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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. Do the Comico Grendel books have any value? I've seen a lot of them recently sitting at one of the stores I check thatt I've passed over a few times.
  2. DUDE... let me know if any of those early X-books are on the market!
  3. Had I not gone with the legal filing cabinet option, that closet with shelves would have been a killer plan B
  4. another instance where the lack of a *high five* emoji is saddening. Keep it up, GAtor!
  5. My buddy's grandma; when she turned 70, she decided to cut her morning run down from 10 miles to 7. So it's not out of the question.
  6. I wanna know if he just sends e-mails with the stock photo attached to the winner.
  7. I was referencing what someone else said before about diminishing returns for big movie sequels. And about fans losing interest. The point I was making was that they only lose interest when a sequel sucks or when it's released 10 years later when nobody cares anymore. Or when the whole series tries to be something more contemporary & shifts tones to the point where it doesn't even feel like the same movie. And in addition to Avengers & Jurassic mentioned above, I'll add Fast/Furious.
  8. Not only that, but look at the movies mentioned there. They all have something in common... at least one of the movies in their franchise was an undeniably BAD MOVIE or a complete departure from the successful formula of the rest of the series... or they came out 10 years too late as a sequel. Indy 4 - bad movie. 15 years late. Complete departure from 1-3 in tone & subject Godfather 3 - bad movie. 10 years too late. Sin City 2 - bad movie. 10 years late. Crow 2-whatever - bad movies The Hobbit (trilogy) - Bad movies. But mostly because they tried to turn the shortest book in a series of 4 books into its own trilogy. American Pie & the Hangover - Is it really shocking when the same characters make the same jokes over & over & people eventually get bored? It's a series of dumb comedy. Eventually the jokes get old. This isn't shocking. But Hangover 2 & 3 made big money still. Matrix 2 & 3 - significant tonal departure from the original. Mediocre movies. Star Wars 1-3 - bad movies. Seriously... they're just bad movies. And they were 15 years after the original. And there was a major departure in tone. They didn't even feel like Star Wars movies.
  9. Even more interesting news in all that was that Feige pretty much said "we're never rebooting completely as long as I have something to say about it. We'll recast on the fly & keep going"
  10. People just want a good spider-man movie. They think that it's because of it being Peter & think that Miles might change that. They're wrong, but that's what they think because it's both the PC answer & because it's "well, what they're doing right now isn't working so do something totally different!" seems to be a common suggestion to fixing things that don't work. What the audience really wants is just a good Spider-Man movie. They have had 5 movies so far with Pete/Spidey, but not one of them had a good Peter and a good Spidey. 2 (of 3) movies with a pretty ok Pete and an awful Spidey. The 3rd there was just pretty much universally awful & a trainwreck. And they had 2 movies with a pretty OK Spidey and a horrible Peter. Make a movie that gets the shy nerdy Pete and loudmouthed hero Spidey dichotomy correct that's super-concerned about his secret identity (read: keep the %)*#$ mask on) and people will fall over themselves to throw money at a box office.
  11. Who pays their mortgage with a check? My mortgage is at a different bank than my checking account. Otherwise I'd just do an auto-deduction. I wish I could start just using my Amex though if they take it. Earn points. Wait... can I do that? Because that would be brilliant. I need to look into that.
  12. I guess the point I was making was that for the most part, checks are an antiquated payment method & have been entirely replaced by any number of other forms of payment at this point. From paypal to PopMoney to handheld credit & debit card readers, there's a lot of other methods significantly quicker & more secure for sellers than a check.
  13. Hmmm... so it looks like this guy is up to his old tricks but going bigger this time with bigger dollar mounts on his bad checks. Seriously... who the $%)#! takes checks anymore? Who even uses checks? (except for my mortgage) "problems with paypal"... translation: I don't have enough money & paypal won't let me spend money I don't have.
  14. By that logic, shouldn't we have to be expecting a clone Spidey movie soon & an Otto Octavius Spidey movie after that?
  15. Yeah, I'm 99% sure the Shi'Ar rights & all associated Imperial Guard characters are bundled in with the X-Men rights.
  16. Gladiator might still be at Fox, but assuming we're talking about the DD character and NOT the Shi'Ar/Imperial Guard/etc X-Men character Gladiator, then it's just a matter of time for them to bounce back to Marvel. They already hinted at him in DD season 1. And used his alter-ego. If it's the alien with the Mohawk Gladiator though... I think those just stick with Fox as long as they have the X-Men rights.
  17. I think they're wrong on that 2016 date. Or Netflix decided to drop it like RIGHT after the New Year instead of trying to hope for good watch numbers in that Thanksgiving thru New Year cluster-frank of holidays & shopping & everything else. That's a super busy time of the year for a lot of their audience & hoping for DD-like watch-rate on something that time of year might be a pipe dream. But January 1st or 2nd or something? That's a whole other story. Post-New-Years hangover sprawled on the couch trying to find something to watch? Flip to Netflix and boom... brand new Marvel content? Yeah...
  18. Yeah. I don't see you getting a spandex version of Punisher. I think you might actually get something a little like the Punisher: Dirty Laundry short mixed with War Zone & some of the Punisher MAX title.
  19. I agree that a return policy doesn't entirely negate the problem. But it does at least take part of the problem away that this case illustrated. There were really 2 problems here & we're trying to solve them as if they're a single one. 1 problem being the found resto & the other being the lack of a return policy that would make the issue a little less complicated. Requiring a return policy to be stated won't get rid of problem sellers that want to pass off known restored books that they personally trim or can do a bang-up job on masking color touch or whatever. But it can help make the problem be less complex & by eliminating the question of "what is/should be the default return period or return policy if one isn't stated?"
  20. I said it... sometime. In the other thread. I don't remember. But yes... Return Policy should be a required addition to the terms of sale.
  21. "X day returns for any reason. Y days return/refund for found restoration via 3rd party grading company" or "as-is, no returns" or "X day returns. Full stop. No returns/refunds after this period for any reason" All are pretty clear. I don't know how you could make it NOT clear. I'm sure someone can figure out a way to murky those waters up though. But even if someone does make it murky or convoluted, as long as there is some sort of return policy stated, the buyer & seller are on the same page & others in the PL thread have something to look at and determine "did the buyer or seller violate these terms at any point in the transaction & thus be subject to PL nomination?"
  22. Hit another 5below yesterday on my way home from work. & came up with a big fat nothing again. Nothing of any quality. A lot of Original Sin, a handful of AvX variants, some obscure Marvel NOW! 2nd prints that weren't of any important issues (DD 6, She-Hulk 1, etc), a lot of Spider-Man 1.1 & 1.2s and a smattering of other Avengers-related titles. It seemed to be about the same 7 or 10 books in different combinations between each pack. And not a single ANMNPO to be seen.
  23. It reminds me of going into the Woolworth before drum lessons when I was like 6 or 7 or even 10 & grabbing a couple comics to read.
  24. No luck with the one that I hit while I was out picking up a spinner rack today. Just really nothing books. Almost all of them had the Original Sin 1 & 0 issues in them. Mostly Original Sin books. Gonna hit up a few of the other ones tomorrow after work.