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Everything posted by Cocomonkey

  1. I've been watching it...okay so far, but not sure I'm really hooked yet.
  2. I'm gonna be on the lower end of this spectrum, for sure... Not slabbed (I don't have any duplicate slabbed books), but unslabbed, I have...hm... 5x Ultimate Fantastic Four #1 (rassum frassum no value...) 4x Marvel 1602 #1 (rassum frassum no value...) 4x Uncanny X-Men 154 (no real reason, just slight upgrades out of $1 boxes getting up to a grade I want to be at) 4x X-Factor #1 (get these out of $1/$2 boxes whenever I see them...same with New Mutants back when those still showed up there, but only managed 3 of those, because I didn't want totally beat copies...) And then a ton of triples/doubles picked up randomly or from upgrading filler UXM books out of dollar boxes
  3. Aaand James Gunn has just been fired. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/james-gunn-exits-guardians-galaxy-vol-3-1128786
  4. It lives again! At least, for one last hurrah. https://io9.gizmodo.com/clone-wars-is-back-to-finish-what-it-started-1827728517
  5. Came here hoping for this. Was not disappointed.
  6. I feel like it would be almost impossible to say, given how much the growth of the hobby was shaped/influenced by the find. It's like asking what if Superman was only introduced today? It's impossible to answer it, because what we have today is built largely on that...
  7. I agree with almost all of this. Bushmaster was, I thought, a great villain. The Shades-Mariah storyline just...well, my wife and I both agreed that it got really weird in a lot of places, and just felt more awkward than anything else. But Shades's overall story arc was very enjoyable. I liked Iron Fist's appearance, I thought he was definitely much better than in his own show. But I agree that the DotD appearance was very good, and made IF's appearance pale a bit. I also said the same thing about the music--it was good, but there was too much focus on it at times. I kind of thought the Luke-Claire storyline ended up as whatever comes after an afterthought...like, they wanted to get rid of her, and couldn't really come up with any good way to do it. Ending was great.
  8. I received my Prize #27: Mickey Mouse Meets the Air Pirates #1 - donated by jaeldubyoo safe and sound and looking great on Thursday! Now to add the book about the story to my list of ones to pick up if I find it cheap somewhere... Thanks @jaeldubyoo!!!
  9. I enjoyed it. Thought it was pretty good. New season drops in October, they announced.
  10. Were you planning to buy a watch carved out of solid diamond?! Great buys!
  11. Are you trying to get one in every grade?
  12. Thanks for the info! Yeah, I was thinking eBay just because selling it to another reseller would end up costing me too much of the FMV...I'd get rid of it all more quickly, but not sure if I'm willing to take that hit (I did when I shed my Transformers, but I think that the total value for the games is a bit higher than the TFs...). I tested a chunk of them before stopping, guess I need to finish doing that--it was a PITA getting NES games to work back when they were new, 30 years later it's just that much harder, haha. Either way, it won't get me all the way there (aiming for a nice-looking 2.0-2.5, probably), but it'll at least get me much closer.
  13. Hi all, This seemed like the best forum for this; wasn't sure where else to post this question. Ran a search but didn't get any hits to see if this had been asked/discussed before... I'm looking to sell off my older video games and systems (NES and later) in order to put the cash into a grail fund, to go towards getting an X-Men 1. Any advice on how best to package and ship them to buyers? Want to try to avoid any potential issues of them breaking during transit...and not sure what the best method even is to ship them (though I know they don't qualify for media mail...). Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!
  14. Sorry, I sat down with the wife for dinner just as my turn was coming up, and she gave me the side-eye when I made to get up and pop back on the computer really quick...thanks! This book looked really interesting, and doing a quick search and reading the Wiki page on it made it sound even more so. Gotta try to find the 2003? book that was about the collective and this lawsuit now...
  15. Nice pick! This was #1 on my list, I'm surprised it lasted this long!
  16. Love seeing what everyone's choosing from these awesome prizes! I've gotta go and likely won't be on when my pick eventually comes around (as that may still be a few hours from now...), but I sent in a list. Halfway to my name and 3 of my top 10 are still available, including my first choice.
  17. Seconded in all respects! This was only my second contest like this, after this year's March Madness. Definitely learning a lot doing these...though with this one, after peaking at like 6th place and then finishing in the 60s, I can't tell if my grading got worse or everyone else just got much better. Aw, who am I kidding, probably both