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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. I reiterate my earlier and request the addition of Shatner! KHAAAAAAAANNNN!
  2. You're better off getting the grader's notes and comparing them against the book. The few times I've had to go down that road I've immediately wound up concluding "well crackle my bacon, they did get it right."
  3. Sorry if this has been brought up before, but its been bugging me ever since I saw a couple CVA tagged books in a recent ComicLink auction -- why would anyone pay for this "service" in lieu of using their own built in "comic verification authority" (most of us refer to them as eyes)? I know their explanation -- http://cvacomics.com/index.php/2012-04-16-16-47-38.html -- but it still seems like $ better sent to the local televangelist.
  4. I had no illusions that I was going to get paid, I refused to cancel solely for the purpose of putting an NPB strike on his record for whatever limited good it would do. Cancelling is certainly much easier, but I'm guessing a multi-time offender like him is used to that and feels empowered to thrill bid at will. Maybe he'll think twice now, who knows.
  5. So essentially they still have very little effect. Reputable folks won't rack them up to begin with, and without any real repercussions (such as threat of suspension, negative feedback) individual_without_enough_empathy buyers will remain individual_without_enough_empathy buyers.
  6. Greg, you must have enough material for a book by now. I know I am going to keep my eye on the NYT best seller's list for the forthcoming novel, "Dear Greg Reece, I'm an insufficiently_thoughtful_person: Tales from the eBay Trenches".
  7. Anyone know how active eBay is with suspending accounts for too many NPB strikes? I found myself revisiting the topic after closing two on Sunday.
  8. voltrons_comics No contact and no payment after 11 days on a $42 auction, NPB case closed today.
  9. Having just seen a trailer for this movie, my position on this franchise remains the same - what, Nicolas Cage wasn't available? I'm THINKIN' that I'M baCK!!!!
  10. Fortunately CGC now offers a solution for this problem:
  11. The solution is clear - someone needs to start grading the cases. 9.8 book with 9.8 case will be my new minimum purchase standard going forward...
  12. Mystafo - I dig the picture of Abbath, saw Immortal 3 times in my younger days.
  13. Voyager should've been back home as soon as they found that shifting wormhole that had a stable exit point in the Alpha quadrant (as first seen in TNG). But no, Captain Janeway had to go all Sally Jesse Raphael once again because those two Ferengi who got trapped in the Delta quadrant did what Ferengi do. And no one else in the crew could pipe up and state that they should just go home because the Ferengi would either: 1. Get waxed by one or more of the native inhabitants who finally got sick of their mess. or 2. FREAKIN' DIE EVENTUALLY! So no, Voyager doesn't get my vote.
  14. Here's one other consideration -- does your daughter actually want to go to college? I throw that out there because my parents left me feeling like I had no other choice after high school, and I spent as much of my three years (early grad) studying various hops and grains as I did my actual course work. Hindsight being what it is, I look back on college as largely a waste of time and wish I had enlisted right after HS instead of 4 years later.
  15. The good money is on me not being paid, so I'd recommend blocking eBay member ernestopunisher2015. Background - member placed a (likely thrill) bid on a 9.8, quad signed Wolverine v3 66 third print on Jan-08-17 18:30:12 PST On January 10, 2017 at about 22:17 PST I get the following message: "Hello there! Can u please cancel this bid !! I bid on the wrong item!! I couldn t cancel it in my end!! My apologies for the inconvenience !!" In short, I inform him that my book has been unique on eBay for quite some time, and his bid was placed over two days ago. Therefore I do not find him credible and will not cancel his bid. He ends up as the winning bidder, I get a message the next day that boils down to "I'm new, I don't know how to use the app, I'll leave you good feedback if you help me out." I respond that he's been a member for a while and his feedback over the past year details at least three other similar incidents. I again decline to cancel and inform him I will resolve through eBay's NPB policy. Response to that boils down to -- "well I'll have to leave you bad feedback for being unprofessional, thanks for nothing." My verbatim final message: "Again, that is also your choice. Just bear in mind that I have followed established eBay procedures and am at no time under any obligation to grant your bid cancellation request, especially when available evidence suggests to me that this request is not based on believable reasoning. As I stated before, I will resolve this situation through eBay's non-paying bidder process, and I will also plan to provide their customer care team with our full message exchange as you have tried to both bribe and extort my cooperation in this matter through your offer of good/threat of bad feedback. I do hope you will avoid situations like this in the future." Save yourselves the headache. UPDATE: To be fair, I did receive a payment offer. For February 1st. At 2/3 of the sale price...
  16. Neal is confirmed for every other show every other weekend. He's probably signing at Filene's Basement this weekend, for all I know :thumbsup: If you miss him at this show, you'll find him at the next (and every) Wizard World show.
  17. We're slacking on the journals! Myself included of course. I'm actually relatively stunned that 2016 is over, it seems like a couple weeks ago that I was at WW Chicago endlessly standing in lines for Carrie Fisher (may she finally have found peace) and the X-Files cadre's autographs. But here we are, January 1, 2017. I will NEVER forget 2016 to put it simply. I've been a devout Cubs fan my entire life, and my God it finally happened. Montgomery from the stretch, curveball to Martinez, grounder to Bryant, Bryant throws to Rizzo...history. I didn't even have words, I just hit the ground and hugged...my cat. My wife had already fallen asleep, having had enough of my overbearing fandom. A fandom which thankfully has thoroughly mellowed out for ALL sports now that I've seen that one sports moment that by far would always mean the most to me. Though I'll admit I half lost my mess on Friday when the hated ones Ronda Rousey and Dominick Cruz both lost spectacularly to Amanda Nunes and Cody Garbrandt, because that was awesome. Anyway, this is a comic forum, so let's get back to discussing comics. Collecting took a left turn for me this year, no question about it. Over the years much adieu had been made (by me) about my ever climbing Wolverine collection, and much ranting had also been offered (by me) about how much I hate what Marvel has done to ruin the character with their new PC approach to publishing. As the year wore on, my attention deviated from Wolverine to my other established goals and also turned to the opportunistic acquisition of certain books from other series that I also felt a definable connection to. Books like Incredible Hulk 162 (first Wendigo), ASM 239 (first full Hobgoblin) and 300 (first Venom), plus more Silver and for the first time...GOLDEN AGE books, like the one pictured below. To paraphrase Al Bundy -- "2017...Let's rock!" To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  18. 18 USC 1341 18 USC 1343 You never know who's watching, Jonathon Kaftor of San Diego, CA. Keep that in mind.
  19. I'll do no such thing, thank you. Now please go back to slinking around the thread devoted to your criminal activities, no one wants to see a perfectly good Batman thread ruined by your childish antics.