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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. nah...if I wanted to show off I would take a pic of all my copies and post, not just a fraction of them...and let's be honest,there is nothing challenging about owning multiple ih181...its just fun Yeah... I know... Just couldn't let a pic with a dozen go by without some sort of envious comment.
  2. Marvel still can't touch the FF or X-Men characters. Those that are NAMED in contracts. The contracts likely look a lot like a big list of characters regularly associated with the FF and X-franchise comics as well as a caveat of "and all associated mutants/relatives". Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch though were not NAMED characters in the contracts. They were "associated mutants" which allowed Fox to use them, but as they weren't directly named, and as they were more closely associated with the Avengers franchise, they were a special case. I guarantee that Wolverine, The Thing, Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Magneto, etc were all named characters. As Quicksilver was only on one non-X-Men X-team (X-Factor) and Scarlet Witch has never been an X-Man, they fell into a legal grey area which gave Marvel the rights to use them too, provided that they not use the 2 M-words (Mutant & Magneto). The same way that Fox was allowed to use them without ever mentioning their long-standing affiliation with the Avengers. As none of the other big characters from the FF or X franchises fall into that category except for maybe Peter Gyrich, there's not really many other grey areas. The only other big one is the Skrulls. Fox has Super Skrull. Marvel however can use the Skrull race. But since using the Super Skrull without the Skrull race is akin to using any human character without the rights to the Human race, they get the Skrull race by default. But as mentioned, since they were not specifically named, Marvel can use them. Why they have not so far is because of the very fine line between Skrull & Super Skrull. We've seen Skrulls do Super Skrull-y things and there's not really a clear delineation between them anymore (Secret Invasion being a prime example). And rather than get tied up in a court battle with Fox over it though with a judge debating the differences between a Skrull and a Super Skrull when Marvel sometimes doesn't even seem to know exactly what that line is, they've just elected to use other alien races when it's not essential to the plot that the characters be the actual Skrulls. Hence, the Chitauri in Avengers. They're the Skrulls of the Ultimate Universe, but they're not called Skrulls and not really that similar, so it's not a big deal. Plus, they were just cannon fodder anyway. But they're in the same legal grey area. It'll just probably involve a trial in front of a judge like the Toy Biz Mutant/human thing on import tariffs a decade or 2 back.
  3. I'm actually quite nice to the carriers. Even left christmas cards with a gift card the past few years. Doesn't seem to help. I am cool with the manager of that particular branch office too. It has gotten better though. Manager ended up firing 2 of the carriers that used to rotate onto my route though because they were getting a half-dozen complaints about them virtually every day on certain routes. Since it's a city route & they have to park their trucks & walk, if the route they were on that day had hills or they had to carry packages, they would half- the heck out of the whole route because they were lazy.
  4. I have a similar problem with a rotating cast of postal delivery persons & some of them are just brainless & almost outright hostile. If I have a package that needs signed for, I guarantee that I will get the pink slip (sometimes) rather than even a knock on the door or hitting the bell. This is WITH people here virtually all day every day. I was once waiting for a shipment back from CGC & told the girlfriend to keep an eye out that day, and she literally chased the mailman down the street because he dropped boxes on the front stoop (in the rain) and didn't even bother to leave the slip. But marked the package as "attempted to deliver/ nobody home/ notice left" or something. Didn't even ring the bell & she was just inside the door. It's happened multiple times too. To the point that I called the main USPS customer service line & filed a complaint with them. They even did a review of that office & the service got worse as a result. Though I do have 1 or 2 of my about 5 different postal carriers that are pretty good & always ring the bell if something needs signed for. I think it's because they hate having to walk up my driveway to the front door or up the stairs to the mailbox at the other end of my yard.
  5. Assuming pedigree means anything to you & they present equally... then sure. It's just like a little bonus.
  6. I think Midnighter might be a short-term must-buy for the PC crowd. It's kind of tackling a "political hot topic of the moment" thing with the openly-gay superhero. But at least it's not doing so via controversy like the Alan Scott GL thing did, so it might have some legs instead of just being hot until the fervor dies down, depending on how good the book is. But I think it'll pick up steam if the book is good & it gets word-of-mouth heat. Though with DC's history of handling former-Wildstorm properties, I wouldn't put it past them to totally bury the title real fast if it gets TOO hot/popular, thereby hurting the long-term viability of it.
  7. I just find the last dozen or so pages of this thread terribly ironic & yet, boring. Somehow. As for moderns? I'm not feeling the Kitty/Peter Daughter thing. I have a feeling she'll be a sacrificial lamb before the end of the series. Especially since Kitty/StarLord are still going to be together most likely post-Secret War.
  8. Ahh.. yeah... I almost jumped on one the other day as a panic-buy before the prices got out of control, but decided not to. I'm already priced out for the time being. I love the Punisher but had been waiting for the prices to slide down more. Not gonna happen now. But it's OK. I'll live. Instead, I'm looking more at some of the characters that I could see them using in a Phase 2 after Defenders or introducing later on that I have a gut feeling about.
  9. Not saying it's not a good way to make a buck. Make hay while the sun shines. But it's still only going to be temporary. It'll come full circle back to the originals eventually. It always does. Only difference is that people will get creative & actually create some interesting minority/female/LGBTQMNOP characters of their own that can stand on their own 2 feet without needing to trade on the name of a character popularized as a white male to have any market impact at all. That's the stage of the cycle that I'm waiting for.
  10. Stupid auto-correct always saying things I didn't Nintendo!
  11. The diversity bingo game is kinda.... just sad. But remember 20 years ago when they did pretty much the same thing just as ham-fistedly as they are today? Female Doc Ock? Young Vulture? It all ended & all the normal stuff came back. Honestly though? I think it's just because nobody has either forced everyone under 30 to watch PCU or because nobody has made another movie like that that lampoons the PC police crowd.
  12. What happens in a scenario like this? With detailed tracking information and positive feedback received, ebay would likely side with you on something like this. However, during a chargeback, does the credit card company review any data like that and take it into consideration? Is the money ripped from your account at all? What happens? The funds from the transaction is usually put on hold by PayPal till the situation is resolved It turns out that PayPal and/or eBay/Credit card company sided with me. I won the dispute. I can't believe someone who was so happy receiving the item would even try this. When you lie to the wife to hide a big purchase, you gotta to through the motions & the hassle of claiming "oh, it totally wasn't me!" to pacify her & when the dispute goes against the buyer, he can throw up his hands to the wife and say "well, I tried. I guess we'll just have to make it up elsewhere"
  13. I still look at the Wolverine 80 no different than I would calling UXM 168 a Cable key book because it's the 1st appearance of his mom('s uterus). 1st appearance of someone's genetic donors don't really make it a key for them. Same with their constituent genetic material. Otherwise, every progeny character's key or 1st would be the 1st appearances of their parents. I mean... I guess you could do that... but it's really a stretch.
  14. glad you finally got paid, dude. Still lame that you had to chase the guy for a so long to finally get what you agreed to in the first place.
  15. I view non-disclosure of resto or any sort of damage (missing pages, missing stamps, etc) that the seller knew about & didn't mention "because nobody asked" as a lie of omission. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect defects known to the seller to be offered to potential buyers. We require grades or scans (and in most cases, the majority of sellers offer both) for sales made here. Isn't the implication that we're already putting the onus on the seller to provide all known information? Isn't that the point of requiring scans or grades? To provide all relevant information to the buyer? Is resto or incompleteness not relevant information? Assuming the answer is "yes, resto/incompleteness is relevant information", then shouldn't that also be implied to be in the spirit of the demand for grade and/or scans.
  16. Yeah. Might also be circa-X-Tinction Agenda bald Storm. Which reminds me... I'm pretty sure that her secondary mutation is to grow hair at freakish rates. She went from bald back to long hair in about 12 issues that spanned all of about 3 weeks of continuity after she got baldified in X-Tinction Agenda.
  17. You are correct. Bryan Hitch designed Ultimate Nick Fury around 2001 modeled after Sam Jackson. Jackson apparently found out & long story short, essentially demanded the role if they were to ever adapt for film. 7 or 8 years later, they did & he got the role. Nick Fury Jr is the one that resulted as a way for Marvel to get the movies & the 616 more in-line with each other. That he conveniently looks exactly like Ultimate Nick Fury is... well... comic books.
  18. Profit-wise? Absolutely. Considering that I paid cover for it when it came out & my other copy was a 50-cent bin pull (both 9.6) but could have gotten another $50 or so if I would have waited a few more weeks. Oh well. I can always dump the 2nd copy if I want to maximize this time around.
  19. Make sure you get the right sized tube/pipe to weld onto the plate & that wonderful metal-on-metal squeal will be there. (thumbs u
  20. if its cheap enough because of the missing bases, the un-original-ness or incompleteness is something I can live with.