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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. No emotion there, just pure logic. I thought you agreed you would stop buying these stupid books? You're so quick to spend energy on defending these bad decisions. You would be better served to spend that same energy on market research. Why spend $100+ to "maybe" make $50? Why not spend $20-$50 to make $150-$200? It can be done, I know people who do this regularly. That wasn't a stupid purchase and I even showed my work. I'm not opposed to buying smaller books if they can make me a profit.
  2. And here you have it, after everyone's advice for 400 thread pages. Kettlebell to the nuts indeed. After that statement why would anyone give you any more advice? Time to let you figure this out on your own, Like I said it's not how most people will do it but I know I can sell it for a profit.
  3. 1st Silver-Age Scarecrow? In 7.0 and a purple label? Take it out of the label - would you pay $108 for a upper mid grade copy of that book with color touch? Not really a growth potential type book or a big in demand book which would prompt someone to buy the slab over the book on top of it. Another break even book at best. Yikes - $135 with shipping. Even if you get extremely lucky and sell it for $180 it better be a in-person sale since the 10% off the top will net you what - $30 bucks. That's like betting on a huge underdog and only getting a small profit if it comes in. The only way a underdog is worthwhile is if you get a huge profit when it breaks the odds. Go on Cheese's sales thread and buy up some of his nice looking Power Man or other books and you will have a much better chance of making some money over restored or coverless books. No if it were raw I would make a lower offer and prices have been going up for this comic in almost every grade. I actually paid 108 shipped for this comic.
  4. Well since most of you are so adamant about it These are the two books that I can prove I can sell for a profit despite your thinking and yes it's a bold statement. ASM 101 BAT 189 CGC 7.0 R C1
  5. Actually I did research on this. I saw the sale of the 7.0 Trimmed in July 2016 for $95 The 7.0 SA for $105 2009 What I compared it to is the 7.5 restored in August 2015 for $225 CGC Universal 7.0 sold for $270 in July 2016 A 7.5 sold for $314 Also I took a look at ebay and compared it The 7.0 for 420 and 375 OBO A Trimmed comic losses about 75-90% of it's value A restored comic with color touch looses about 50% of it's value So going by that math even half of 375 would be $187.50 and since I also see people watching the copies that are on now they are waiting for a cheaper copy so the least I would take it $200 Who gives a what people are trying to sell books for on Ebay? GPA for a 7.0 is $270. No one is going to pay $200 for a purple when they can pay $270 for a blue. By your own logic, the purple label book is worth around $135. Why would you risk $108 in capital for a $135 sale? Reading this thread is like hitting yourself in the nuts with a kettlebell. Do some research on that. It's a comic that isn't for sale often in higher grades that means that you can dictate somewhat what the market will become. Also if people are so ready to pay that much for a blue label why haven't they made a offer yet on the 375 OBO listing? I'll answer that and thus is my opinion. They're waiting for them to lower the price are wait for a cheaper copy. I know that I can sell it for more then 135 which is why I bought it and I'm not using the logic of the last gpa sale but of what people are asking for it on ebay, I know it's not the way you would do it but that's how I'm doing it. Even if it would be worth 135 I would ask 185 for it.
  6. Actually I did research on this. I saw the sale of the 7.0 Trimmed in July 2016 for $95 The 7.0 SA for $105 2009 What I compared it to is the 7.5 restored in August 2015 for $225 CGC Universal 7.0 sold for $270 in July 2016 A 7.5 sold for $314 Also I took a look at ebay and compared it The 7.0 for 420 and 375 OBO A Trimmed comic losses about 75-90% of it's value A restored comic with color touch looses about 50% of it's value So going by that math even half of 375 would be $187.50 and since I also see people watching the copies that are on now they are waiting for a cheaper copy so the least I would take it $200
  7. At that price I would have bought it from you as well.
  8. Comics Purchased Batman 189 CGC 7.0 Restored Paid $108usd Moon girl and devil dinosaur #1 x2 Paid $1.70 each
  9. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things. Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. To me it wouldn't matter I would just want a copy that's complete and the musty smell isn't so bad but if something is the same price and I have a choice I'd choose the better one You are still missing the point - This was a very simple exercise - even more so considering one of the books was yours - You failed to even read the full description for the task. Attention to detail - is KEY to doing this. At least you did recognize that your price was too high and lowered it. Might want to remove the. "Complete" note from the listing A book without a cover is not complete....................... Small details like this - are important Yeah but people have to know if the coverless comic is missing wraps or not that makes the difference if people want to boy it or just leave it. I already tried free shipping before and it's not worth it. again you fail you have a 1:1 example staring you in the face - and yet you make things up in your head that are not there. MCS has the exact same book for sale exact same - with some visual and condition differences that are easy to spot nowhere on the MCS listing is the word "complete" - they stated coverless - show a good scan. If their copy were missing wraps - they would have listed it. I would also be fairly confident that MCS would not even bother with that book if it had missing wraps. a coverless book is not complete I used to think that your persistence could be leveraged in your favor - and that you would use your tenacity to apply the advice and get better. The past month or so - have really convinced me that you will continue to make things up to justify your actions - no matter what advice you get. have fun Ok thanks
  10. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things. Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. To me it wouldn't matter I would just want a copy that's complete and the musty smell isn't so bad but if something is the same price and I have a choice I'd choose the better one You are still missing the point - This was a very simple exercise - even more so considering one of the books was yours - You failed to even read the full description for the task. Attention to detail - is KEY to doing this. At least you did recognize that your price was too high and lowered it. Might want to remove the. "Complete" note from the listing A book without a cover is not complete....................... Small details like this - are important Yeah but people have to know if the coverless comic is missing wraps or not that makes the difference if people want to boy it or just leave it. I already tried free shipping before and it's not worth it.
  11. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things. Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. To me it wouldn't matter I would just want a copy that's complete and the musty smell isn't so bad but if something is the same price and I have a choice I'd choose the better one
  12. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things.
  13. OK, don't do that again. Not just that - you need to change how you BUY books. If you bought the ASM 101 for yourself - the price might have been a little high, but not over the top outrageous - as long as you personally did not mind the ink. For resale? - not even in the ballpark. The research I showed you - you could have compared books instead of trying to assign a grade and come to the conclusion that this was not a flipper price. DV 3 I bought the day of hype which was a mistake the correct statement - DV 3 I bought a hype book because of the hype. Seriously - you need to stop chasing hype books. The people that benefit from hype bump ( if there is any) - are the ones that bought the book at a low price point and have them in stock. If you try to chase after the fact - you are one of those making $$$ for others. A test for you - buy analysis...... Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. research the two listed on ebay and get back to us - what did you find and what actions would you take? this should be less than a 10 minute exercise..... My friend bought aphra for cheap and was buying graded copies for cheap as well because he told me to buy three days before I bought the dv 3 which was exactly when the hype started. So yes I bought a hype book when it was being hyped. I see a 1.8 and 2.5 The 1.8 is for $275 and the 2.5 is for $270 and yes I know 2.5 isn't considered a reading copy but it's the closest thing I found. The actions I would take it buy a reprint or a coverless, However if I had to have it I'd lowball every copy until I find a person that agrees to my price.
  14. ! Yeah right, and keep sticking to that budget while you're at it too. I already said what the exception to my budget is.
  15. Nice! How much are you going to try to sell it for? I concur, this was a very good deal. I'd like to see a lot more of these and less of the emotional buys Thanks people don't believe me when I said I'm changing. Changing anything about your personality isn't something that's done overnight. More of these deals will happen. Actions speak louder than words. You've said this before and since then you've purchased the DV3 and the ASM 101 pink variant...and have admitted that both of those might've been mistakes. Stop talking about it and just start doing it and stop being so damn defensive when people are trying to help you. The asm 101 because of the grade I thought it was and the DV 3 I bought the day of hype which was a mistake.
  16. I have a new challenge for you. Stop making these stupid deals. You're in a hole, your goal should be to get out of that hole by buying sure things that you can turn over quickly ASAP. The goal should not be buying low grade semi keys with pink writing all over them and then "hoping" to make a small profit within 5 months. I know how you plan on marketing this book and I don't think it's a good idea...seriously. It's not like I knew this comic would appear and I sold my last asm 101 in a weeks time. This will take a bit longer but I can do it. That hulk 180 is a example of something I want to turn over asap. The Hulk 180 is an example of something you should try to repeat as much as possible. You need to stop buying these other stupid books that are not going to help. That was blunt but I agree in my situation I should buy books that are quick flips with profit not something that I'll sell at a profit something in the future. I suspect you'd rather me be blunt as opposed to rubbing your fanny and telling you how awesome you are at flipping comics. Quite then mental picture haha but yeah I don't like when people sugar coat things.
  17. Nice! How much are you going to try to sell it for? I concur, this was a very good deal. I'd like to see a lot more of these and less of the emotional buys Thanks people don't believe me when I said I'm changing. Changing anything about your personality isn't something that's done overnight. More of these deals will happen.
  18. Nice! How much are you going to try to sell it for? $350 shipped
  19. I have a new challenge for you. Stop making these stupid deals. You're in a hole, your goal should be to get out of that hole by buying sure things that you can turn over quickly ASAP. The goal should not be buying low grade semi keys with pink writing all over them and then "hoping" to make a small profit within 5 months. I know how you plan on marketing this book and I don't think it's a good idea...seriously. It's not like I knew this comic would appear and I sold my last asm 101 in a weeks time. This will take a bit longer but I can do it. That hulk 180 is a example of something I want to turn over asap. The Hulk 180 is an example of something you should try to repeat as much as possible. You need to stop buying these other stupid books that are not going to help. That was blunt but I agree in my situation I should buy books that are quick flips with profit not something that I'll sell at a profit something in the future. So does that mean you understand why dv3 was not a good purchase yet? Yes I do.
  20. Hulk 180 update 6 My friend got around to opening it and he said it was very well packed and that's saying something since he's known for packing well himself.
  21. I have a new challenge for you. Stop making these stupid deals. You're in a hole, your goal should be to get out of that hole by buying sure things that you can turn over quickly ASAP. The goal should not be buying low grade semi keys with pink writing all over them and then "hoping" to make a small profit within 5 months. I know how you plan on marketing this book and I don't think it's a good idea...seriously. It's not like I knew this comic would appear and I sold my last asm 101 in a weeks time. This will take a bit longer but I can do it. That hulk 180 is a example of something I want to turn over asap. The Hulk 180 is an example of something you should try to repeat as much as possible. You need to stop buying these other stupid books that are not going to help. That was blunt but I agree in my situation I should buy books that are quick flips with profit not something that I'll sell at a profit something in the future.
  22. I have a new challenge for you. Stop making these stupid deals. You're in a hole, your goal should be to get out of that hole by buying sure things that you can turn over quickly ASAP. The goal should not be buying low grade semi keys with pink writing all over them and then "hoping" to make a small profit within 5 months. I know how you plan on marketing this book and I don't think it's a good idea...seriously. It's not like I knew this comic would appear and I sold my last asm 101 in a weeks time. This will take a bit longer but I can do it. That hulk 180 is a example of something I want to turn over asap.