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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. Now let's hope the kid got your point too. Yes I got it.
  2. Least I know you won't eat the merchandise haha Don't miss the point I was trying to make. Yeah I know I replied to it earlier. Good luck in life... Not the haha go farther back I wrote to your other response. I got it! I don't understand what's the trashcan pic for? Just throw your unused applications there. I do apply for jobs I don't throw out the applications.
  3. Not many do but you have to grit your teeth and push through it to get somewhere better. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check. That's true I do want to go somewhere better later on but I need any job but construction right now. I'll this as you somehow missed it...... http://ca.indeed.com/jobs-in-Niagara-Falls,-ON Currently 2181 jobs being advertised in Niagra Falls, including Night Stacker, Cleaner, Fast-Food. Those 3 are all entry level. Seems pretty easy to find an entry level job if you actually want one. No I didn't miss it but that made me angry most of those results weren't even in my area and if it's as easy as you said I'd already have a job. So now you won't get a job because they are too far away? No buses in Niagra? I can use the buses but that's not what I meant I'm applying to jobs that are within 10-25km of where I am as opposed to 50-100km
  4. When you are working in entry level jobs, you shouldn't have a personality. You don't like something, just suck it up. I don't like that mentality I know a job like that isn't fun but I don't want to dread it either. Rodan's right...if you're working an entry-level job and you come across something/someone you don't like, the answer is not to "clash" with the roadblock, rather use it as a motivation to work harder and either get promoted out of your position or earn enough experience to get a better position elsewhere. You're letting pride get in your way. As a result, you're not a victim of society. You're consciously choosing to be unemployed. Attitudes can be tough to change. If you want to succeed, you'll need to change yours. This might sound like I'm an old fuddy duddy, but today's young people want to to have it all without working for it. Let me tell you I had to work anything while I was putting myself through college. I worked in a donut shop graveyard making donuts all night, as soon as I finished my shift at 8:00 AM I went straight to school for 6 hours. Studying after school,and getting a couple hours of sleep before rinsing \repeating. You have to earn your stripes in life,if you get a crappy job,swallow your pride and work towards a better goal, your plan of attack if you will. If you don't set your goals early in life,your life will be nothing but hard,living paycheck to paycheck. That's no way to live. I have no pitty for people who don't want to work hard for what they want. If a bum like me can do it,so can you. Just make a life plan,and stick to it. Nailed it. Working at a job you dread is far better than collecting welfare waiting for a good job to come to you. All us grayhaired folks have had plenty of jobs we hated - that's why it's called "work". Hard work is not just physically hard, it's also mentally hard work too. There's been plenty of jobs I've had that I've HATED, and co-workers that I've HATED, and though I was young and stupid, I later came to understand that working jobs I detested and working with people who annoy the mess out of me TAUGHT me things that I could never see at the time. Working a year or two in a crappy dead-end job you hate while taking classes or learning a trade will pay off for you down the road in ways you're not going to see at this stage in your life, but you will later. Working hard is always better than not. And it also gave me perspective, it paid my bills and you know what - if I had a choice to change it now, I wouldn't dare. I HATED working fast-food, but I did for 18 months. I HATED construction clean-up, but I did it. I HATED working assembly-line (this was really the worst), but I did it for over a year. And actually, one of the best no-skills-needed jobs I ever had was being a graveyard shift janitor - cleaning toilets, buffing floors, emptying garbage cans... hard work tempers you. It humbles you and lifts you up at the same time. And it gives you respect for yourself and for others who do even worse for even less. Don't avoid crappy jobs if that's all there is right now, they'll build your character. Any work is better than no work. And you WILL find your place and you WILL find what job is best for you, but if it doesn't happen this year, that's okay. Or next year, that's still okay. Patience. Work hard and you WILL be rewarded. Thanks it's not that I don't want to work hard I've worked a few of those jobs and put up with people as for building character I'm not sure what you mean. I've learned a few things from each of my jobs but I'm not with patience to begin with which is something I need to learn.
  5. Least I know you won't eat the merchandise haha Don't miss the point I was trying to make. Yeah I know I replied to it earlier. Good luck in life... Not the haha go farther back I wrote to your other response. I got it! I don't understand what's the trashcan pic for?
  6. Least I know you won't eat the merchandise haha Don't miss the point I was trying to make. Yeah I know I replied to it earlier. Good luck in life... Not the haha go farther back I wrote to your other response. Yes you do sound like a old fuddy duddy but I like those values that you speak of but you guys keep thinking I have pride, I have none otherwise I'd think I'm above the jobs which I'm not but it doesn't stop them from annoying me. As for plans I don't really have any set plans because I don't know what I want to do but I know what I want out of life.
  7. Least I know you won't eat the merchandise haha Don't miss the point I was trying to make. Yeah I know I replied to it earlier.
  8. When you are working in entry level jobs, you shouldn't have a personality. You don't like something, just suck it up. I don't like that mentality I know a job like that isn't fun but I don't want to dread it either. Rodan's right...if you're working an entry-level job and you come across something/someone you don't like, the answer is not to "clash" with the roadblock, rather use it as a motivation to work harder and either get promoted out of your position or earn enough experience to get a better position elsewhere. You're letting pride get in your way. As a result, you're not a victim of society. You're consciously choosing to be unemployed. Attitudes can be tough to change. If you want to succeed, you'll need to change yours. This might sound like I'm an old fuddy duddy, but today's young people want to to have it all without working for it. Let me tell you I had to work anything while I was putting myself through college. I worked in a donut shop graveyard making donuts all night, as soon as I finished my shift at 8:00 AM I went straight to school for 6 hours. Studying after school,and getting a couple hours of sleep before rinsing \repeating. You have to earn your stripes in life,if you get a crappy job,swallow your pride and work towards a better goal, your plan of attack if you will. If you don't set your goals early in life,your life will be nothing but hard,living paycheck to paycheck. That's no way to live. I have no pitty for people who don't want to work hard for what they want. If a bum like me can do it,so can you. Just make a life plan,and stick to it. Yes you do sound like a old fuddy duddy but I like those values that you speak of but you guys keep thinking I have pride, I have none otherwise I'd think I'm above the jobs which I'm not but it doesn't stop them from annoying me. As for plans I don't really have any set plans because I don't know what I want to do but I know what I want out of life.
  9. Not many do but you have to grit your teeth and push through it to get somewhere better. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check. That's true I do want to go somewhere better later on but I need any job but construction right now. I'll this as you somehow missed it...... http://ca.indeed.com/jobs-in-Niagara-Falls,-ON Currently 2181 jobs being advertised in Niagra Falls, including Night Stacker, Cleaner, Fast-Food. Those 3 are all entry level. Seems pretty easy to find an entry level job if you actually want one. No I didn't miss it but that made me angry most of those results weren't even in my area and if it's as easy as you said I'd already have a job.
  10. When you are working in entry level jobs, you shouldn't have a personality. You don't like something, just suck it up. I don't like that mentality I know a job like that isn't fun but I don't want to dread it either. Rodan's right...if you're working an entry-level job and you come across something/someone you don't like, the answer is not to "clash" with the roadblock, rather use it as a motivation to work harder and either get promoted out of your position or earn enough experience to get a better position elsewhere. You're letting pride get in your way. As a result, you're not a victim of society. You're consciously choosing to be unemployed. Attitudes can be tough to change. If you want to succeed, you'll need to change yours. It's not pride it's that I get annoyed with people easily and you're right that I need to change my attitude as it's not getting me anywhere.
  11. Not many do but you have to grit your teeth and push through it to get somewhere better. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check. That's true I do want to go somewhere better later on but I need any job but construction right now.
  12. Scammer update A while back I bought a gsx #1 that never showed up and I got scammed by chris catanzaro for $422.98 the reason I say this now is because I found someone that is tracking him and makes it his goal to stop him as he successfully got his money back before he ran off again. Tbh I'm feeling giddy and a glimmer of hope with those words.
  13. No no no no no - Gabe needs to learn how to get better at estimating FMV - he should not be trading - please - I don't understand where I went wrong I checked out ebay's sold listing like you told me and I gave you my answer as what I see the FMV of my jla #1 being. Hey - was just trying to appeal to someone to not temp you with a trade. The idea was for you to post your process. Noting wrong - just did not really want With estimating - I am trying to help you get a handle on FMV. By going through the thought process - at a bare minimum people can help correct or teach you a better method. FMV - fair market value is really hard to figure with comics sometimes. Different venues - have different sale prices and different cost structures for a profit - but individual fair market value is what someone is willing to pay. It is from the BUYERS point of view - when setting this in a deal - remember that. Gauging FMV.. Adjust later. Think only about what the book will sell for - do not adjust for shipping unless the reference is unreasonable. You stated that you used ebay SOLD listings. Not a bad place when paired with GPA. Easy to search. Have to really go and look at the books too (because of "ebay grading"). For the JLA 1 - not a lot of data anywhere. One way higher price with repro cover - one lower price. Your FMV range may be decent - for a graded copy that does not look like it has as ton of tape. The scoobies? where did you get $3? I see the lower singles around 5 with a high range ~ 10. Only thing I can think of - is that you are adjusting for volume. Go through the math individually first - THEN adjust. Based on what you stared - you valued the scoobies at 90 vs one book of 100+. You would lose on that trade. I would look at the lower FMV values - you had 100 vs 20 of the scoobies. BUT - the adjustment - that many of one book is TOUGH to move quickly and requires a lot of effort. This is where you adjust. Me - I would not make any deal for that many books what will have to move at 5 each to get any of the significant FMV back quickly. If I valued the single at 100 - I would need at least 50 of the books. This has a LOT do to with the volume of the book- and that it is a more common modern. A much better question - if you have a FMV of 100-150 on the JLA - why in the world do you have it priced at 250 (and this is after lowering it) ---- if you want to be patient and maybe get lucky - great - if you are looking to move - pricing it that far over FMV..... well it does not work. If you train yourself to make better BUYING decisions - then a lot of he losses turn into gains. I have to change my way of thinking regarding fmv, how I trade, and buying decisions. I priced the jla #1 at 250 because after fees I'll be selling it for exactly what I paid for it.
  14. When you are working in entry level jobs, you shouldn't have a personality. You don't like something, just suck it up. I don't like that mentality I know a job like that isn't fun but I don't want to dread it either.
  15. Job 1: The boss was a con artist Job 2: She fired two random people a month she got investigated and lost her business and franchise rights. Job 3: They asked me to lift things I wasn't comfortable lifting so I got fired. My behavior is good until you me off as I have many types of personalities that clash against mine. I don't believe I spend that much time on the boards I used to spend a lot more here even when I had a job but you're right I could be doing more. At the same time for someone who has low self-confidence it's not exactly the best thing to see myself get rejected from so many jobs yet people who I don't think qualify get the jobs. I don't think what any of you say for granted I do come back and read this if I get stuck on something.
  16. No I haven't reached that base but I can always start locally as people don't really have too many options here.
  17. Wait? What? How the hell am I getting roped into this? Want nothing to do with it... It was just a joke on his part.
  18. What do you consider my pipe dream? It's true I've been failing a lot mostly with overpaying, making the same mistakes and trades. I'm not going to give up and in any case I need to sell what I have either way. The dream is to sell a million dollar comic. It doesn't look like it will be achievable with you. Not because you can't eventually learn to flip correctly, but because of your current life situations. It seems like it would be best to quick sell all the books you have now, take the loss, and move on. Trying to achieve this dream isn't possible with your finances in the shape they are in. Sell what you have, focus on getting a job and changing your life first. Then maybe you can start this goal again a few years down the road. Ah ok I see what you mean I do have the million dollar comic dream but I know this won't happen overnight this is more a lifetime goal or 20, 30, 40 year goal. Currently I'm selling the comics I have, getting a job and taking a break from buying comics. That is the best thing you could do for yourself right now. Get yourself on some stable ground and try this again in a few years when you have better resources for it! I can't say how long it will take me to become stable but I do know I need to do it to sell comics I'll try consignments next and see what works better.
  19. What do you consider my pipe dream? It's true I've been failing a lot mostly with overpaying, making the same mistakes and trades. I'm not going to give up and in any case I need to sell what I have either way. The dream is to sell a million dollar comic. It doesn't look like it will be achievable with you. Not because you can't eventually learn to flip correctly, but because of your current life situations. It seems like it would be best to quick sell all the books you have now, take the loss, and move on. Trying to achieve this dream isn't possible with your finances in the shape they are in. Sell what you have, focus on getting a job and changing your life first. Then maybe you can start this goal again a few years down the road. Ah ok I see what you mean I do have the million dollar comic dream but I know this won't happen overnight this is more a lifetime goal or 20, 30, 40 year goal. Currently I'm selling the comics I have, getting a job and taking a break from buying comics.
  20. Today's thoughts I'll bump my asm 300 as I've gotten interest in it I'll stop trades till 2017 I need to get my money back from that trade it's bugging me Trades update I will not do trades till 2017, I repeat no trading for me till 2017!!!
  21. Well it's the truth and yes I've been putting in at least 2 hours a week looking. I've been fired from three jobs since you asked what I did that was so wrong. I'm not liking the fact that just because you say it's a modern affluent country makes it a cake walk in fact there are more people applying for the same jobs I am especially since it's minimum wage. I'll ask about the pawn shops or comics shops if I can work for free for one night. I last held down a job about a year ago as I've worked over 1000 I was eligible for unemployment and I saved up about 6k since I live under my budget.