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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. Buyer paid this morning, sale price proceeds submitted to Brittany's page! One thing I just realized - eBay shows sale price as $350, it actually sold for a $275 best offer. Promise I'm not holding out
  2. I made two express drop offs at C2E2, one group of reholders and one modern submission. They were in the system within a few days. But I did all the forms online and in advance, SS may take longer since you have to fill out the carbon paper.
  3. mattn792


    Blue label 2.5 sale on ComicLink -- http://comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch.asp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3Damazing%2Bfantasy%2B15%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1228539
  4. I had to read the cliff notes on that reference, but it doesn't seem like an apt comparison. Ewart was being accused of multiple crimes, and CGC was essentially retaining evidence. Plus, I don't think it would be possible to flag any of his books as "uninvolved".
  5. Peter is well aware of this thread and has actually made an appearance or three (can't remember exactly how many posts he made). Basically, he threw shade at CGC and said "don't worry, we got this". Left more questions than it answered. He's had more than ample opportunity to put all the conjecture to bed, and yet here we are.
  6. Do you really think they'd answer that question (or answer it honestly if they did)?
  7. Hey, you take your logic elsewhere! This is a situation that clearly calls for inconsistent and misleading statements from the business in question, leaving customers and sympathetic board members to engage in endless conjecture.
  8. Interesting, did CGC say how long they've had them for? It is mildly surprising that they would agree to store unpaid books for so many months. That would seem like added liability and storage cost on their end, and I'm guessing they would prefer not to have either on their ledger.
  9. Conversely, I have an easy time believing that customer money was used for everything other than what it was supposed to be used for. I go back to @Zevgoli 's issue with his SDCC books. All signatures were obtained at the con, and yet books are still outstanding 8 months (and counting later)? That may have been par for the course a few years ago when CGC's grading staff was overwhelmed and everyone's books were taking multiple months to wind through the system, but these days its absolutely absurd. Almost as absurd as Paradise hauling the completed books back to Canada from San Diego, only to ship them to Florida much later, probably under Express or even Walk Through out of necessity to try and placate complaints, costing them much more out of pocket than if they had just simply dropped the completed books off at CGC's table, under their normal tier, before departing SDCC. They're even bad at being bad at business.
  10. The easiest way to negotiate without really trying - be prepared to pay with cash. Most sellers will knock off a few bucks if you save them the fees and hassle of a credit card, all it takes is a “hey, can you knock off a few bucks for cash?”
  11. The few times I’ve used GoFundMe, it’s asked for a credit card.
  12. One decimal to the left, then divide by two. Otherwise, some sadist can waste his or her money.
  13. If I came across one and the price was right, I'd buy it and destroy it as soon as practicable. The circumstances surrounding these books are far too shady, and they should not continue existing.
  14. Where does Mini Stan Lee factor into all of this???
  15. Dude should have really gone for it and put up $5200 on his new price tag. C2E2 was awesome this year, can't wait to be let down by WW Chicago again!
  16. $4,050 final price...for a product approved by a scam charity, stamped with ink made from Stan Lee blood, originally sold by the much maligned "Station" store, and probably bought off eBay by some weirdo who either knows nothing about comics or wants to clone Stan Lee. What a world we live in...
  17. @Kevlar Can you update the original Comics General thread with the link to this sales thread? It would probably make it easier to find. Also, I'll be donating the sale price of this book -- https://www.ebay.com/itm/222887841154?ssPageName=STRK:MESOX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1561.l2649 -- once the buyer pays (and will move on to Plan B if he doesn't...).
  18. “Hithis is Stan Lee and I’m calling on behalf of myself and my friend Keya Morgan. (Only Keya, interesting.) Now, you people (What people?) have been publishing the most hateful, harmful material about me (Stan is universally portrayed as the victim in this) and about my friend Keya (only Keya by name yet again) and some others (like who?). Material which is totally incorrect, totally based on slander, (in reality there are numerous videos and posted eye witness accounts from fans at SVCC) totally the type of thing that I’m going to sue your [a] off when I get a chance. (Stan is by most accounts a people pleaser, yet now he's going to "sue your [a] off"? And fwiw, Keya Morgan has apparently been known to be quick on the trigger with threats of litigation.) You have been accusing me (I don't recall anyone accusing Stan) and my friends (again, which?) of doing things that are so unrealistic and unbelievable that I don’t know what to say. (someone is out there actually selling comics signed in Stan Lee blood, many of us don't know what to say either) It’s as though you suddenly have a personal vendetta against me (the outcry from fans has been "please stop hauling Stan around like an ATM") and against the people I work with. (I'm sure internal and external vendettas abound between people you work with, so there's certainly truth to that) Well I want you to know I’m going to spend every penny I have to put a stop to this and to make you sorry that you’ve suddenly gone on a one man campaign against somebody (against who?) with no proof, no evidence, no anything (again, people's eyes see what they see) but you’ve decided that people were mistreating me (you're at a con falling asleep constantly and forgetting how to sign your own name, people are reasonably going to wonder if you're there willingly) and therefore you are going to publish those articles. (well yeah, it is the media and they sourced the SVCC reports very well) I’m going to get the best and most expensive lawyers I can and I want you to know if you don’t stop these articles and publish retractions, I am going to sue your [a] off.” (again with the out of character [a] suing off)
  19. Stan released a statement today: https://io9.gizmodo.com/in-a-new-video-stan-lee-threatens-to-sue-anyone-report-1825212978 Sounds like it was coached by a certain party and is suspiciously lacking in any type of details.
  20. It really doesn't matter, he's just dodging the reality that things are seriously wrong around Stan Lee. I just read this article that was released today: https://io9.gizmodo.com/in-a-new-video-stan-lee-threatens-to-sue-anyone-report-1825212978 Stan's (likely coached) statement raises even more questions than it answers.
  21. Are you for real? By JC's own account of the events at SVCC 2018, she had her own booth set up (an obvious draw of her attention away from her father) and decided she needed to have a lawyer tell her what to do when she couldn't get near Stan during the show. AND she took said lawyer's advice to just pack up and leave early. Add in to that the recently circulated account of her accosting and injuring both of her elderly parents over a monetary dispute, and questions such as "Does anyone know if his daughter is just rich and stupid or actually mentally challenged?" are absolutely fair game.