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Posts posted by Cat

  1. Holy carp. Thundercats #1 came out this week. It wasn't meant to be shipped to Australia, but a shipment was accidentally sent to my LCS, and I accidentally got a copy. Oopsie. At the back it has a cover gallery of all the available covers. It's insane. They're about a centimetre high, 7mm wide or so, guesstimating, and there are FIVE F&$KING PAGES OF COVERS TO SEE. That's nuts. 

    All of our shipment was cover A, which was fine as we weren't supposed to get it anyway, though I was hoping for the Liefeld cover (seriously, it was nice) but all these variants? Eff that. No wonder the industry is dying, being artificially propped up by stunts such as this. It's insane. 

  2. On 2/15/2024 at 1:44 AM, Dr. Balls said:

    I just tried to listen to the newest Robservations podcast (talking about 90's comics and Wizard, etc) and I couldn't get past the first few minutes because it was a non-stop string of him discussing how terribly important he was in creating comics, financing technology with his own money, etc, etc. I don't know if this is how he approaches his podcasts, but I probably won't check anything else out.

    Typically, when one achieves significant influence, they don't have to constantly remind people how important they are. They can just dive into the topic at hand. I'm there because I know Liefeld was a big part of the 90's - what I don't need is a five minute primer about all the amazing things he did. It's like sitting next to that guy in the bar who insists on letting everyone know how great he is.

    Which, is too bad - because Liefeld is significant. In my opinion, he should be above that - he's accomplished a lot in his career.

    To be fair to the guy, though, so many people want to deny him those credits, I'm not surprised he's a little jerky about it all. I probably would be too in that situation, after all these years of having to fight for recognition for what I had done. 

  3. On 2/14/2024 at 9:08 PM, Ken Aldred said:

    Similar conclusion last year.

    Nice art, but a fairly weak story by Jeff Lemire’s standards.

    Yeah, and funny thing was, I was thinking about this after reading about the upcoming DC omnibus poll (I didn't know it had already started), and I thought to myself 'I'm surprised The Terrifics never got omni'ed', well after rereading the first 6 issues I can see why! 

  4. On 2/14/2024 at 5:57 AM, rlextherobot said:

    Ugh, finding the balance with meds can be such a pain. When I first started taking ADHD meds it took forever to find the right med, and the right dosage where it would actually help, but not have me so wired I could barely sit still. Good luck getting it sorted! 

    Thanks mate. It's a constant battle. :)

  5. Convergence: World's Finest Comics 1-2: not the greatest story. It doesn't even feature half the team. Most of the team. I bought it for Crimson Avenger, and he does come out on top with a few panel appearances. Pass. 

    Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott) and Sandman (Wesley Dodds) #1-2 of each. Flash was really good. I enioyed it. Green Lantern was also good, really nice homage to the his history. He was pitched as Alan Ladd, Aladdin, get it? Editor thought it was too on the nose, so they went with Alan Scott. In this book, he is Alan Ladd-Scott, a nice little nod to creators intent from oh so long ago. An interesting premise, also one I'm looking forward to continuing. Sandman - carpy. Just not very good. Nothing to hook you. Hope it picks up and quick, as those first 2 issues are utter misses.

    JSA Classified #34 - Fun done-in-one Hourman story starring Rick Tyler. If you're after the best, go for the 2 parter that's issues 17-18 or 18-19, starring Rick and Rex and Bane, it's a treat. Such a good, fun story. Cannot praise it enough. 

    Justice League United #1 This is issue 1, but part 2 of a story? Nuff said. Shame, as it seems fun, with great art, good characters, well written, but part 2? Go straight to comic jail. 

    The Terrifics volume 1 tpb: collects issue 1-6. I loved this when it came out, and there was no Fantastic Four. Now though, it's not so special. I'm back to hating Plastic Man, being very iffy on Metamorpho, so that leaves me loving Mr Terrific, and liking Phantom Girl. And the plot wasn't super strong. Hmm. To be continued, to be fair. 

    Plus I've got about 15 issues of Morrison's JLA, which I'll review as one when I finish the omnibus. 

    If you're wondering why I've slowed so much, my doctor prescribed me a new anxiety med, and it has a habit of knocking me the eff out. :lol: Seriously I sleep all day on it. We're trying to find the right dose, so I haven't got as much reading done as I'd have liked. 

    I'm up to 380, not counting anything Morrison. 





  6. On 2/11/2024 at 10:42 AM, ADAMANTIUM said:

    I was thinking of a way to defend Gambit lol

    It was my favorite character as a kid until I got a subscription to the 1988 Wolverine series. I think part of that was not wanting my parents to object to interests. Also, what may be affecting my decision? (for me anyway or imo), is how you're introduced to the Gambit character. When I first saw him on the cartoon or video games, I had NO IDEA that he was a "new character".

    In that I was 10 years of age or so, the X-men just seemed as old as time and new members were an after thought. Others may have been accustomed to the stories at the time of the characters, and that would affect how Gambit would fit in.

    After that when Gambit was an old character say 2000's with apocalypse wrapping up or whatever, perceptions were established for piers to fill a newcomer in lol needle and the damage done. That's a record ~ beastie boys

    That is a long way to say, I see where y'all are coming from, as I might not think a new character now would be worth their salt until they had proved themselves with character building haha 😂 

    Too be young and naive. Other than the cartoon with him and Rogue, with southern accents that helped to "hear when reading the comics?" There is not much defense 🤔 not all southerners can talk or think like that, ahem, nor understand it right off the bat either. It might remind of us of home, but then again not too flattering otherwise  :cheers: @Cat @The humble Watcher lurking


    That's a good point. Cartoon was my intro too, I had no idea he was such a new character. I was shocked to discover that.


  7. On 2/7/2024 at 3:42 AM, whisp said:

    2023 I focused on different toy and company lines.  I was actually pretty happy with what came out and was surprised that a lot of characters I wanted came out along with some I never thought they would do.  It was like someone was listening lol.

    I was trying to make my dream team of modern for a shelf.  There is still a couple on my want list.  I tried to get a Master Chief from Halo and a specific one but it still sitting in my Amazon ordered list with an email saying they notify me when it becomes available.  I also wanted to get a Centurion but that was pretty exclusive set and I only wanted one only because I never had one as a child and wanted one.

    However, I got Soundwave with a couple of the new designed tapes that fit inside of him.  The all white Boba Fett prototype, Moon Knight with armor, Storm Shadow, Ninja Spawn and Scareglow.

    Something I never thought they would do was the Drizzt figure and was very happy when I saw that and added the Jumanji Panther to be his Cat.  I got the Super 7 Panthro in which the first one had a paint app issue on the harness in which I contacted Super 7 just to get a new harness and they sent me a whole new one that is pristine.  Their customer support was friendly and they went out of their way to help me.  I grabbed 7 of the retro TMNT which totally reminded me of my childhood.  I skipped on two of them but wish I grabbed them.

    Some oddball items I grabbed is the Rubik's cube which I had as a kid and now have the speed version.  I can solve it now but won't be breaking any speed records :P.  Also I grabbed one of the D&D Dicelings (green Dragon).  The Diceling is actually pretty impressive for what it is.

    Next is the The Legend of Drizzt Board game.  That has been a lot of fun and every other Thursday a friend and I play it.  I even went as far to make three dice towers for it and we about half way thru the campaign booklet.

    Bought a bunch of Hot Wheels for the hell of it since cheap and they just display nice.

    Finally the Macross (Robotech) YF-29 Alto version.  This model kit was so fun to make.  Took a bit but when done it displayed and looks pretty cool as part of my team up


    So for 2023 it was a pretty good year for modern pickups.



    My wish list right now that I would like to get.

    1. An individual centurion

    2. Voltron (they came out with one at one point but I could never find a retailer that had all the cats to put together to buy as a set.)

    3.  For the TMNT retro line by Playmate I wish they had done April O'Neil so that we could have had the original 8 so would like to see playmates release that.  

    4.  For them to release more of the Halo Master Chief by Jazwares toys that I have been waiting on my order list.

    5. A Classified 1988 Storm Shadow

    6.  Rerelease of the Ronin TMNT armoured version.  I missed this one and don't want to pay reseller prices.  Wanted him as part of my team line up.

    7. Lazerbeak or Buzzsaw for Soundwave 83


    That pretty much sums up everything for 2023 for me


    Not plastic Crack but I have started catching up on the Drizzt Forgotten realm books and on book 17 (The Hunters Trilogy (6th trilogy) and been buying them in their trilogy sets.  That will take me a bit because there is 7 more trilogies after this one lol but gives me something to do


    The armoured Ronin was on clearance at BBTS just the other day. 22 bucks US.