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Everything posted by roach04

  1. Good luck with your hunt man! I think Milgrom is one of those guys that doesn't do a ton of shows. Google did give me this -> http://www.heroesonline.com/blog/category/events/charlotte-minicon/ -- so you just missed him! (Not sure if any of the board's regular facilitators were at that show though...) You could email the guys who run that con (looks like a Sheldron Drum show) and just ask them to pass a message to Al about when his next appearance is. One of those - can't hurt to ask things! Again - good lucK! Milgrom is an all-time classic - piles of great books to get him to sign.
  2. And that needed a whole new thread? You're clearly very important. Both options you raise are better than whining on a messageboard. Good luck with your future purchases.
  3. So wait - you're raising issues on a messageboard but didn't go to the vendor? What prompts one to do that? Seriously man - that's a little nuts to me. If I have a problem with a vendor, I go them, give them a chance to resolve. They likely sell hundreds of thousands of books a month - mistakes happen.
  4. LMAO. The US' month-day-year format I believe is only used in the US.
  5. In addition to what's already been said: http://www.reececomics.com/Home https://www.dalerobertscomics.com/ Both are active boardies and I've bought from their sales threads here and their websites. Top notch.
  6. @Kwan Chang - oh yeah, the finished sketch is a thing of beauty. Should tell folks that Kwan was a special guest at the discussion - he was going to take the books to CGC. Should probably not say...nobody sent any books for CGC LOL.
  7. I can totally see that happening at all kinds of shops. Not that it should be done - and I wonder if that's part of the disconnect between a lot of really decent sounding people across both the currently active MCS threads. To me (just me!) a modern book I really don't if the grade is off a few points bc I buy those (when I buy them) to read, enjoy, and then, at some point, give away. But I realize there are lots of modern collectors looking for the pristine NM bc that's what they collect - totally get it and totally understand why they'd be irritated. @ygogolak - when you sent the pics of your Zombie Tramps to Lone Star, what was their response? I'm a huge supporter partially because when I've had issues (with anything) they've handled 110x better than I'd have expected so keen to hear how they handled your issue.
  8. Toronto was actually a full body sketch and not a head shot (as the Dallas one states) but yeah, on art board. Mine's like the standard 9x12. IIRC Toronto was $1000 though so that accounts for the difference in the cost. I believe Toronto had 10 signatures? I didn't get anything CGC'd so can't help you there. For the Kubert one (I did it too - last year) - it was Adam mind you - I asked for the sketch on blank but got one on bristol. I personally didn't care but if you do maybe ask some questions as to whether that's legitimately an option. Adam had done all of his before the show and they were on branded sketch boards (branded with Jason's Essential Sequential and Doug's ComicSketchArt logos).
  9. I know all convention goers have different budgets - but I did the Quesada package in Toronto 2 (3?) years ago and man it was worth every penny. Great sketch and, yeah, better stories from Joe on his role, the business, everything. (Also @Kevin Boyd if this is in anyway a preview for Toronto that's a good thing! Although lack of Paul Smith thus far is a concern - just an FYI.)
  10. Mine was not a consignment purchase. It was actually before they offered consignments - about 10 years ago iirc.
  11. Nice! I actually have a Batman #234 that they'd graded a 7.0 - came back an 8.5 from CGC!
  12. Fair enough. I have often wondered how difficult it would be for their site to support the "Best Offer" functionality for some of those consignments. But as stated by others, they do an insane amount of business on their own inventory so the consignment sales may just be a "nice to have" feature that they've implemented.
  13. @FSF - yeah guy you've lost me. Sounds like you're bothered by how folks are pricing their books. What exactly is it you'd like Lone Star to do? Refuse consignments? Mandate pricing? You can write an email to every retailer and auction house that does business with an issue on how something is priced and in this case, Lone Star doesn't set the prices! I've got a ton of great books from them, all very well priced, so I'm good, If a book that's been consigned has a seller-initiated asking price that's more than I'd pay, I don't buy it, end of story.
  14. I love MCS and order, honestly, way too often from them. Grading is the definition of conservative - not surprised to hear that folks have subbed an MCS 8.5 and gotten a 9.4 back from CGC. re: Consignments. You can price your book at whatever you want. Totally agree - some of the consignment pricing is insane but I just assume those books either never sell (if you don't want to sell, why consign is another argument) or overtime the consigners realize they're out to lunch and lower the pricing. It's really beyond bizarre where some people get their pricing from. When you consign Lone Star actually provides you data - what your book in the given grade has sold for over time, etc. Here's one on my want list - Conan #4 https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?q=conan+4&pubid=&PubRng=1971-1975 Lone Star has a 4.0 for $12.25. Somebody has consigned a 4.0 for $34. Why price your book at 3x the recommended price? Who knows. All that said - eBay is the same. You can see one book for $25 and the exact same book for $125.
  15. This is HUGE. 2 customers submit the same book -- how does Paradise know who submitted what when the books come back in?? My experience is bang on with @ADAMANTIUM - facilitator gives you the invoice #, you can call and get full status on books. The more we hear, the more odd this sounds. I know I'd have doubts that the book I was being given back (if and when I ever got it back...) was actually the one I submitted in this scenario. Wow.
  16. @DonSal1976 - guy most of what you're saying doesn't make any sense. It doesn't look like you've read any of the posts where members offered you some advice on what course of action to take. (1) If you have invoice #s - CGC will tell you (a) what books are on the invoice (b) the full status of the books. Including when they arrived. (2) CGC's posted turn around times are accurate to within a couple of days. Not months or years. Refer to point #1 - they will tell you the status of all books on the invoice. (3) Based on commentary on the store's website being offline and months and months of run around - CGC will hold books if a store has not paid/kept their account in order. Again, point #1 - CGC will tell you that books are graded and waiting to ship but have not been paid for. If you're fine with waiting a year for something that generally takes 6-8 weeks, great. Don't show up here and talk a bunch of nonsense, ignore everything everyone tells you (including some folks who've submitted tens of thousands of books) and then pontificate that your great local shop has handled the problem when you don't even have the books back yet!!
  17. When every person who’s not submitting books through Paradise has no problems with delays it’s got nothing to do with CGC. Trust me - if CGC was taking 12 months to grade books this board would be exploding with complaints from all over the globe! Keep hammering away at Paradise and then next time either open your own account or find another store to submit through. CGC is far from perfect (FAR!) but in this scenario all posted evidence indicates it’s not them.
  18. Folks - I had book sent in for SS Fast Track at the end of November 2017. I got it back in the middle of January 2018. As per others - there is a CGC turnaround times thread but if you’re subbing (no pressing) books CGC is taking 6-8 weeks. Longer than that - it’s not a CGC problem.
  19. I just got the email too. Be interesting to see how this goes. I think you guys are bang on - why let PayPal get the fees when eBay can get them (again). I'm trying to remember why they sold PayPal in the first place...but too lazy to Google it. Never a dull moment with eBay.
  20. This was the greatest thing I read last year. No joke - hilarious stuff.