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  1. On 8/8/2022 at 1:23 AM, The humble Watcher lurking said:

    one billion if China allows it. that`s all. believe me if it banks a  billion. About the new rock star. Ezra Miller. I think he just young and us old people just him like our parents judge Beatles, Stones and others. He was never charged with a serious  crime. Watch. He smart.  One billion if China allows. all you been played. angry.  Ezra Miller knows.

    WTF. Did you have a stroke? Even if the Flash made a billion, they will say it lost two million and pay that freak show Ezra in turtles. And he (wait, what was his pronoun again? Gaggle? A gaggle of Ezra’s).. anyway, he dumb. He shoot himself in foot. I see what you are doing bro. I’m watching you. 👀 

  2. On 8/7/2022 at 7:48 AM, Buzzetta said:

    Maybe I need to revisit the second one.  I was never much a fan of it. Maybe when it came out I was let down too much that Arnold didn’t return. 

    I wasn‘t a fan of the second one when it came out.  I clearly remember that. However it has grown on me and I have more appreciation for it now. But I would watch Prey again before Predator 2. Even though the creature design is not a big departure from the previous, its my favorite. And the actors movements are great. 

  3. On 8/6/2022 at 12:14 AM, drotto said:

    You will not see Miller as the Flash again.  I am not sure he is employable again.

    Oh I agree. No one will hire this train wreck again. I’m just saying there’s too much invested already to not release The Flash. Over 200 million I think.

  4. On 8/5/2022 at 11:07 PM, Lpgk said:

    Actually, I do want to go back and watch Predator 2, 3 and Predators. I actually liked Predators (the one with Adrien Brody) but don't remember a whole lot about it. Apparently

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    the flintlock in Prey

    was in the comic Predator:1718 so I'll have to track that down as well. Nice callbacks to previous movies. 

    We never got a Predator 3, I think the franchise went on pause after 2. Then Predators. I never counted the Aliens V Predator stuff, just didn’t get into that crossover.

  5. On 8/5/2022 at 10:37 PM, Lpgk said:

    Sorry but this movie ranks among the elite that have outdone their predecessors:


    Empire Strikes Back


    Terminator 2

    Anchorman 2 (just kidding, wanted to see if anyone is reading this)

    I agree with Empire, Aliens and T2. And Top Gun Maverick. And Prey is excellent. But its not a new or original concept. I remember sitting in the theater for Predator in the summer it was released in 87 and damn, nobody had ever seen anything like this. Is it dated today, sure a little. But everything that makes Prey awesome are the same reasons why Predator is a classic. The closed environment, the soundtrack, the slow reveal of the creature etc. These two now stand alone at the top of the Predator heap and now I’ll have to revisit Predator 2 after watching Prey due to the link.

  6. On 8/5/2022 at 6:45 PM, Broke as a Joke said:

    So even if this is released, he won't be playing the Flash in any future movies I would guess.  The DCU is such a mess. They might as well film a Crisis movie because that's where they are literally at right now.

    It’s a glorious mess though with Man of Steel and ZS Justice League. I’m more than satisfied with those two and don’t need all my movies connected by a few references and end credits. DC lost their way and wanted to replicate what Marvel was doing instead of just giving us quality stand-alone films like Burton and Nolan’s run or Watchmen and Joker. 

  7. On 8/5/2022 at 5:38 PM, AnthonyTheAbyss said:

    So I've heard this several times now.  Before saying anything else I'd like to point out that I have not yet seen "Prey" and will do it this weekend when I visit my friend (I don't have Hulu).


    ...No, saying it is better than Predator 1 is not allowed.  It is OG.  It is what launched the franchise.


    ***Acceptable answer..."as good" or "second best"lol

    Of course its not better, as I wrote before, it is using all the innovations created in 87. And it does so masterfully. But without Predator, there is no Prey.

  8. On 8/5/2022 at 3:31 PM, davidpg said:

    I was going to ask whether the streaming versions has subtitles for the French speaking parts.  Everything they were actually saying was real and made sense, and the best part is that even though you didn't understand directly it was very easy to know what was going on.  Very well done!  

    After the movie, went to see Mike and I told him

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    that they seemed to have done a REALLY good job of sewing his head back on and I was glad he was okay! ;)


    I messed around with the subtitles and unless I did something wrong, the English subtitles actually wrote his parts in French. Also, there was an option on Hulu to watch the movie in a Comanche dub. I tried that for a minute but their mouths just didn’t sync so I watched in English audio. 

  9. On 8/5/2022 at 2:41 PM, davidpg said:

    Yes indeed!  And the best part is that we're (bilingual) English Quebecers...we were cracking up at his French ;)

    He's an amazing guy, and you should check out his standup as well!  Just Google Mike Paterson...he's done A LOT of stuff!

    Your cousin was fantastic. I hate two dimensional bad guys thrown into the mix just to throw them in. I didn’t understand anything he said and I was still intrigued by his powerful performance. Easily the best actor in the entire cast and I’m not saying that because of your connection. Wanted to see more of that dude. 

  10. Ok, this was a pretty F’n great movie period. Not just a great Predator movie. And had it premiered along side of the original Predator movie in 1987 I would have said it was the better film. But it is easily the second best Predator movie today because it requires the innovations created in 1987. 

    I only had one major gripe with the movie but I was able to get passed it because of how fun this movie was. Maybe not a spoiler but I’ll tag it. There were also things I would have wished for that could have been done better but hell, they did a fantastic job finally. Finally!  The movie does pander to the audience but its clearly for a new generation. For the older generations they threw in a nod or two.  I would have just preferred the one nod that made me smile. Anyway, they finally delivered. Well done. 


    That bear trap on her ankle at the halfway point of the movie would have effectively taken her out for the rest of the show. I was able to let it go. A big plus was the medicines ability to lower body temp which was a great idea. I loved the OG line, If it bleeds we can kill it. Brought a smile to my face. Did not like the taunting at the end “Do it!” We already had the perfect tip of the hat and did not need another. One major gripe and some smaller ones. All forgivable. Loved this movie!


  11. On 8/4/2022 at 7:54 PM, csaag said:

    Dark - Netflix german sci-fi/mystery  (has english dub but I found the voice acting not that great.  Note this is a series you really have to pay attention to)

    Kingdom - Netflix   Japanese feudal times combined with zombies

    Santa Clarita Diet - Netflix  comedy starring Drew Barrymore/Timothy Oliphant where Drew suddenly becomes a member of the Undead.  They try to figure out why &how and try to keep their family together

    The IT Crowd - Netflix comedy about two IT nerds and the ditzy manager who gets assigned to them.   

    Servant - Apple M Night based series about a couple recovering from the loss of an infant.  Also stars Tiger Free Nell from GoT as a nanny.  Took a few episodes to get hooked on

    Primal - Hulu   anime in the style of Samurai Jack about a caveman & a dinosaur bonding. No dialogue in series

    I’ve seen Kingdom and Primal, absolutely loved those. I keep hearing about Dark and will have to check that out.

  12. On 8/4/2022 at 7:20 PM, MattTheDuck said:

    I'm afraid to list anything due to the prohibition on "usual suspects" since I doubt there's anything everyone hasn't already at least heard about.

    Well, I just meant things like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones, shows that have their own dedicated threads.

  13. On 8/4/2022 at 4:36 PM, davidpg said:

    Understood.  Although I will say Predator and The Running Man are neck and neck for Best Arnie movies though.

    Are you trying to make me lose my sheet? The Running Man? Above Terminator and Commando? Red Heat is even above Running Man. I’m going to step out of the room for a moment. Don’t be here when I get back.

    I change my mind, I want to hear your Prey review later. Even though you’re on thin ice.

  14. On 7/12/2022 at 7:31 PM, jsilverjanet said:

    im sure it's in reference to the gay parents the girl has. there was a scene originally cut out regarding a kiss, then added after pressure from the lgbqt community.

    Love Disney. So powerful and yet so spineless. Stick to your guns instead of caving. They added it originally and then thought, wait.. $$, axe that scene! Followed by outrage and folding. I would love to see this statement from Disney:  “We are not against.. uh, that sort of thing, but we love money so we cut it out. Sorry?”

    I would totally respect that.