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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Just got Green Lantern Corps omnibus at a GREAT price. Normally $340, got it for $153 and free shipping, which was another 20 bucks. This was next on my list anyway, I just moved it up a bit, time wise. So much good stuff to read, so little time. Aaaaargh!
  2. I didn't think Brightest Day dragged, I was more annoyed at the disparity between character focus. A handful of characters got all the focus, while the majority got a few pages and a simple prophecy instruction, like "throw the boomerang". Overall I did enjoy it though, but that has some heavy nostalgia attached, admittedly. I loved it when it was released. I loved having the focus on the Hawks, Dove, it made me appreciate Deadman. It changed my view on a few characters. Good luck with JSA omni 3!
  3. Flash #798-799. A quick little 2 parter that introduces Wally's new son and the surprise find of This is followed up later in a different book, hence why I wanted to see where the story started. Turns out I didn't miss that much. An inoffensive little tale. Green Lantern by Geoff Johns omnibus volume 1. It's been so long since I read this material, it felt so good to read it all again. It still holds up, Sinestro Corps War is still a hell of a ride, and I enjoy seeing the amount of 'screen-time' Kyle gets. All in all, quality. Onto volume 2 now, then 3, which is all new material to me, so that's the one I'm gunning for. I quit after Blackest Night, which conveniently is where volume 2 cuts out at. All up that takes me to 542 books read for the year to date. I'm happy enough with my progress, which has slowed. That's fine.
  4. Am the only one thinking "NOW we're playing with portals."
  5. Already preordered them (seriously) even though I hate Bloodwulf, he's nothing but a Lobo rip-off. Still, they're a novelty. A shining beacon of the 90's excess? Sounds fun to me. I just wish we could have got Youngblood characters, they badly need an update, but alas, can't happen as Rob no longer owns them, so this'll have to do.
  6. With the arrival of volume 3 today, I now have all 3 of the Green Lantern by Geoff Johns omnibuses. I'm nearly halfway through the first, and loving it (though as I said, none of this material is new to me, except the Wizard special 1/2 issue) and can't wait to get to Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night, and volume 3, the new material for me. Until then I'm enjoying the character development, and enjoying seeing more of Kyle than I remembered. That's a treat. I so wish Mattel had made his Jim Lee costume he wears during Rebirth and the beginning of this run, instead of the later costume, and then the original costume, but with the newer Corps logo. I'd have gladly taken Jim Lee costume and original costume with original Kyle logo. Oh well.
  7. I've also never seen that before, and I own about 5 copies of this issue, some Aussie, some US in origin.
  8. Yeah I'm definitely catered to, no complaints there. I've read all the 80's stuff, and I liked a lot of it, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the 90's, and it's events like Age Of Apocalypse (as you mentioned, I reckon it still holds up today) and Onslaught. I was later 90's, so the quality of the comics was all over the place. There was some good stuff, like Kelly and Seagles' unfortunately short runs, Joe Madureira on art, etc. All eras have their strong and weak points to me. I don't think any era is criticism proof. I do wish they'd focus on other eras though... after they give us a Cecilia Reyes and a Marrow.
  9. Yeah, on sale = perfect. I'd buy them then, no problem. And hah, 90s' X-Men is my era. I'd be lost without it. Though weirdly I do prefer Cyclops' Cockrum costume over his Jim Lee.
  10. Nice pick-up on Psylocke. She looks gorgeous, don't think you can go wrong on that one. I skipped the X-Men 97 Gambit, seeing as he's still got pinned joints. Only one in the wave to do so. He was a side grade at best, and I didn't feel he was much of an improvement over the last one, so I passed on him. If he'd been pinless I'd have picked him up in a flash. Yeah, the price on the McFarlane Crisis wave is ridiculous. I was tempted by Spectre (just in case they do more JSA characters, not that I can ever see that happening) but not at that price. What a joke. I do kinda regret not picking up the Blue Beetle and Booster Gold pack, but eh, I've got the Mattel versions, and I like them better. McFarlane couldn't even give them translucent visors and goggles.
  11. Did you see Thor is on sale for $60 at the moment at BBTS, with $4 shipping for you Seppos. I'm also not a fan of what McFarlane is doing. I did preorder the Kyle Rayner/Kilowog pack, 99% for the more accurate Kyle, but it's gonna cost me, $172 dollarydoos all up, including shipping. I also got Catman, because I love Catman, and I bought a few others in the past. They're just too hard to get here, meaning I have to resort to US ebay, costing me a fortune for each one, and frankly I'd rather spend the money filling in holes in my Mattel DC collection. And I'll be honest, they're not really doing characters I want anyway, and if they do, they don't look right. Psylocke is really tempting. She looks so good. I've managed to say no so far, but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold back!
  12. Oh cool. I'm not a huge fan of any of the Superman characters, though I did enjoy Connor in Geoff Johns' Teen Titans run, yet that Steel in particular was very tempting to me. It looks fantastic. I reckon you should have about as much fun with it as I'm having with Batman. Only reason I say 'about' is that all the scallops on Batmans' cape have their own wires, so you can REALLY pose that thing how you want, and Steel of course doesn't have an equivalent. I still think he'll be an S-tier figure though. Hope you enjoy them both!
  13. I've got 3 now, I believe. A sequel Stormtrooper I got for $26 on clearance at BBTS, a 90's Jean Grey, and now Batman. The others were good, Batman is sublime. His cape is just gorgeous to work with, you can literally do anything with it. I think it was @fantastic_fourwho said it's like a second figure, and it really is. It's marvellous. All the other extras are just gravy.
  14. Not EU related but may be of interest to some of you: a Marvel GIJOE Compendium is being released in October, collecting issues 1-50. https://www.amazon.co.uk/G-I-JOE-Real-American-Compendium/dp/1534371508
  15. GIJOE Marvel Compendium coming October, collects issues 1-50. https://www.amazon.co.uk/G-I-JOE-Real-American-Compendium/dp/1534371508
  16. It's not that it wasn't 'Ross enough' for me, it's that Ross' paints came off to me as often appearing... muddy, is the best way I can describe it. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's the reproduction of this particular edition (I don't think so, but it's a possibility), but some pages, IMO, don't have a crispness to them I associate with Ross' work, and no, it's not the pencils at play causing it.
  17. My Mafex Hush Batman arrived today. Stunningly beautiful figure. So indescribably happy to have it. Furai Hound was also in the box, ready to be built when I see a mate in a few weeks time and we build some kits together. I'm pretty intimidated by this one. SS86 Ratchet was also in there, he's nice, along with some other stuff like the latest ROTJ Luke from Star Wars Black, and the Gundam Universe Gundam 00 QANTT figure, which is pretty nice, especially for the nice. Separately my Mattel DCUC Alan Scott Green Lantern figure also arrived. I know I should have had him years ago. His expression turned me off buying him. Glad to expand my JSA and include him, but I still don't like that headsculpt. All in all, a great day.
  18. Time to embarrass myself. I've run out of Brodarts, and I can't remember what size and the other details I need for omnibus size ones. Does anyone happen to have this information please? And where is the cheapest and most reliable place to order them from, that will ship to Australia? Iirc last time I ordered them it was from Block. I go for the non-stick ones (are there even still sticky ones? I don't remember, but I don't want them, just the regular clear plastic, paper-backed ones). Thanks!
  19. I thought it was a flowerpot. Now what am I going to do with my daffodils?
  20. Green Lantern by Grant Morrison Season 1 Volume 1 - the back of the book blurb proclaimed this to be a psychodelic hit. I found nothing psychodelic about it, except for the GL with the exploding volcano head, I guess. Still, it was a decent read, and I intend to buy further volumes further down the track. Rereads of Transformers #5, Thundercats #1. Still can't get used to Tygra's moustache. It's just wrong. Transformers is just a quality read. It deserves to be on everyone's pull list, Transformers fan or not, it's THAT good. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner Compendium - now we're talking. This started at Emerald Twilight and went from there. Same material as was in the single volumes they released, I rebought it just to show support and hopefully lead to more of Kyle's run getting modern reprints. I'd love to see his whole series collected in Compendium form, tbh. I loved it so much at the time. Just good, classic comics. Justice hardcover - this is pretty decent, if not a bit too much into the Super friends for me, who were before my time, so I don't get the nostalgia huffs from it. Still it's enjoyable enough, with some decent twists. Is it just me or is some of Ross' art a bit muddy looking in this book? That puts me up to 495 books read for the year, and you won't hear from me for awhile, as now I'm starting on the Johns Green Lantern omniboo. I've read everything in the first 2 before (I dropped the book precisely where book 2 finishes, which works out perfectly I'd say, leaving me with book 3 as all-new material) so I'm very keen to get to book 3, which is still enroute, but will have no doubt arrived by the time I'm ready for it.