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Posts posted by W16227

  1. 1 hour ago, Fiddy said:

    Maybe they have something in the contract that states the employer can let the employee go if they don't work out.  I've taken on several people that the city/state paid for but had to let some go due to service issues or theft.  The contract we had was with the agency, not the employer, so if one person didn't work out then they would replace that person with someone else.  I've worked with a couple agencies and usually they would pay 120 hours for high school kids, and 3 months for adults with special needs.  

    This is what I was thinking...


    and a quick edit here - for Gabe - this is one of those opportunities for you to get feedback


    email the manager - ask POLITELY why you were removed - state that you are trying to improve you chances for future positions and what to know key areas where you did not perform well

    Hopefully the person will be honest and you will act on the feedback. A face to face visit may be better for feedback as long as you are HUMBLE and behave as you are seeking advice......





  2. 1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

    There was no misunderstanding on my part he wasn't supposed to take me off the schedule regardless because everything was in the contract.

    Are you sure? - not being mean , but you tend to miss or gloss over details at times. 

    I would be willing to bet that the pay provision were in there,  but not a full guarantee of 12 weeks employment.  The forts two weeks are probably a trial for the employer to see if they want to continue. 

    I do not know how the legal system works up there, but a guaranteed contract like you describe being broken in the states would be followed very quickly by a lawsuit and quick settlement.  

  3. 16 hours ago, joeypost said:

    When buying a comic on EBay (from a seller in your state) how many of you would argue about the sales tax after a best offer has been made and accepted?

    As a buyer - I would think it depends on how the listing was worded - and if you have the listing set to add in the sales tax for a specific state.  Kind of like shipping - unless there is a specific negotiation in the offer/counter process - the shipping is extra.  However, most buyers may not realize that tax is extra when going the best offer route. If BIN or auction - it is in there as a separate line item when purchasing, so obvious.

    As as seller - I just consider this part of the costs and pay it. Simplifies the listings and puts the effort more on me to recognize when an offer is going to my state so I can figure out if I want to adjust the haggling.


  4. 1 hour ago, ADAMANTIUM said:

    I always thought that it had to be over a certain amount for Craigslist and eBay listings to have to pay taxes on it... But maybe I'm thinking of income tax or something... Instead of sales tax which may be different lol


    Well - you realistically have to pay taxes on any gain.  Paypal will not issue a 1099 unless you hit specific requirements, but that does not mean you do not need to pay taxes without one.

  5. 54 minutes ago, porcupine48 said:
    1 hour ago, thehumantorch said:

    Even better, pretend you're a spy on a mission, go in and try on a dozen Tuxes and then ask to use the bathroom and measure it with your secret tape measure.  Then have a fellow spy person distract the owner while you escape out the back.

    i'd totally love to do something like that! lol

    Even better  .... ask to borrow the tailors tape measure ,  then hit the bathroom

  6. 16 minutes ago, 1Cool said:

    Not sure?  Kind of a moot point since my Man-Thing is now all burnt up.  Anyway I can get my Man-Thing back to the way it was?

    I think you need a professional presser to fix the cockling.....


    the good news - according to CCS - " Cockling can be corrected nearly 100% of the time with a proper pressing"

  7. UGH --- hope it works out.

    Is the bathroom you want to measure "public" ( accessible to customers) ? - if so - go right in and measure it - or any other areas. Bring a friend ( or even have a couple of buddies do this for you). If questioned - just say the new store coming in is planning out the fixture placements. Then ask about when they will be cleared out completely.  Make the operation non confrontational - but with the emphasis that the new store is moving in. Maybe even a couple of calls asking the same - stating that new fixtures are being delivered so you need to know when the store will be clear.

  8. 1 hour ago, G.A.tor said:
    2 hours ago, Sqeggs said:

    Do you have links to the info on the resales?


    ---- I was probably too broad in my response --- this is a great example of what I was thinking. I fully understand some peoples desire to crack the slab for their own enjoyment, but was not really sure why this would be a plus for resale. Especially with the collection significance ( not a pedigree, but IMO it is close)

    So - the SC 6 was cracked out. Does this alone really make it any more desirable? - the seller did up the grade on the sales listing ( to VF+ from VF).... The book could have been under graded - or maybe they pressed it -or just wishful thinking..

    I would think that 8.0 with the berk notation on the slab would generally beat out a raw 8.5.........

    Obviously to the right buyer at the right moment - anything can happen.



  9. 18 hours ago, lou_fine said:
    On 6/18/2017 at 7:13 AM, MrBedrock said:

    I think the "exit strategy" part of the equation is going to be very hard to reconcile for this auction. So much of the bidding was made with no plan to ever sell. When you are competing against that the exit strategy goes out the window. That is why those rare cases where folks overlooked a book make will likely make that book look like a bargain down the road. 

    I've been giving this some more thought the past few days since I received my few books which I was fortunate enough to win earlier this week.  As a long-term collector, I don't really have to worry about an exit strategy at all as these books from Jon's personal collection have once again found a permanent home and will be with me for a long long time.  And like everything else in my own personal collection that I brought decades ago, the magic of time itself will take care of the exit strategy.  hm  (thumbsu

    On the other hand, if you are not a long-term collector, it's sad to say but the exit strategy might simply be to remove these treasured books from their imprisoned tombs and sell them raw at substantially higher prices.  You never know, as the marketplace might place a even higher premium on these HTF gorgeous looking books when they are out there in the flesh and free of both the slab and their "not so cherished" association with the  Jon Berk Collection designation.  :screwy:  :frown:


    Would they really be "worth" more de-slabbed? I would think that the grade and Berk certification to at least add some value.... 

    I have seen some say that they are likely not pressed, so I could see the potential for flippers to try and CPR for a quick score.

     I would not expect the recently sold items to get any premium over what was paid unless one was trying to hide restoration by deslabbing ( and I am NOT saying that anyone should do that for sure!!!!!)....

    I do not think there can really be an exit strategy with an auction like this. Maybe a better way to think of it - wold be an entrance strategy, lol....  If someone is concerned with the overall $$$ needed to purchase ( like you might need the money back and have to limit any loss potential)  - they should limit themselves to books with enough pricing data that any exit point would be predictable.   ------ 

    A strange game. The only winning move is not to play




  10. 5 minutes ago, Sqeggs said:

    My local FedEx does a horrible job with requests to reroute packages to a FedEx location.  Their software either needs an overhaul or they're intentionally trying to get you to stick with the default of waiting for them to try another delivery the next day.  After some bad experiences trying to reroute packages, I've thrown in the towel and now just let them try another delivery.

    I have actually had good luck with my last couple of clink and c-connect wins --- this time I knew someone would be home and they knew a package was coming....

    I did the reroute because we are hitting summerfest tomorrow - do not want any chance of some driver just leaving it ( or signing themselves). Doubt it will be available today.... so I have to suffer knowing they are in town and pickup is likely Monday........  ( but hey - 1st world issues - worth a laugh at my expense) ....



  11. 1 hour ago, Robot Man said:

    Hey Jon, I got notice that a few of your old books are on the way via FedEx to my house today. VERY excited to have them!



    My package was supposed to be delivered today.........

    Made sure my wife was supposed to be home..... but somehow she missed the doorbell.....

    Doesn't she understand - you need to have a plan. Always post one of the kids as a doorbell sentry when you are in the basement.

    The pain.... - knowing I could be obsessing over the pickups tonight!!! - yet probably blocked by a potty break......

    Only hope is that the reroute to a fedex location happens tonight.....

  12. On 4/26/2017 at 11:20 PM, Wilson3d said:

    I cracked a PGX Spidey 129 9.0 for a client recently. It was missing half a wrap.  It was super obvious and they must have never even open it up when Grading it. I felt horrible for him.
