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Posts posted by W16227

  1. the show report - part 1!!!!

    I run this show every year - this is my third. Like others have said, this was a down year for attendance. The past 2 years - they ran the week after wizard world. This time - much later. I was hoping for more "comic" people because of this - but no... Even the casual looker ( last couple of years had a lot of the kids buying) was down..... 

    My goals for this show - generally are to move lower end books. I do not need to move the high priced items here. I still bring a selection and some decent high end items, but I would rather take in less overall $$$ and clear dollar bins.




    Part of the plan to make load/unload and storage easier was the use of dollies. Got a good deal on them - and they can roll straight into the storage unit when done.  Only 2 problems...stcaking 4 high ( as seen here ) - is tough to manage even with the pallet wrap. The comic boxes are slick - so even wrapped they shift a lot. Also - I got the ones with the smaller wheels.... I did not need the large wheels for the weight - so I decided to save the $5.. bad idea - as the smaller wheels are tougher to get up and down the ramp. Especially for one person ( load in of the truck was just me,,,,) ,

    I did manage to make it work. Used strapping with the pallet wrap to prevent shifting.  Here is the loaded truck....



    About 160 shortboxes full. Just a tad to much for my booth size - ended up not being able to bring out ~ 6 boxes total ( after reloading).




    Had help for the unload - but with the wheeled stacks - was very quick. Everything out and the truck outside the building in less than an hour.



    getting stuff set up....... The front was back issues - one side with sets and trades - back wall and other side was all "dollar" and $2 bins. Majority of the low tier stock was from a  single large purchase. I had already pulled any value books out - so into the digging bins....


    Friday night - the show runners call this a preview night. Last year, they had some vendor backlash as many complained they were not allowed to open ( only about 20 of us were open last year). They should have talked to those of us who were there... Not a lot of business during a dance party with the lights down. I adjusted my spots to give people some light.  I made more money from dealers before the "preview" started. Since I was set up last year for this, I was prepped with flashlights for people so not a total loss.

    I would think that next year, things may shift again to a lower amount of vendors setting up for Friday..... I think they had about the same amount of people there Friday night as last year, but they were much more spread out as the entire fairground was opened up.....



    On to Saturday.






    The "wall" books. For me - basically $15 and up comics - some keys, mostly smaller keys.


    Slabs - had a mix with some higher end.

    Decided to go with the dollars at 2 for 1 pretty much from the start. The booth next to me had 0.50 bins. I had a lot more stock - but enough of it was similar I did not want to turn box diggers away.

    SLOW start.  Last year - they had a line to get in at the open. Not this year......  Not a lot of action until ~ 2:00.  Say people digging through my neighbors bins - nobody at mine.... Some tire kickers looking at the slabs ( X Men 50 and my ASM 2 were looked at several times) ...


    Mental note for next year - show the dollar bins up front ( or have large signage) ...

    At ~ 2 - had a big sale. This is a person who has been at the other shows - comes in with a lot of cash and will deal on big slabs. He also will chew you don in price, lol.... Sold him my ASM 2 ( purple label - trimmed) and a lower end Marvel Boy ( purple label) .. I could have made the same $$$ in many places, but a good kick to the weekend.

    After that - things picked up. Sold a total of 5 slabs Saturday ( none Sunday) - but the others were lower tier. Silk 1, a 9.8 DC bombshell variant, and..... Punisher Meets Archie!!! (9.6),,,, The dollar bins ( or 2 for a dollar bins) ---- were being searched by many people pulling stacks for the rest of the day.

    Interesting conversation with on of the comic diggers. He came in late - and gave us some insight as to why the crowds were down. He is a dealer at other shows - apparently this weekend had a Saturday comic centric show close by (Milwaukee??)  - as well as toy related shows. He also said that Count-i-Con was not known for being a comic selling show (no idea on that one, but I do know that one of the local comic shops sets up with only games and pops -- so there may be something to this) ...

    In any case - glad to get books moving out the door.



    The big three - me in the middle, on the left is a friend who helps me every year (big props - he is the reason why I actually started doing this show)  - and artist Chuck Fiala. Chuck has been sketching at my booth all three years.



    Chuck in action - he was making a quick sketch for a fan. Was a cool moment for us watching - someone came by and was looking at the portfolio. She recognized ( and loved) his work - but did not realize he was the artist right away. When she found out - FANGIRL!!!!!  ( was so cool to see him make her day like that) ....




    A sketch he did for my daughter - going to be a Christmas gift for her boyfriend.  He did a Harley sketch cover for me - that and another he did for me are at voldy for slabbing. Voldy - had a setup there with a couple of people - they actually were pretty happy with the weekend. Several boxes submitted - along with sketch covers.  Glad for that - I did not really think this show would be that good fro them, but the dealers there probably gave them enough business to make it worthwhile.



    cosplay winner - we have away a couple of gift certificates for the contests. She spent like an hour at the booth looking for comics for her and her friends.


    Sunday... Started slow again. Picked up at ~ 2:00. Dropped out prices across the board to clear items out ( and we were reasonable to start) ... Sets were 2 for 1, bins 4 for a dollar, back issues buy one get one free.... They were only open noon to 5 but we did manage to do about 50% of Saturdays haul ( and half of Saturday was the ASM 2)......






    This is the prize we donate every year to the kids cosplay winners - a sketch of the kids in their costume!



    That is about all!  teardown went smooth. Only issue with offloading back to the storage unit was the rain. Not pouting --- but enough to make the ramp slick so I had to go slow....



    All in all a good show. Many repeat customers - and many questions about where my "store" is. I like that - I want to have the professional look even if I do not have a B&M. Also a lot of questions about when and where I will set up next....


    The only disappointment is that I did not beat last years tally. My layout and stock was better this year - just the shopper count was down. The issues are now a lot more organized and packed - so it will be easier for me to pick and choose smaller local shows and run a single table efficiently.










  2. 21 hours ago, spreads said:

    4 for $1 seems like you would move a lot of books!  Are these books that haven't sold a few times at $1 each in the past, or do you just give them one attempt to sell at $1.


    I ran them 2 for 1 on Saturday - four for one Sunday.  For most of the stock - it was the first time I had it out. Note that I do NOT do many shows - I really was trying to move books. Still have a lot of good stock in there. At .25 a book ---- very low margin, but I do NOT care. Just unloaded at the storage unit this morning, still packed TIGHT (I had a ton of the drek at the house, so it is good to get that out at the "annex").


    I may go to one of the smaller shows in the areas-- talking with some of the box diggers there- general opinion in the area ( according to them) - is that this is not that well known as a comic selling event...... And it really did seem that way.  At 4-1, I of course had a lot of the dealers there picking.


    Will have a better report later in the week -- overall I did the same as last year ( in the same sized booth). Disappointing in a way - as I was able to plan out the space better this year and brought a lot more to sell. BUT --  not disappointing I would say that I had much more traffic than the other comic booths. My buddy who helps me was scanning the area a lot, and even the other group that had 4 for a dollar - were nowhere near as busy.  The crowd seemed a lot smaller this year - and even my sets and such that were buy one get one free ---  only moved a little ( and I expected to move a ton of that).

    Sold 5 slabs - including a spidey 2 ( restored) -








  3. 58 minutes ago, Wall-Crawler said:


    Too tired to read back but what show is this again?

    I have never done a three day show...I can imagine being zonked after those!  Are there any factors that made for lower and/or slower turn out? Sounds like things picked up though...Congrats on the bigger sales!

    Look forward to pics and final update...Ice dem knees!

    Count I Con - lake county Illinois

    was my 1st and regular con - I need to set up at more of these ( but a smaller layout) - as I have a lot of general stock

    getting a second wind - good thing as I need to print new box labels

    The three day - actually works well for me. We get load in on Thursday - and you are able to drive into the floor as long as there is room. I go in early - to be sure I can drop inside.

    Friday night - is sort of a wasted one for the vendors. I do not mind as I am a local and have no real travel time. But it is slow. I get more business from the other vendors than from customers. Most are kicking tires or there for the costume party. But always good to network. My space is great - but being near the dance floor sucks. The dim the lights in my area-


    I had managed to re-position my floods - head on you could at least see the wall books.  Got some light around the back row - so the bargain diggers could see.

    Cosplay winner -






    as far as attendance , just was not as busy Saturday noon - to 2:30 ish.  There was another comic centric con in Milwaukee I believe - more of a full on comic show. Count i con - lots of pop culture there too  - even though I am pretty sure there were more comic booths this year than in the previous two. Ended up decent - about 50% of the $$ was from that once sale, though. Hopefully the bigger sale will clear out even more of the low end.



  4. 15 minutes ago, thehumantorch said:

    I'm glad you've been updating this thread.  It's worthwhile.

    I belong to facebook but rarely go there.  Could you explain how 'boosting' works?  Also what do you mean by organic and Paid in reference to reached?

    If you have a business page - you can "boost" any post - you pay a fee and they ensure your post is seen by an additional "XXX" people -  that are not already "likes" - I believe "reached" - is the number of people that click on the post. Organic- is the people already liking or following - paid is those that  you gained from the boost...


    Beat ... Just beat now,... The show is definitely different than last year - Friday night was pretty useless, but it is supposed to be more of a preview night anyway,  


    Saturday started real slow  - some early low key sales. Definitely a lot fewer people through the door than last year.  Was disappointed but then things started to hit. Sold some small slabs ( Silk ,  DC bombshell,  Punisher meets Archie) - but then a big $$$ score.  Had a spidey 2 restored - guy bought that and a marvel boy restored.  Probably not any better than I would have gotten here or on the bay after the juice - but still a nice chunk of change. 


    After that - the dollar bin divers came out of the woodwork. ( and we were running them 2 for one - as I really just want to clear that stock out). Repeat customer comes in at the ned and is pulling lots of $2 and $3 books as well ( $150 total sale to him at close)... Had a guy rifle through and pick up like 20 caps too ( ranging $3 to $7 a pop)...

    Sundays at this show are sometimes strange - they have a couple of kids based activities so you get a lot of families. Bargain bins are going to 4 for $1 and most back issues and sets 2 for 1. Want to really lighten the load. 


    Will have pics later - got to make new signage and pick out a couple more slabs for tomorrow..... And ice the knees!!!!









  5. On 10/20/2017 at 6:34 AM, Shrevvy said:
    On 10/20/2017 at 2:20 AM, lou_fine said:

    Nah, just saying that if I have to claim the capital gains on my GA books whenever I get around to selling them, then I should also be allowed to claim the capital loss on my MA books whenever I get around to disposing of them.  hm

    You can, but only in the same year. US tax code is stacked against collectors. You are expected to pay taxes on any gains from collectibles, but at your marginal ordinary income rate. Collectible gains are not treated as capital gains regardless of how long you held the asset. You may write off losses against any gain taken in a given year if those losses are incurred in the same year. You may not use those losses against other capital g

    Pretty sure this is the case --- they let you offset the collectible profits and loss against each other.


    It is a pain - but if you do this a lot - even as a side job - it is beneficial to run as a business. You really cannot claim losses constantly - but you can offset more against the gains for items like bags/boards and grading fees....



  6. Apologies if I miss anyone - this is who I see 


    I see me ( Funky Catz Comics )


    Dreamland ( local shop has some neat stuff)

    Ken's. - another local B&M store 

    Comic Wreck 


    Austin's comics

    cagey comics

    comics against cancer

    fractal comics

    hocrux comics

    happy day comics

    jar of comics

    outer space comics

    Tango comics


    probably missing some - I was looking for names with "comics" -  some speciaLiza as well




  7. 11 hours ago, 1Cool said:

    For me it comes down to comparing selling books at a Con compared to selling books on E-Bay.  With E-Bay fees and Paypal I pay about 12% (lets assume shipping is a wash) which is a little better the 8x1 multiplier vs expenses.  I find listing books on e-bay to be easy since I can do that while watching tv or on my lunch hour.  Con require a huge outpouring of time all at once since I've got to get multiple long boxes of books prepped whereas e-bay I can do 100 books at a time.  So if I get 5x expenses then I'd rather just go for a couple hours and do some shopping at a particular Con rather then giving 20% of the profits to the house.  Now cash is key but considering how frugal most Con buyers are lately cash isn't that great since they want much less then e-bay prices. 


    For me - it is that outlet for selling the items that do NOT go over well on ebay. Lots of profit in the dollar books - but a waste to move the on the bay as they occupy a lot of time to pack and ship ( and bulk shipping rates kill trying to move large lots). 

    By Sunday - I will likely sell by the pound to get them out the door - as I then have more $$ and room for the next collection ( and have a friend looking to move a significant one after the show).

    Have over 100 shortboxes pulled with reloads for this weekend.  I also will have a decent mix of wall books and back issues - but most of the premium items will stay at home as I do not need to move them. I bring a selection to show that I have the goods ( and can always bring something of interest the followup days if this sparks a discussion).

    back to prep.....


  8. 5 hours ago, thehumantorch said:
    6 hours ago, lou_fine said:


    If he's got 2,000 books here and if he had to pay full retail price for them, then he must have at least $5K into this so-called worthless collection of his.

    If he sells it for $500 in the end if he's lucky, then he should be able to claim a capital loss of at least $4,500 to offset any other capital gains that he might have elsewhere.  Has any board members ever tried writing off their comic book purchases as a taxable loss, and if so, was it accepted by the tax man without any problems?  ???

    And for this scenario here, let's say that you are a comic book collector, as opposed to being a full or part-time dealer.  hm

    I'd think he'd have to keep receipts for all of it and I'd think he'd have to have bought them as part of a business plan rather than for personal consumption.  

    I can't imagine trying to claim my newspaper subscription, paperback purchases, cable TV, etc as a capital loss.  

    USA/Canada will be different, but in the states - you would not be able to claim a loss unless you were officially registered as a business and had the records to prove it. It is not something you can claim after the fact. Also not something you can write off against other capital gains - but could be written off against other comic sales. Collectables are considered a hobby for individuals ( non business) so they are treated different than an investment.

    The fun part of the tax code -is that if you sell for a profit.... they want a piece of that.

    Small time collectors and such - probably fly under the radar - but something like the Burk collection that was brought to auction recently - will have a big tax bill along with the $$$ ( depending on what he paid for the collection of course) ....

  9. awesome!


    my turn to threadjack....

    Count I Con is around the corner ( really my main con) ---- my third year there....


    Last year I had an open design -  with the pole in the middle, lol - I get the same spot this year. Chuck Fiala is at my booth again - so I need a spot for him as well.



    Right side was the bargain bins ( dollar and two dollar)_ left side sets -- middle back issues. Wall books in back with table in front to block access.  Worked well.

    This year - going for an open design.  Should have more surface area. I have reloads for the cheapies so they will be on special quick.  Instead of a drape wall in the back with banners- I am only setting the frame up in the center of the booth with banners.






    Opening so we can get in - will be blocked off.  Back wall - will be all dollar and $2 books -side is the sets and tpb. Front will be Chuck and back issues.  Wall books behind that. Table in back for storage.



    Currently - 60 boxes ( shortboxes) of old " bargan" stock.  42 fresh stock.  Reloads if I need it ( though no bag and board).

    About a box of treasuries.

    Back issues/wall - three new boxes pulled and priced. Probably 20+ hidden away that I have to locate....

    Will bring one box of slabs - mixture of items.  A couple of high end that go in the locked display.

    Still pulling more - will stop after tomorrow and worry about packing for load in.....






  10. 1 hour ago, comicwiz said:

    Yes, the main purpose is for insurance, but proving wills (probate) and/or valuing personal property in divorce or inheritance situations are a few other reasons.  The qualifications depend on whether you want to do all personal property, real property (i.e. real estate). Generally, you are expected to learn uniform standards of practice and ethics through instructive programs and/or courses, where you are later tested on your knowledge of USPAP. I believe in the U.S. you have to take an update/refresher course every two years. The Appraisal Foundation website lays it all out here.

    THANKS! -  find it interesting to see the REAL process one should go through.  I hear people talk about "appraisals" all of the time - but they are really just using an excuse to go see a collection and make an offer.....

  11. 13 hours ago, comicwiz said:

    Online classified sites do draw in the worst, but the incident I'm describing was someone visiting my booth at an annual show I do, telling me they were looking to sell. I noticed her reading my sign, which mentioned my credentials as an accredited appraiser, so I did walk over, introduce myself, and mentioned that I do charge for appraisals if that's what she was looking for, and her reply was that she was not interested in keeping the collection, but only interested in selling it. The tune changed when I got there, and as soon as they got the number from me, they couldn't get rid of me fast enough.


    Curious - what does it take to be an accredited appraiser? - I assume this would be related to insuring collections. Wondering what level of hoops you have to jump through.


  12. 7 hours ago, 3319comics said:

    Look like most of these are right in my wheelhouse , I'll try to make it out there....

    if you have general ideas of what you are looking for -- let me know and I will be on the lookout for them when I pull the new "old" stock.  I usually hold back a lot of the higher grade stuff for ebay unless I have a reason to bring it. I will also not be the only one there with good books  - I just do not know if Matt is showing up again --- he had a much bigger "wall" selection at fair prices. Others may be hit or miss. One guy at the booth was funny - I had a Rom 1 listed for like $15 - he was in shock that someone else had one for  $80 ... of course neither one sold that day .....






  13. AH - the reason why you check every book in those longboxes....


    running through stock for a con later this month - speed pricing for the bulk boxes ( basically quick sorting for dollar bins and setting aside anything of interest.

    pulled out this little gem....

    cover is wavy - but no color breaking creases that I can see! After the con - this is heading out for CFP/CGC







    back cover ---- looks even BETTER......








  14. 2 hours ago, 3319comics said:

    hmmm, :popcorn:  havent gone to a con in few years. Maybe try this one out. Any ideas on the past year selection of silver/bronze type comics?

    Tricky  to say - will depend on what people bring to bear. I will have a ton of modern lower $$$ blow out books occupying half my booth ( priced to MOVE)  - with the other half as back issues/wall ( silver through copper with some gold thrown in). I was shorthanded last year so I had to stay close to the booth and did not see a lot of what was on the floor. There is a lurker boardie ( Matt) - that set up last year that had a very good selection. I do not know if he is returning this year ( do not remember the store name, lol)

    Dreamland - will depend on what they bring. 2 years ago - they had much more diverse offerings ( more comics and they do have a good selection). Last year - more toys with some comics.


    My " top " silver/bronze I do not usually bring a lot to the show- as I can sell that through other channels pretty easily. I do bring a lot of the keys/semi keys - but generally the mid/lower grade ones.  Below - are my "wall" racks from last year to give you an idea.


    If you have a specific collecting area --- let me know and I can see if I have anything of interest I can bring for you to look at.  I will have ~ 20+  short boxes of back issues ( silver through copper) and my 4 racks of wall books.  I do bring a variety of slabs - but most just tire kick those. 

    If you do stop by ( Funky Catz Comics) --- ask for Dave and let me know you are on the boards. 








  15. blue label - sig will not drop the grade --- and will note" Will Eisner" written on 1st page 

    save the pictures - so you have a reference of what the sig looks like!


    even higher grade books - a simple interior signature will not have a drop ( something grossly oversized in sharpie might) ..... I know cuz I got burned by this once in a discussion thinking an interior sig would drop from a 9.8, and a fellow boardie  drops the :makepoint: showing me a 9.8.....