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Everything posted by GeeksAreMyPeeps

  1. The 215Ink table alone was worth the price of admission to NYCC. All issues, all A&B covers, and the NYCC variant at 2/$5.
  2. Tree fiddy. Yikes! $350 for a second print con book?! That was meant more as a joke than an actual prediction, but I wouldn't be surprised if it closes close to that figure.
  3. The Outsiders story in Brave & Bold #200 falls between issues 3 & 4 of Batman and the Outsiders series, but since it was published first, is considered the key.
  4. i'm trying to wean myself off this thread I see what you did there
  5. DC Direct Currents, hahaha, no way...wait, what were we talking about? DC Direct Currents What it's actually sold for is a little more relevant: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?rmvSB=true&_from=R40%7CR40&_nkw=dc+direct+currents+preacher&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=100&LH_Complete=1
  6. This episode probably had a decent influence on a lot of collectors in my age range, whether they remember it or not: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0511094/
  7. Welcome to the thread. Nobody, that I recall, has mentioned selling. We are having a grown (sometimes) discussion on the merits of ADs / previews / 1st appearances. Please feel free to contribute something useful to the conversation. Welcome to the thread? I've been here 3 years longer than you have. As well as in plenty of other places on this forum. And I've contributed a HECK of a lot more to this forum than just information on 'copper's heating up.' And I AM contributing something to THIS conversation. I'm calling BS on those of you who hope to pass this idea off as real information so that you can sell copies of worthless Previews for far too much money to collectors who don't know better. The ONLY reason to fan the flames of this idea is to raise the interest in these catalogs so they can be sold. It's dishonest. And I'll speak out about it as much as I like. Welcome to Coppers Heating Up thread. Rust #1 is heating up. I feel grimy just reading that. The Malibu Sun I can see a little interest in because of some of the differences in how Spawn looks compared to what was released (if I remember correctly - maybe it was just the color palette), but some of this stuff is just ridiculous. What's next? DC Direct Currents? Dark Horse Insider? Printed out sheets from the internet ads? If people want them, I don't see any problem with a market for them. I took a bit of advice from the episode of Speilberg's Amazing Stories TV show in the '80s where Mark Hamill's character was told to never throw anything away, and held on to a lot of the supplemental material that I got with my comics each week. (I think I have a Comic Shop News #1 somewhere.) Calling these things appearances of characters is disingenuous, though, IMO. I think it's generally accepted that that requires a narrative.
  8. The regular second print had just been released when NYCC rolled around. I know because I stocked up on whatever I could at the 215Ink table. At 2/$5, (including the NYCC variant) how could one go wrong?
  9. Same goes for 82: http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=milehighcomics&item=281567002267&_osacat=0&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.A0.H0.Xmarvel+age+82.TRS1&_nkw=marvel+age+82&_sacat=0
  10. Maybe the prospect of getting a milkshake with a lunch during your retirement. Depending on the nerdette you may have brightened your prospects in other areas that would more than offset that loss. I am a married man! I should probably be out there trying to find a guy for her. She is very nice, very smart (various ivy league degrees) and makes a good living, but I hear from mutual friend/co-workers she just has a tough time in the dating world. She's not unattractive, but probably not attractive enough to get a lot of solicitations from guys she has any interest in, probably just random losers on the street or subway. I should probably just mind my own business and not be such a yenta. Anyway, this was a healthy return on Omega Men 3. Don't think I remember a raw going this high: http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Omega-Men-3-1st-appearance-of-Lobo-Extremely-High-Grade-issue-9-6-/351305066215?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51cb69e6e7 Well, if she has copper-colored hair and she's looking to get some, then it's appropriate, I suppose.
  11. I like it. Especially as I bought them all when they were released.
  12. 9.8s are selling for around that price on eBay. Liefeld was charging $30 for a sig at NYCC for that book, so for just a little more you could end up with a 9.8 SS if you're going to a con where he's appearing.
  13. In my youth I was addicted to all things Schwarzenegger related and didn't understand much about the mechanic's of firing a minigun with one arm. To me I didn't really care for Liefeld's proportional standards because I thought only bad *spoon*es had giant muscles and guns bigger than there friends. To this day I could care less how the heck someone draw's feet as its not exactly any part of what I pay attention to and still believe those who pay so much attention to them have this huge foot fetish... But honestly I loved the amount of detail put into pages. Then when Capullo took ahold of X-Force it reenforced why I loved the series and Tony Daniel was no different. I loved the idea of black ops without the idea of fighting Cobra just to detain them so they could be set free a week later. X-Force was my series I guess as many others have one. Vol 3 was awesome and I have no idea what the hell is going on with this current series but in my youth I was a diehard fan. So for someone to take something like Cable kill him off and replace him with some goofy looking *spoon*tards I absolutely hated it. Fanboy rage is the best rage.
  14. one If we go with that as the rule for all books then DD #115 has a shot at first Wolverine for the one pic in the ad. DD#115 was before IH#181, but not IH#180. -slym And even if it wasn't, most people don't recognize supplemental material (ads, pin ups, previews, sketches, etc.) as valid "appearances"; that requires appearing in-story This buyer thought otherwise We don't know why the buyer chose to buy the book. Either way, it's still true that most people aren't sold on the idea
  15. When I got back my slab of her first appearance a few weeks ago, there were 15 9.8s on the census (seems very low for a book that's sold in the area of $300). Now, just a few weeks later, there are 18. Makes me wonder how many have been submitted recently.
  16. one If we go with that as the rule for all books then DD #115 has a shot at first Wolverine for the one pic in the ad. DD#115 was before IH#181, but not IH#180. -slym And even if it wasn't, most people don't recognize supplemental material (ads, pin ups, previews, sketches, etc.) as valid "appearances"; that requires appearing in-story
  17. Midtown Comics still had them on the shelf when I was in yesterday.
  18. My first shop was Flashpoint, on the north shore of Long Island. They moved a few times within the Port Jeff area as they grew, until they finally disappeared in the crunch of the late '90s. I actually was first going there for Doctor Who merchandise, but started getting into comics when I won a few in a trivia contest they held.
  19. Awesome First Sub! (thumbs u Thanks! Now that I have an idea of how my grading matches up with CGC's (I've been ungrading my books a little), I have a better idea of what's worth submitting for my second go.
  20. I got my first submission back last Monday: