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Everything posted by AnthonyTheAbyss

  1. I guess this is good news...perhaps...maybe. I don't think anybody thought Venom would ever exist in a universe without Spider-Man. I'm more curious as to how they will mix a family friendly Spider-Man movie with an "R" rated Venom movie. Anywho, I'm off to make love to my CGC 9.8 copies of ASM #300
  2. How is this surprising? KISS (specifically Gene) is all about the $$$. They're the Kardashians with musical talent.
  3. Was it a home run? No. More of a stand up triple. Wonder Woman isn't the final answer to DC's success but a good step in the right direction. The good: Best part of the movie is the beginning and origin story. You really get the sense of how tough the amazons are. They did a great job of building the relationship between the two main characters. Enough funny scenes to make the movie enjoyable/lighthearted. Gal Gadot is stunningly gorgeous (hey, if women can swoon over Thor I can swoon over Wonder Woman). The bad: The movie is a bit longer than it needed to be (it seems like this is true for most DC movies). Gal Gadot's accent takes getting use to and her acting is decent (not great...decent). The villain(s) of the movie were not well written. The CGI was a bit much. 8.5/10 (but I wouldn't argue with anybody giving it a 9/10)...see it in the theatre, buy the DVD, watch it on TV
  4. Benjamin Parker. He will never defeat that ghost. Besides that I would go with Venom. The only reason he stands out from everybody else is that he's the first villain to up the violence (then Carnage took it to a whole new level). I think there is a difference in the Spidey-verse once he was introduced (before Venom and after Venom).
  5. Once...outlier. Twice...now you have my attention. I expect to see a few more up for sale in the upcoming weeks if there's a market for this price point. ***I love this book
  6. Disappointing. Story is recycled...discover a young Jedi, giant base is destroying planets, fly in and blow up giant base. Alien and Aliens terrified me...this movie was more disgusting than terrifying. What happened to Elizabeth Shaw was a major let down. You don't get invested in the characters before they get killed so you didn't feel any sympathy. One good note...Michael Fassbender is great. 5/10...skip the theatre, skip the DVD, watch it on cable for free.
  7. Injustice 2 releases today. For those who don't know it is basically Mortal Kombat except with DC comic characters (the same company makes both games). So far I absolutely love it. Probably the best fighting game out right now (even above Street Fighter V). 9/10. I would give it 9.5/10 if it wasn't for the dlc and in game money gouging (but that's more of an industry trend than anything else). ***Tip...Black Adam is an absolute powerhouse
  8. All the cool kids are in the ASM 344 and ASM 360 CGC 9.8 club
  9. If that's not THE easter egg then it will never be found...John Nash is dead.
  10. Tickets, popcorn, ice, and some candy...about 50$ for two people. Well spent for a fun evening No, it's not better than the first movie (but that's a pretty high bar). There's a lot of fun moments (Drax is hilarious). I left the theatre feeling good...didn't feel cheated or disappointed. The end credits were also pretty cool. I had to explain two of them to my friend because she didn't understand the significance of them. We all enjoy that "I know more than you" moment Overall...8.5 (worth seeing again, worth buying the DVD to add to the collection)
  11. Based on the current price? Or do you mean the book itself? Cause the book itself is what a comic should be...great story, great art, iconic cover, and introduces one of the best characters in the Marvel universe.
  12. That was a pretty good trailer. It was a lot better than I imagined it would be.
  13. 8.5? Surprising. With all the hype I thought it would get at least a 9.0 or 9.5 rating. Obviously I'll see it myself. But the message from most people seem to be the same...great movie but not as good as the first one.
  14. I'd buy one if it was a brand new original cover drawn by McFarlane...in black and white....in 9.8 condition...with a letter from Marvel thanking me for the purchase. So there's a chance
  15. Great choice for Cable. You know what you're going to get with Josh Brolin...a great character that's well acted. It's also a safe choice. If you sign somebody to a 4 picture deal you better be sure they can carry the franchise.
  16. Agree. Overall the act was minor. However, you can't force your views on those who don't want it...had to be terminated just to stem the potential fallout from this. I wonder if he would have done it if he knew his contract would be terminated. I assume that is a dream job.
  17. From some of the comments I've read this was seen as a negative Awesome. Just awesome. "He's a friend from work" made me bust out laughing hahaha.
  18. They article heading is misleading. They're not blaming diversity. They're blaming the lack of acceptance of diversity. Anywho...they also got that wrong. It's not the lack of acceptance of diversity that we don't like. It's the killing/replacing of great characters with a new (race/gender). That's lazy and uncreative. Try creating a brand new character that's (race/gender) from scratch with a cool story to tell.
  19. I smashed the "like" button so hard on this post it broke my mouse I always felt those "different" covers were a lazy approach at drawing.
  20. Tim Curry scared the out of me. I was nervous to go to the bathroom for months because I might find a clown in the toilet. I just hope this new Pennywise does as good as Tim Curry.
  21. Uncanny X-Men 281 silver logo in CGC 9.8 condition. I can guarantee nobody is looking for this book. I don't think most people even know it exists. ***1st print = white logo, 2nd print = red logo (I have no idea what the silver logo means)
  22. The trailer was ok. But the characters I'm hyped to see is...AQUAMAN! Really like what they're doing with him. Cyborg definitely needs to be less "prismatic".
  23. Why is there concern on the art side? There are plenty of great artists drawing comics today. I think the bigger concern is on the storytelling side (writers). I can't remember the last time there were both in one comic...great art, great story...Batman "Hush"?
  24. I went on a J Scott Campbell art book buying splurge. Here's some quick recommendations... Lineology - Buy it. Great book that shows great b&w inks and drawings. Sketchbooks (1, 2, 3, 4) - Buy it. Great pencil drawings. Code (insert color) - Skip. Some of the artwork are "eh" at best. Marvel Art - Skip. Just another version of the "Code" books. Danger Girl Sketchbook (Hardcover) - Buy it. Shows his earlier works and how he breaks down concepts. ***Buy it off his website for the best prices. You can find used ones for cheaper but it isn't that expensive buying new.
  25. ASM 300 is one of the reasons I got into collecting comics. This is great news.