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Everything posted by drotto

  1. I heard this a few days ago, it was leaked, and expected based on some of the last trailers.
  2. Honestly, I would not care if it was a girl power movie. Those movies have an audience and a right to exist. The things is they present it like this in new or novel. Everything MCU for the last 3 years has been girl power, and from a superhero movie prospective, that is not the bulk of your audience. Sound like yet another film, that does not know what it is, or who it's audience really is. The other thing is the Fix It in Post mentality seems to be present in spades from the early reactions I have seen. This is the reason for feeling like there are disjointed and missing sceens, thin feeling plot, and bad VFX. Movies with a tight script before you start shooting, do not have these issues.
  3. No saying, they will collect comics or read them on a regular basis. The modern comic industry is in an abysmal state currently. I view key comics as separate from reading comics. The have a pop culture and in fact culture aspect to them that is separate from the medium. If you are a massive Spider-Man fan, and never read a floppy, his first appearance has a cool factor and nostalgic factor because it is the genesis for a character they love, it just happens to be a comic. The books that achieve that status level have or potentially have broader appeal then just people who collect comics. I think there will always be an appetite for physical media. Look at the small, but noticeable uptick in people of all ages collecting vinyl, or the fact the books themselves have not gone away, despite people talking about their demise for 15 plus years. I do think it will more and more become keys books will keep value. But collecting longboxes of entire series will go away. I do however take some slice in the fact that comics stores claim back issue sales are still good even thriving. My final though is golden age books. Now I realize much of their value is based on scarcity, but the bulk of people collecting them did not read them growing up, and do not have that childhood connection. Yet they still have a strong younger fanbase, and have retained value. So that potential and hope is there. I see many millennials buying comics at cons.
  4. They will just continue importing from other markets. The have brought in a lot of popular content that is not held to SAG agreements.
  5. UK actors are still working provided they are not SAG members. They have rules on the books prohibiting sympathetic striking. It is how House of the Dragon continue production as it uses primarily UK actors who have a different union.
  6. What we also may need to factor in is the nostalgia factor of the next generation. They have shown that people in their 30 to 40 start to get nostalgia for what they grew up on as kids. So their is about a 20 to 30 year cycle where things get hit by a renewed pupularity. So all these kids that grew up on the MCU have about 10 to 15 years till they hit the age where they start longing for and collecting what they loved as a kid. The MCU for many should be part of that. That could certainly drive prices.
  7. Maybe it is dangerous to point this out, but it is 100% OK for movies to cater to specific audiences based on gender, race, orientation, ideology, etc. It does not make that movie bad, or the people that like that movie a lessor person. We just have different tastes and therefor wants. There is no issue in making movies for specific groups, it is not exclusionary, and it does not make a person bad for liking those films. Now thse are broad generalized tendencies and tastes can vary widely within those groups. As long as all people are invited in and welcomed there is no issue. Recent movies really drive home the point. Barbie was wildly popular with women, and the audience was 75% woman. That's fantastic. It hit an audience that recently has been undeserved, it was a good film, and it made big bucks. It was based on a very female centric IP, and nobody asked the creators to change it. Comics are inherently male based, which IA shown with the comics where sales are around 85% men, and the movies which are generally 60% to 65% men. Even when they make a female centric comic movie they still skew 55% me with Wonder Woman being the only exception at 52% women. So of you take a male grounded genre and paint a female centric facade over the top it is logical you risk losing some of that male base, and struggle to gain women because the underpinnings arw Stull male based. So based on the above examples, if Barbie's creators were set on centering the movie only on Ken in the sequel, how would the female fans react? To some extent this is what the MCU has been doing. Also as Bosco very succinctly sets out, when you make female centric films with good characters, and story in genres men enjoy, they still show up in droves.
  8. Excellent point. I got my X-Men 1 in 2018 and My Giant Sized X-Men in 2019. Yes, the values are about 60% of their peak. My XM1 is still 2.5 X what I initially paid for it, and the GSXM is 2 times what I paid. If you look at the GPA averages on most books, they have returned to the trend line from say 2015 to 2020 if you essentially cut the bump from the bubble off. So if you were in before 2020 your OK. If you are buying now, if the historical trend line holds, your again OK. Those who bought on the bump will likely eventually get back up there, it just may take 10 to 15 years.
  9. The comic fans would come back, if they go back to soley making good movies, based on stories and characters they know and love. The "normies" that got cought up in the hype and what became a cultural moment, will be much harder to recapture.
  10. The massive miscalculations made were two as far as I can see... 1. They thought they could make these changes without alienating the traditional audience. 2. That there was a tremendous untapped audience for these films beyond who was already watching, as long as we make it more for them. The reality turned out to be, the traditional audience liked their traditional characters. In addition, that was the audience most likely to see the films multiple times, and buy merchandise. That untapped audience was either not really interested or not really there. For the most part women that like these types of movies were already watching them, and did not like the changes either. For women that were not, no amount of change was going to get them to watch. For those they did attract, they were not going many times and they were not buying stuff. Of course the open secrete is Marvel Comics have a wealth of all types of characters to draw upon, that did not require alterations to existing characters, or came from the infamous Marvel Now ear. It is turning out to be a hard lesson.
  11. Ok my biggest and costliest addition ever just arrived this morning.
  12. But on eBay there are so many listed asking 2021 prices or more. Yes, many books are listed, but the prices are all over the place. Thus, those books sit there. Well priced books are still moving. If you move over to CLink or the other auction sites, there are far fewer mega keys, and they always sell. Recently those sales appear slightly up based on GPA average and last sale.
  13. Yeah, solid show. Sad to see it go, and it may just limp out after all the budget cuts.
  14. He may have been the golden goose, now he is lucky if people say he is a polished turd. Yes, he was very good, but some people even at the time thought the FOX purchase seemed a bit expensive.
  15. You know it is bad when the MCU cheerleader Grace Randolph is even saying expect around $50 million opening weekend.
  16. https://movieweb.com/the-marvels-nia-dacosta-wonders-whether-directin-marvel-right-choice/ Yeah, they are competing to see who is the last one to get thrown under the bus and gets stuck there. Nia DaCosta says that The Marvels is really a Kevin Feige movie, and while she enjoyed playing in the MCU, she is ready to move on.
  17. Thr executives at Concast must be opening champagne over this deal. So are we taking bets on the final number? I am going to place mine at around $15B. So nice of Disney to basically pay for Epic Universe's entire construction costs. Here, we will weaken ourselves, and give you the bat to beat us up with. That FOX deal looks worse all the time, especially when Comcast is the one who drove up the cost. Iger got so out maneuvered on that one. It is going to destroy his legacy.
  18. This is the same director that said this is really Feige's movie not mine.
  19. There are lots of story to be told in the MCU if they want too. With the direction the MCU was going during phase 4 and 5, Blade would have been a perfect fit, but more importantly a popular choice. Instead, they try to sabotage that. Ali used his Oscar capital to get the part of Blade and push for this film, what an absolute waste. It is clear the MCU was not really interested in a Blade film, just having him onboard for the bragging writes and star power. People must realize the comics have a mountain of stories about people of all different races, beliefs, sexualities, and backgrounds spread over the 70 plus year history. They have plenty of room to be inclusive, but still must be well rounded so they continue to appeal to the widest possible fanbase, and tell all types of stories about all types of people. We had gotten to the point where they were telling stories about very select groups only. If people must be able to see themselves on screen to love a character (A notion I personally disagree with), that philosophy must apply to all people, not select groups.
  20. No, more information is now surfacing. Th CAA stuff is new from the bombshell article Variety dropped this week. There are also new allegations surfacing of him abusing his girlfriend in the UK while filming Loki season 2, and other people that have come forward, but just now being publicly released. These reports are the reason the judge refused to dismiss the case, despite the fact that some of the initial tapes and police reports seemed to clear him. They have been kept under fairly close wraps. In addition, the same article heavily implied the MCU is trying to move away from Kang for two reasons, Majors legal and PR problems, and the character is not resonating with fans. Rightly or wrongly this is a big problem for the MCU now. The biggest rumor is they may try to pivot to Dr Doom.
  21. They actually lucked out a bit on this number, as $9 B was the initial low estimate, and some people were saying it could get over $20B. Still not money they really have to spend right now, but not as damaging, and Hulu is profitable at least. Still money that Comcast can use to hang them with. How is that next next expansion to Universal studios parks looking? Heck build 2 of them.
  22. I really hope so. Knowledge of the TVA again requires watching a low ratings TV show behind a paywall, that 80% (and that's being kind) of the potential audience has not seen. This approach is already causing massive issues with MCU movies, so let's do it again.