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Posts posted by 01TheDude

  1. Not a comic book and not original art, but I need to post this somewhere, so...


    5 or 6 months ago Mike Royer was having a garage sale. Someone familiar with his work (or rather Kirby's work) mentioned wishing he could get a hold of a Kirby signature. Mike told him he had something he'd be willing to sell if he could find them. Some time later Mike did find them, but the buyer never replied to Mike's messages. So I bought them instead :winnah:


    Back in 1969 Mike acquired these stat sheets for The Fantastic Four #12. He can't remember from who, or who made the copies. He purchased them because "page" 1 was signed by Jack Kirby. I cannot remember if he said he bought them before or after he met The King that year, but it was the first item Kirby had ever inscribed for him ("page" 14).


    Aside from the initial signature and subsequent inscription, I have no idea how collectible stat sheets like these are, but they rate high on my coolness factor. Especially for a Royer collector like me. Obviously it doesn't contain Mike's work, but it is a significant item in his history with Kirby, and I'm proud to be the one who will now take care of it.


    25 pages, so they're wrapped in a spoiler.





    those are really cool -- what is a stat sheet exactly? What part of the printing process is this used for?

  2. Can someone explain to me how 2 guys shooting "ray" guns is a danger to the Flash? Isn't the Flash so fast he can move people out of the harms way of bullets being shot from a gun? Couldn't he just run up and dismantle the guns or just take them out of the villains hands?


    Always something that baffled me.



    same thought went through my mind while watching -- weapons seem like an easy matter for the Flash to disarm whenever he encounters them.


    and if for some reason he couldn't touch them--- why not just create a tornado effect around them?


    same thing with hostages - swoosh- what hostages?

  3. A3bNePvl.jpg


    JUN 6 1967 (year is smudged)


    coincidentally-- I was married on June 6th 1987 (divorced now) -- which would have gone well with the War Lover on the cover. June 6th is also the anniversary of D-Day - which is probably not a good day to get married in hindsight.

  4. does it matter who was bigger than who -- I mean, decapitating someone seems like a shocking thing to do no matter the size of the people involved


    I think it does in a matter of doing something so freaking crazy. He obviously looked for the weakest target possible. Which is why I think he did it intentionally and should have been put in jail.


    I mention the fact of size cause the killer was over 6' and the victim was 5'4


    nah-- he's ok now. The Shaman cured him.

  5. Whoa I didn't know that cool and gruesome backstory. Neat


    me neither. There is more on the wiki page too..... most of the stuff happened after I stopped actively collecting but one really stuck out to me. It was an issue apparently where a group of Wendigos is confronted by Red Hulk, Grey Hulk, and even Green Hulk. Green Hulk gets bit and turns into Wendihulk == 4 "different" Hulks (plus Bruce Banner) in one book (Hulk #7) not to mention a slew of other people fighting this one character.



    In King Size Hulk #1, it is revealed that a pack of Wendigo exist in the Bering Strait after Red Hulk is attacked by a Wendigo, attracted by his camp fire while cooking a meal. A Wendigo bites the Red Hulk on the shoulder and he bleeds hot radioactive blood. He shoots the Wendigo in chest a few times with a rifle and wounds the creature, but it uses its long tail to damage his gun's sight scope. Angered, the Red Hulk reveals he gets hotter the madder he gets and then kills one Wendigo; the others come to claim the body and eat it.[12]


    The Wendigos begin their invasion upon Las Vegas.[13] Bruce Banner, on the trail of the Red Hulk, witnesses the Wendigo pack hunting the Casino area's big gaming room, all crouched about a water fountain with statues. Excited near a terrified girl, he transforms into the Grey Hulk. The Grey Hulk gets help in the fight against them from Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, Sentry and Brother Voodoo. Knocked into some debris, later on the Green Hulk appears.[14] However, the Wendigos infect Hulk turning him into the "Wendihulk" who ends up attacking his fellow heroes. The heroes managed to cure Hulk and drive away the Wendigos.



    I have never read a Red Hulk book. It was eye opening to find out he even existed. Perhaps Hulks are really chili peppers.

  6. If I were designing the comic book coin, I would go with the Wally Pipp of comic books - Wendigo.


    The guy is on both covers of the two main Wolverine/Hulk books but ends up as a "Where is he now?" villain living in a double wide. Poor bastid.


    That would fit this offering to a T


    But his memory lives on in the X-Men arcade game.


    you know--- I don't think I ever read Hulk 182. As I recall, Wendigo was to fight the winner between the Hulk and Wolverine. Who won, did they fight? Or did Wendigo get relegated to video games and Hostess cupcake ads?


    nevermind-- I need to stop asking obvious google questions


    Fictional character biography


    Several people have been afflicted with the curse of the Wendigo, including Paul Cartier, Georges Baptiste, Francois Lartigue, Lorenzo, Mauvais and others.


    The curse is regional to the woods of Northern Canada and takes place, under the right conditions, when a person in the forests of Canada feeds on human flesh. This "Curse of the Wendigo" was created by the Northern Gods (also known as "the Inua") in an effort to deter human cannibalism.[3] The cannibal transforms into a superhumanly strong, nearly indestructible, fur-covered monster: the Wendigo. He or she then roams the woods eating human beings. The Wendigo has frequently fought the Hulk, Wolverine, and Alpha Flight. Paul Cartier transformed into the Wendigo, battled the Hulk, and escaped.[4] He battled the Hulk again and encountered Wolverine,[5] and then battled the Hulk and Wolverine; Paul Cartier was cured as college professor Georges Baptiste became the Wendigo.[6] He later terrorized a snowbound group.[7] He battled Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and members of Alpha Flight; the Baptiste Wendigo was captured and cured by Shaman.[8] Fur trapper Francois Lartrigue later transformed into the Wendigo, battled the Hulk when Bruce Banner stumbled across a cabin belonging to him, and Sasquatch, and was taken to be cured by Shaman.[9]

  7. If I were designing the comic book coin, I would go with the Wally Pipp of comic books - Wendigo.


    The guy is on both covers of the two main Wolverine/Hulk books but ends up as a "Where is he now?" villain living in a double wide. Poor bastid.


    That would fit this offering to a T

  8. no doubt


    and the flippant attitude about the art on the coin graphic was just so out of touch with what this place is about. "oh-- I think it has a retro look" -- retro amateurish and inferior design? very true, just like the offer itself


  9. Can we at least change the topic to read:


    "Comic Book Coin is Coming!.... to GET YOU!"


    I think you can either add one of two parentheticals after "GET YOU"



    (cue maniacal laughter)


    (and your little dog too!)


    I'm not wed to either.



  10. is there a link to where complete crypto novices can watch any offers on this particular coin? I googled but nothing came up (that might be a bad thing I suspect)


    not sure where you can monitor it but they do have instructions how to buy into this on the website mentioned in the original post:





    I am tempted to use some tiny bit of my bitcoin holdings (lol) to buy some of this.



  11. not sure why but I am getting kind of tired of people krapping all over MAOS in whichever (insert comic related TV show) thread they can. We get it-- you don't like MAOS. So what? I can't understand why something so many people seem to think "sucks" is what everything else is being compared to. Perhaps it is more about being disappointed in MAOS in general (characters, actors, writing etc).




    latest show was interesting. The girls dorm part is still silly and while some claim that it is historically accurate, which perhaps it was for some women, you would think someone like Agent Carter would not stand for the mothering aspect of a place like this. She is far too independent to put up with that kind of compostable_fertilizer and attitudes that seem more in line with victorian England than the US right after the war (and the emergence of Rosie the Riveter types). Yeah I know-- women's rights were practically non-existent then. I just think they may be over emphasizing the stigmas attached to being a loose woman. Think back to her cover at the big party as a blond bombshell-- she can step into this character and not worry what people think about her? Why does she have stricter rules for being a secret government agent? And she clearly is a secret agent-- with a cover job and a fake entrance into her real work office. Maybe the character has to play the innocent harmless female role as part of her cover-- it just seems confusing as the she swaps back and forth so often. I understand it but I hate having to constantly deal with it. It is far more deep cover than say Clark Kent throwing on a suit and some glasses.


    I guess I was expecting her movements to be highly restricted by the house mother's careful snooping eye. But she seems to come and go as she pleases so far-- so it is working out as a perfect cover. If they showed how she thwarts the curfew and other stuff mentioned-- I must have missed it. She just seems to show up wherever. When I first mentioned this (after pilot episode), it seemed foolish.



  12. OK, guys, you will be happy to hear that this is my last post on this subject!


    Well, unless pulled back by popular demand! (Yes, a joke).


    It has been, well....I guess, "unusual" might cover it! :D Whether CBC is a success or, as many of you predict, a total bomb (and we will have an inkling soon enough as it opens for trading in less than 6 hours), I will not be bothering you about it any more.


    Thanks to all who read the posts and even those giving me...uh...advice! It has been fun and I appreciated the opportunity to discuss CBC with you all.


    Hopefully, I can come back some day and post about a comic book or two. And maybe I will see one or two of you on some crypto forums! Thanks again!


    I may be mistaken but this is about the fifth time you have said "this is my last post"



  13. the picture I put up is a thin crust pizza -- medium -- and to get them to cut it here in Phoenix that way, you have to tell them square cut. In Chicago at Ed 'N Joes (where my pizza shot is from) all pizza comes square cut. I can't recall pizza coming any other way when I lived up there.


    every single time I have been to Chicago, I make a bee line off the plane to this restaurant to start the pizza eating experience. Trust me-- it looks even better when you get it from the restaurant.


    I am working myself up into making a trip at the worst time of year to go there just for some of this pizza. screw that-- I'll call and order some to be shipped.

  14. I, for one, think this is a great idea. This is the Chicago-style deep dish pizza thread, right?


    (opens new browser window…clicks link to Comic Book Coin explanation…head explodes from sheer awesomeness of idea…no wait…sheer bizarreness of idea…then posts)


    Oops…my bad. Wrong thread… :facepalm:


    Great...now I'm craving Giordanos, thank you. It's only an eight hour drive :sorry:






    Don't worry…ended up making myself hungry, too. :tonofbricks:


    Old Chicago Pizza :cloud9:


    Yea no.... Chicago doesn't make pizza. They make Sauce Pie. It's gross. Please NEVER refer to that stuff as pizza.


    THIS is pizza



    first of all bull mess


    only tourists think of chicago pizza as being that mess called deep dish. Grew up there and never ate deep dish in my life.






    straight from our favorite pizza joint in Tinley Park Illinois (south suburbs) -- Italian sausage thin crust cut in squares.


    you have not lived until you have had this pizza -- we have paid hundreds of dollars to have it shipped flash frozen to Florida and Arizona over the years but the best is eating it there in Tinley. The picture above is from one of those sent to Florida. Still trying to find some shots we took inside the restaurant.