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Posts posted by Cat

  1. 2 more to add to the list. First add was the final Brit volume, volume 3. Not a whole lot to say about this one. Very formulaic, everything gets wrapped up neatly with no repercussions for the main characters. More than a bit disappointing considering the universe it's attached to. I wouldn't recommend this.

    Justice League by Scott Snyder volume 3 is not bad. Very 'big' the whole time, it'd obvious I've come into things on the climax of the storyline. I just wanted to read the JSA's appearance. And I could do that and still enjoy myself more, so it was alright with me. Not quite enough to make me want to check out the rest of the run, but it does seem like it could be interesting. It was nice seeing various Starmen taking a leading role at times. That's rare. 

    With that I'm up to 321 books. 

  2. On 2/3/2024 at 9:55 AM, onlyweaknesskryptonite said:

    Honestly it wasn't that bad. That one that I believe it was @Galen130 had that was a flashing rooster or chicken was one that really would induce seizures.  Although it may have been @Cat that had it. If not maybe one of them can remember who did.


    I checked and that is one that i didn't save. :roflmao:

    That was Galen's c0ck.

  3. I bought the hardcover volume 3 of Snyder's JLA run as it features the JSA, and was intending to just read that and be done with it. Reading the blurb on the back of the book however makes it sound like this is the culmination of his entire run on the series. It's only 2 volumes to buy if I want to read the whole thing, and I could go for a decent new JLA run. Anyone read it and can weigh in on if it's worth buying the other 2 volumes, or just stick with volume 3 and be done with it? 


  4. On 2/2/2024 at 2:23 PM, Rockyjo3 said:

    I’ve never finished the whole run and I can hardly remember the parts I have read xD 

    You're in for such a treat. Just take exception for the final issues of the run not written by Johns. If you're reading omnibus 3, I also don't rate Thy Kingdom Come all that highly, but plenty of people disagree with me on that one, so I'll be interested for your thoughts on it. 

  5. On 2/2/2024 at 4:29 PM, ttfitz said:

    I know I read this title when it first came out, but not sure whether I continued until the end, I'm going to need to check that out and maybe read/reread soon. I see it started in 1994, which makes it eligible for my "Anniversary" reading list this year.

    It takes a while to get going, but once it does, it's really good. You can't really pinpoint when it got good though, it's one of those you just suddenly realise you're hooked on, if that makes sense. 

  6. On 2/2/2024 at 10:28 AM, Rockyjo3 said:

    Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading more, the other series that I’ve been reading have been on the back burner since starting JSA.

    Is this your first time reading this run? 

  7. On 2/2/2024 at 10:16 AM, Rockyjo3 said:

    Finished JSA by Johns Omnibus vol 1 which includes:

    JSA #1-25

    JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice

    JSA All-Stars #1-8

    JSA Our Worlds at War #1

    JLA/JSA Secret Files #1 

    Really enjoyed this book, there were a lot of issues I either hadn’t read or didn’t remember.  My only complaint would be about the omnibus itself, the order the issues are in seem a bit off.  Vol 2 is next and I’m still reading the Blackest Night omni too

    Great choice there. Top read, and it only gets better as you go along, as Carter, Michael, and Rick join. I love Michael and Pieter's banter. That makes the book for me. 

  8. And I am done with Starman. Volume 6 is completed, and that's the series. All 82 issues, plus additionals. It was quite the ride, and it may as well have been new, I can't remember half the stuff I reread here, it's been that long. Great series, a true classic. Pity the Omnis are long out of print so fans today can't just buy in cheaply (some volumes sell for over 400US). Volume 6 has the culmination of everything, and it shows, with probably the most solid writing, even without David Goyer's presence. Everyone ends up where they should, but not where we'd like them to be, unfortunately. 

    Highly recommended on the series, and I loves the format, so bonus points there. Very comfy. 

    My total to date is 282 comics so far this year. Suddenly that 1000 looks quite attainable. I'll drop back soon as I start reading novels.