfer I think are the real gold that Marvel wants. Let`s look at the Fantastic Four. Reed and Sue seem out of place in today`s modern world. The Human Torch can be replaced with the original android Jim Hammond from 1939. The Thing is probably the only one of the four that has any value left. So I think Marvel really only wants the FF back because the Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom and Galactus is where they will make their big money. And Kang.
  7. Wow. I didn't even see that. It never even showed up on my followed searches. They definitely wanted a quick sale on it though. Obviously got it as well. Someone got a pretty reasonable deal (considering it's a modern variant) on a hard to find book based on the few recent sales of it. One day, I'll find one somewhere. And actually have the $$ to buy it.
  8. I'm not sure a young Steven Spielberg would have done much better. Spielberg rose to fame on original works that don't carry the type of existing expectational baggage we're so vividly outlining in this thread that Trank skipped over to his own detriment in favor of modernizing the story. I think you hit it right on the head after reading so many reviews now. Why would Fox jeopardize a production like this when they are trying to build out a much larger superhero franchise? You would assume there would be folks there directly representing the studio watching this all come together. All that money being thrown into a production, you would want some studio comic book geek squad coming back with an update if this even looks like it is going to be interesting. I'll still watch it to judge for myself. It will probably not be in a theater. I think that's the problem: they had too many studio suits in the room tweaking this or that or changing this thing there & real quick, the too many cooks problem shows up. Fox has only basically 1 "comic geek" on their staff with any actual authority (Millar) and a bunch of movie people that have made a bunch of comic movies in the past (Laura Shuler Donner, Zak Penn, Singer, and a few others) and many of them think they know comics because they've made successful comic movies or read them as a kid. So the only real "comic geek" you can rely on to be that voice is 1 guy, and anyone else in the room are going to be movie people that have made comic movies, rather than actual comic people. That's the problem with Fox. Their "comic people" aren't "comic people" except for 1
  9. MI: 5 has a 93% rating on RT. We saw it last weekend and I think it might be the best of the franchise. It's a home run movie. And it looked it from the very 1st trailer. no offense but I think anything with Tom Cruise is likely to be a home run. The guy is box office gold His last few movies that weren't in the M:I franchise have been mostly a bunch of flops. Edge of Tomorrow (while great) flopped, that action comedy with Cameron Diaz, Jack Reacher, Oblivion... all of them were pretty big flops. So he's not quite the box office gold that he was 15 years ago.
  10. On the issue of black-Johnny? I don't know or think many people care that he's black, so much that he's black and his sister is white. Honestly, Sue being black might have actually helped this movie a little bit. Not for some dumb PC reasons but because it would have taken away the thing that I KNOW is going to bug me for the whole movie: "why are the brother & sister different races? I understand she's adopted, but it's still bugging me". From a narrative perspective, it's one less extraneous thing that serves no plot purpose & is another thing that needs addressed at some point, muddying the narrative if it's not plot related. Non-plot things like that are just another thing that prevents me from getting engrossed in a movie & just kinda festers in the back of my head the whole time. Unless the adoption is plot-related (which would just seem pointless to me), it's just something else that is going to likely bug the audience in the same way. Like, make them both black, white, Asian, whatever. But unless you're stealing plots from the Flash tv show, making one adopted & of a different race just seems like a recipe for confusing the audience at worst, and just bugging them at best.
  11. Hector is just an awesome dude to buy from. Easy to get along with & would wanna buy him a beer if I ever run into him. Thanks man!
  12. I'll do you a solid & offer you $60/US for that. That is like a 100% profit!
  13. I just want Apocalypse to have the freaking big blue lips. That's all. Even the Power Rangers bad-guy look he's got is acceptable if he had the big blue lips.
  14. Hmmmm... I'm wondering if New Dimension is putting together that 3 Rivers Comic Con show. That's where their big main store is. Plus, that mall needs something to keep it alive. If it's a con, so be it. As for Wizard taking over Pittsburgh... well... we needed someone to take over MurderCon. Renee George was letting that show go down the hole real fast. It was no better than Steel City at this point, except with CGC taking subs. It lost all its luster from the 90's and early/mid 00's. I remember getting exclusives there back in the day. Now, you're lucky to get parking at that convention center. It's really not very good. But being downtown finally? (or if they were still in the Expo Mart) that's a whole different story.
  15. Last year, WW Philly tried to go head-to-head with HeroesCon as well.
  16. Just get your iPad slabbed. Totally legit. Easy instant $500 sale. Especially if you've still got a grandfathered AT&T unlimited data iPad plan with it.
  17. I've read it a few places where someone (I don't remember if it was a producer or an ABC spokesperson) was asked about the ratings of season 1 (when there was rumor of it not getting a season 2) and the response was essentially "AoS has different standards to meet for renewal" which has been interpreted by a few trade articles a few ways. 1 being that since it's an Disney owned & produced show on a Disney owned network, it keeps all the advertising revenue because it doesn't have to buy a show from a different studio/network (since many don't end up airing on the network or by the studio that produces them). And 2, that the regular advertising of the Marvel brand alone makes up for any shortcomings it might have in ratings & revenue department, because it serves as a way to remind every ABC viewer that Marvel is still making things. The 1st explanation is obviously non-spin while the 2nd is obviously at least a little spin, but makes sense.
  18. ABC doesn't really care about the ratings for AoS though. It's a whole different model for them (and pretty much every other network). A 1-hour commercial for another one of their properties that keeps reminding everyone of their movies & works as a cross-platform method of keeping the Marvel brand in the public consciousness in the 6 months between their fall & spring movies. As long as it doesn't lose money for the network, it serves its purpose in the greater corporate marketing plans.
  19. So I guess that's the nail in the coffin of the Mockingbird/Hunter spin-off.
  20. They can use Venom without any issue. They've always had the TV rights for the Spider-Man franchise. Sony only owns the movie rights (but doing Spidey on a TV budget has never been really in the cards or a way to maximize revenue) so Venom shouldn't be an issue. It's Deadpool. But they can always just leave him out.
  21. Spike network did one about 10 years ago. It was objectively awful & lasted about 1/4 of a season. It was also done on the budget of a semi-fledgling network, poorly casted & completely apart from both the movie continuity & connection with the rest of the Marvel Universe (pre MCU). None of that tells me that a Blade series done by Marvel & connected to the TV part of the MCU is a bad idea today. That's like saying they shouldn't have used the black DD costume for so much of DD S1 just because it was dumb in Trial of the Incredible Hulk back in the 80's or 70's or whenever that came out.
  22. I'm not kav. But I do already terrify and polarize vast numbers of people in my personal life. Reality shows would just be an excuse to expose even more people to my general daily dose of dickbaggery.