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Everything posted by GeeksAreMyPeeps

  1. Which Acclaims are those? Not the painted cover, I imagine? They seem to exist in about equal numbers as the regular edition. Would it be the glow in the dark Shadowman and the other V3 variants?
  2. They tried to do glow-in-the-dark, apparently, but couldn't get it to work. (They also tried with an arc of Ninjak a while back.) But yes, gatefold, polybag, and trading card. And a coupon for something.
  3. I'd call it the gimmickiest cover, but that's just me: http://www.cbr.com/valiant-quantim-woody-most-variant-cover-all-time/
  4. My first job out of college was working for a small company called Comicolor that did computer coloring for comics. Pretty sure we worked on them. I think Bill Tucci (creator of Shi) was involved in their creation (and we did work for his company, Crusade).
  5. Are you just goofing with the Vanilla Ice or do people legitimately want that?
  6. Well, historically not valuable. But it's the first appearance of some top tier characters in the Valiant Universe, so one would have expected more to have been slabbed over the last few years. Or even in the last few months since the initial announcement. After that I was selling copies that I described as mid-grade for $20 a pop. I've since submitted 4 copies to go with the one I already had. Usually you see a surge of submissions after an announcement, but in this case the "surge" amounted to less than 10 copies. There just aren't that many out there in top condition.
  7. Yes, his first published work. His first Marvel work is in a bookshelf format book called Open Space I believe. In additon to Burning Earth there's a 2-issue mini called All My Futures Past with some nice painted covers (not Ross, I don't think)
  8. Quantum & Woody 1 has a lot going for it: • First appearance of two key characters • 20 years old • Low print run (less than 14K in sales according to Comichron, split over 2 covers) • Came out when speculation on Valiant comics was low, so wasn't hoarded like earlier first appearances • Never really considered valuable, so spent most of the last 20 years in dollar boxes, when not in collections • Television show coming by the Russo Brothers There's a 9.6 on eBay now for $200. Seems like a steal, since there is a miniscule number of books on the census in top condition (https://www.cgccomics.com/census/grades_standard.asp?title=Quantum+and+Woody&publisher=Acclaim&issue=1&year=1997&issuedate=6%2F97)
  9. Arguably, Deadpool is a mashup as well; of Deathstroke and pouches.
  10. I don't go with anything because I don't care about the Turtles. And I don't know why where they first appeared in color would matter to a collector. But I'm not sure that creative intent is even a factor here, unless there is something unique about color in the story. In the Gambit example, it seems clear to me that 266 was meant to be an introduction to Gambit, and they had to tweak the annual story slightly so it would make sense who that new guy is.
  11. I know this has been discussed ad naseum, but I think in some cases we just have to look at what the creative people were intending rather than focus on ship dates. And this coming from someone with multiple copies of X-Men Annual #14, including 2 in 9.8, and only one copy of 266
  12. Series are rebooted so often that there's nothing special about a #1 by itself. A publisher may use a new #1 for a new direction, which may include new characters, and *that* might be worth slabbing
  13. You'll do best if you provide high-quality pics of the books that are in top condition. The range on some of these books because of condition can be an order of magnitude because there are so many out there.
  14. I guess I was just considering the low price to be in conjunction with slabs. Sure, ungraded books in the wild can be cheap. Pretty sure I pulled my 9.8 of 1 & 3 from convention dollar boxes.
  15. Was the name of this thread changed to include "low price"? I didn't notice it before, and my Q&W suggestion doesn't apply in that respect. But def key, and def low # of slabs
  16. Quantum and Woody #1 (first Quantum and Woody) & #3 (first Goat) https://www.cgccomics.com/census/grades_standard.asp?title=Quantum+and+Woody&publisher=Acclaim&issue=1&year=1997&issuedate=6%2F97 https://www.cgccomics.com/census/grades_standard.asp?title=Quantum+and+Woody&publisher=Acclaim&issue=3&year=1997&issuedate=8%2F97
  17. There are 3 listings for #8. One is clearly labelled as an Australian version. The other two are not indicated as being any type if variant, but are listed with two different dates (2/92 & 3/92). The former only contains 2 9.8 copies. I think that's what the comment was about. Certainly there are more copies of #11 graded, but there are a batch of #8s graded as well. I don't disagree with the conclusion (that CGC's label is the driving force in the difference), but the difference is not quite as stark. I don't know why the two versions are there, but have noticed that some books have multiple census entries for the same book. So they might be the same book. One case I've noticed is the difference of "and" or an ampersand being used in the name of the book. Same book, but two entries because CGC was inconsistent with how they labeled a book.
  18. That's not accurate. https://www.cgccomics.com/census/grades_standard.asp?title=X-Force&publisher=Marvel+Comics&issue=8&year=1992&issuedate=3%2F92