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Brittany M.

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Posts posted by Brittany M.

  1. 2 hours ago, Bird said:

    This seems to be a service for the buyers, and not sellers right? The cgc blurb says that it "helps you make a smarter purchase" so I don't think it is for seller's listings. But if it gets used that way and is included those of us who do not use the service in our listings may get shut out as buyer's would prefer a listing with a "likely" grade from cgc.


    1 hour ago, Aweandlorder said:

    Correct, if this takes off you would see a lot of big changes. First would obviously be incorrect grades. 2nd would be seller manipulation (hello photoshop). 3rd and probably most important would be a whole new grading concept based on invisible inventory

    This is meant to be a helpful tool and guidance to the book in question.  To be graded and encapsulated, it would still have to be submitted and go through the process.

  2. 3 minutes ago, MarkMoon said:

    Will CGC have a specific protocol for signature series witnessing for George Perez for the Friday of Terrificon (Aug. 9, 2019)?

    Terrificon has announced that the signings will begin before the convention opens at 10:00 A.M. based on scheduled ticketed appointment slots.  Will CGC have a witness available starting at 10:00 A.M. even though the convention floor is not yet open?  Will only people who get appointments after 2:00 P.M. when the con opens be able to get witnesses for signature series?  Is witnesses for George Perez off the table entirely?


    I asked customer service about this, but they did not know the answer to these questions.

    Any clarification would be helpful, as I have started making my arrangements for Terrificon.

    Thank you.


    CGC will be there for the event so all books will be eligible for Signature Series.

  3. 1 hour ago, starwarsftw said:

    Hello CGC, and anyone else who peruses this thread!

    I'm creating this thread because the label update thread hasn't had a CGC response since 2015, and the changes I'm requesting are quite wide, a simple note within the books when being submitted wouldn't fix this problem for years. This has been on my mind for quite awhile now, and I finally realized that hopefully you guys can fix this. There are many things I collect, but two of the main things are Spawn and Blue Beetle. We all know that most of the early Spawn books were heavily overprinted for the direct market, what most people don't know is that they also printed books for the Newsstand, only ONE percent of what was printed for Direct. This means on a book such as #1, where there was around 1 million printed, there are only around 10,000 Newsstands. Now I know for #1 CGC has started to recognize the difference, however this difference is not only limited to number 1. Newsstands were printed from issue 1 through 112, and then 117-137. The Newsstand counterpart only becomes more rare as the print run decreases, combined with the fact that companies printed less and less newsstands as time went on. For example, Comichron indicates that for issue 137 (the final newsstand) there were 34,735 Direct units, this would mean that there were only around 3400 Newsstands printed IF Image was still printing Newsstands at 1% which they most likely were not.  The whole point of this is that the CGC census is incorrectly displaying data unless you separate the two, for a book such as Spawn #98, there is only 9 on the census, so only one of them may be newsstand. That makes a huge difference, and would greatly help collectors like myself if we knew how many newsstands were actually on the census. With all that said, here are the specific label updates I am proposing in the event that a Spawn comic has a UPC, I will start with Spawn 2, even though you may already be labeling those.

    Spawn #2-63, 65-100, 106-112, 117-137 - Label: Newsstand Edition
    There are two different UPC editions for the following books, one with a sticker, and one without - Spawn #64 (only book with the UPC on the back, the sticker version has the barcode on the front) #101-105 - Label for those with a sticker: Sticker UPC Newsstand Edition; Label for those without a sticker: Newsstand Edition

    This means that the books on the first line should have two different designators on the CGC census (Direct and Newsstand Edition) and the books on the second line should have three different designators on the CGC census (Direct, Newsstand Edition, and Sticker UPC Newsstand Edition)

    The market needs to see these updates from CGC, it will help establish a true rarity of these books over the years. We, as collectors, know that they are very rare but it isn't being quantified.

    Please consider updating the early limited series' for Spawn as well, the complete info on which books have Newsstand can be found at the SpawnWorld link below. I also hyperlinked an article from 2015 that goes into more detail about the Newsstand differential and has info from Chuck from Mile High Comics. Lastly, I hyperlinked the Monthly Sales page for August 2004 to show the assessed order of Spawn #137 which supports my statistics above.

    I'm begging you all as a true fan and collector of these books... do them justice.

    Sources: SpawnWorldWordPress Article on Newsstand EditionsComichron - Spawn 137

    I'd send this in an email to me, and I'll send this on to the graders: brittany@cgccomics.com

    If you need a question answered by someone at CGC, it's best to contact us directly: 1-877-662-6642

  4. CGC will begin labeling price variants for comics from the UK, Canada and Australia that fall into the Type 1A category as "variant" rather than "edition", starting Monday. The three terms below will be used accordingly:

    • UK Price Variant
    • Canadian Price Variant
    • Australian Price Variant


    Foreign books that differ from the US versions in terms of page count, art, ads, etc. will still be labeled as "edition". Other foreign books that have no US counterpart will be labeled as being from that particular country. Given the large and varied number of international comics in the market, CGC will continue its research to insure these books are accurately categorized. We continue to welcome any feedback, which can be directed to me via email: bmcmanus@cgccomics.com

  5. On 4/13/2019 at 9:27 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

    @Brittany M. @CGC Comics

    Hello Brittany! :)

    I hope you'll forgive my calling you to this thread. I'm doing so because you are held in high regard here, having proven yourself to be a person who always responds, who gets things done and who promotes doing the right thing! So I'm looking for your help.

    The CGC boards are a fabulous, free resource for the comic community. Yes, they exist in part to promote the CGC grading process but they are one of the most extensive comic resources online and have the greatest knowledge base buried in its membership. If you have a comic related question, you will find the answer here - or at least have a good debate about it!

    I think it is important for CGC to promote the highest level of accuracy when it comes to the identification of comics that pass through their grading process. Books must be correctly identified to preserve the integrity of the census and associated records. So I'm hoping that you will try to help us find out why some early Marvel comics between the dates of June 1960 and February 1961 have different US price fonts.

    To illustrate, Rawhide Kid #17 - a Western 'key' of some value and importance to collectors - has three different US 10c price fonts as follows:

    rk2.jpg.58f52a1f5d4f11bb8563b7dc2513d804.jpg rk1.jpg.39f0025ba3b6179095768b36ddf4c4ff.jpg rk3.jpg.17a62b70f786ebbbeecfe632de138f59.jpg 

    Currently, no one appears to know why these variations exist and no conclusive explanation has been forthcoming in this thread. The presence of these variations opens the possibility that one or more of the books may be subsequent printings, or printed for a market other than the US. If proven, that could have significant implications to collectors and it would be important for the CGC grading process to recognise that.

    So, the point of my post here is to ask you to share this request, if you would, with your expert colleagues to see if anyone can explain the differences in price fonts and articulate any associated impact on how they should be treated / labelled when graded. It stands to reason that CGC staff will have greater access to industry contacts and also a legitimate reason to seek the answer, given that you are currently, it could be argued, grading these books without understanding why they differ.

    Would you be able to help with this? I would have thought that the grading team would be keen to get to the bottom of this themselves and it seems odd that this question is still outstanding after so many years of these books being under the spotlight.

    Even if the end result is "no body knows I'm afraid, so CGC will continue to treat all variations as first printings" we will at least have tried.

    I hope you'll be able to help :wishluck:

    Cheers, Steve


    I don't want you to think I haven't seen this!  I submitted the entire post to the graders and hopefully will have an answer soon!  Sorry for the delay!  @Get Marwood & I

  6. On 3/6/2019 at 6:07 AM, Cat-Man_America said:

    I was thinking along that line too, but then I remembered discussions about how NR were getting past QC back when the issue became a serious problem. Theories abound, but a consensus formed for the possibility of temperature variations during shipping exacerbating contact between the Mylar envelope and undersurface of the holder.  It's not much of an extrapolation from considering regional temperature variations as a factor to the possibility that changes might occur over time in different storage.environments.  

    Just sayin'. (shrug)

    If they need to be reholdered, email me, and I can help: bmcmanus@cgccomics.com

  7. 6 hours ago, Kaleo1980 said:

    Thank you for this info. I've been frustrated trying to get a hold of CGC. I've emailed them quite a few times and no response. 

    May I please ask everyone who is saying that they haven't heard from CGC in months, what email you are contacting?  Which address the emails are going to that are not getting answered? 


  8. Hi 

    6 hours ago, Kaleo1980 said:


    We have no unread emails in our submission emails, nor any unread social media messages.  Who did you email?  If you'd like to send me a message, I'd be happy to help you. brittany@cgccomics.com

  9. 11 minutes ago, Donutsdad said:

    I am tired of not knowing how many books in grades are either signed or not.  For example...if I want to buy an X-Men 94 in CGC 9.4 grade but want it signed by Claremont...I have NO IDEA how many are out there...but of course...CGC DOES.  Why doesn't CGC give us this info since it clearly collects this information?

    That information is available on our census: https://www.cgccomics.com/census/grades_standard.asp?title=X-Men&issue=94&publisher=Marvel+Comics&year=1975&issuedate=8%2F75

  10. 28 minutes ago, Thor_Odinson said:

    I posted this on another thread but it seems to have disappeared.  I was browsing eBay looking at CGC books when I came across a CGC Signature Stan Lee book that was signed... next month, December 2018!

    How is that possible?  I took a screen grab of the signed comic being sold.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?  Is the book mislabeled or did the owner tamper with the label?  Just wondering what’s going on. 


    This is mis-labeled, the sign date was 12/3/17.  We have contacted the seller to get it back to fix the label.

    1. 3 hours ago, telerites said:

      @Brittany M. Hi Brittany, I looked and didn't see these questions so was curious on these:

      1. If the book is a pedigree, I assume CGC will identify it as such if you can verify it with that ped's markings; however, I do not believe every ped has distinctive markings.  If I had purchased the book and it came without any COA or other provenance documentation other than what the other company notes on the label, what does CGC do in that case as far as preserving the ped?  If no ped label indicator is then noted by CGC, do I have the option not to move forward with that book prior to CGC deslabbing?
      2. When CGC lets me know of their review and I proceed with with CGC deslabbing and grading, is it possible to have the books serviced by CCS first and that cost be charged to me?
      3. Does CGC return the competitors label with the newly CGC graded book?

      Thanks so much,



      Great Questions!

    1. If the book is a pedigree, I assume CGC will identify it as such if you can verify it with that ped's markings; however, I do not believe every ped has distinctive markings.  If I had purchased the book and it came without any COA or other provenance documentation other than what the other company notes on the label, what does CGC do in that case as far as preserving the ped?  If no ped label indicator is then noted by CGC, do I have the option not to move forward with that book prior to CGC deslabbing?  CGC will do its due diligence to ascertain whether or not a pedigree is valid. If needed, CGC will open the case, as some pedigree markings can not be seen from the outside.  If a case is opened and book does not keep the pedigree, we will only charge the $10.00 fee and we will holder the book without it.  This is usually not the case, books will keep their pedigree when it can be verified by the grading team.
    2. When CGC lets me know of their review and I proceed with with CGC deslabbing and grading, is it possible to have the books serviced by CCS first and that cost be charged to me?  No, if it crosses, we will just cross it.  If yours is getting screened and you are notified that it may not cross, we may recommend pressing, but it isn't a service that can just be added, because the book would need to be graded all over again after pressing.  If you want your books pressed, you'd need to send them in for regular pressing and grading service.
    3. Does CGC return the competitors label with the newly CGC graded book?  We will return those directly to the company


  11. On 10/26/2018 at 2:10 PM, DBatts said:

    The rules state: " Comics submitted for CrossOver must be intact in another grading company’s holder."  Does this include the outer hard case as well as the inner well, or can we remove the outer shell?  I have a large number of books I'm considering sending, and the size/weight difference would be huge.

    They must be in the hard outer shell, the could be damaged in shipping in the inner-well alone.