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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. yeah, i wonder what the auction houses know and don't know and/or pretend they don't know. someone posted that in this thread about not trusting some auction house. i guess it would be illegal if an auction house manipulated an auction and when things are not legal I trust my fellow humans not to engage in that activity. See, I believe. Anywho....I put in a large bid on some comic I wanted at an auction house and walked away and did something else and just let it ride. I won. For somewhat less than my bid, so if there was some shilling or other tomfollery wouldn't it have ridden up to my bid top $? What do I know? I'm thinking about selling my comic collection and buying more TVs. One for every room. I really like all that I'm seeing now that I'm watching a bit more of it. Well, a lot more of it. On Maury today there was a woman who didn't know who her baby's father was, you see. This was the 17th time she had been on the show to test the DNA of who she thought was the father - this time. This guy wasn't the father either so she has to figure out who he is. The next woman that came on the show to figure out the father of her child, well, the DNA tests proved her theory to be correct. The father promised to be a good dad and I feel things are ok now.
  2. My mother-in-law got into the whole "Beenie Baby I'm gonna be a rich" BS. After her death at her Celebration Of Life (Oh and she was the life of the party!) I brought her whole shed full of Beenie Babies to give to the kids. This cute little girl started grabbing the whole pile and the mother said, "Don't take them all. Leave some for the other children." I said, "No. Take them. Please."
  3. ...but the movies keep coming, like "reality" tv. Quality sure doesn't matter. The superhero films keep dropping out of the studios' anus and into the open mouth of the consumer who then complains it's not good while keeping their mouth open for more. I dunno, man. It. Just. Never. Stops. Prices may be dropping because a lot of us don't have work or money.
  4. I've seen you here. Looked at your website. Like your paintings. I wish I could draw. Can't draw a straight line with a ruler. Where were you when I was trying to hire an artist to draw what a deceased television evangelist might currently look like in his coffin/grave/tomb after being deceased for ten years? It's a long story. For an art project kinda thing. There was money. Even went looking for artists that specialized in medical illustrations but nobody wrote back. Like I said, long story.
  5. I was really hoping someone would bring up the possibility that the "he" doing this was actually a "she" and was also doing webcam "modeling" at the same time. That would change things a bit in my opinion.
  6. sure, that's acceptable. Just what you would do if someone was buying all the classic OA and destroying it and you would TP their house. Perfectly acceptable. I just don't know if the person would know the TPing was punishment for destroying OA.
  7. here's an interesting (to me and my dog) What If for a boring/horrifing Covid-19 day: What If there was someone (with endless supply of money let's say) that would buy super nice stuff like all of FF1 or whatever and then just rip it to shreds on a youtube channel. And they kept buying all the classic stuff and they kept ripping it up. And you know where they lived.
  8. thank you. gonna read that after I try to get the dog away from the door/mailman Edit: Just read it. What a mess. Now I've got a headache. Who wants to get involved with that? Keep the artwork.
  9. as I stated, it's just my opinion. it's all good. you be you. I'm glad sharing your art brings joy to you (and others, I guess).
  10. Sure if you never got out of the sipee cup and "I can go pee-pee and caca all my myself" stage. But that's just me. Not a comment directed at you. Don't know you. Braggadocio is boring. Always makes me suspect.
  11. I'm not sure I understand the question, but, umm, I'll try: Yeah, I'd buy it. Who cares about crowing about stuff? Edit: after reading comments - are you asking if I would buy something I knew was stolen? No.
  12. Love to know the whole story, but again I'm always putting my nose where it doesn't belong. Good for you, I guess.
  13. who owns the Dark Knight Returns cover for #1? I know somebody posted a picture standing next to it. Some kinda comic artist. I dunno, Rob Leitchfield? I don't need their home address just nosy is all.
  14. had a buddy in high school that was so into Disney films and stuff he had a license plate on his car that said "Yensid." You know, "Disney" backwards. (Guess somebody got the the "Disney" vanity plate before my buddy) Some hot girls drove by and screamed at us, "What's 'Yensid' mean?!" And he yelled back, "It's Disney backwards! You know Walt Disney!" And the hot girls drove off....
  15. Has The Spider-Buggy appeared in a MCU/Spiderman/Sony/whatever film yet?
  16. My threads usually have the most info. That being said, I wish I had the AF15 OA. I'd make prints of it and sell 'em on t-shirts at that Forever-21 store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and the one in Sherman Oaks. I'd bring the t-shirts to the store in person, they would sell out so I'd have to restock the store. I'd become friends with all the young lady sales staff, maybe asking one or two for a date. I'd go out with lots of young ladies. Meet their friends. Go to parties and stuff. I think this would be a better use of AF15 OA then having it sit in some musty old museum nobody goes to. Actually after watching some "Forever 21 Sales Women" on Youtube, I want to stab my eyes out and take a screwdriver to my ear drums. So I guess I'm not the right person for ownership of AF15 OA after all. I yearn for the days of yesterday when you had to know how to load a film magazine, know what lighting instrument does what, know your way around a light meter and lighting ratios and know how to use a Steinbeck flatbed before you could just post vomit on the internet. I've been inside too long...
  17. No, you leave the Latino soap operas on as background noise - you feel me?
  18. In passing (and clearly not thinking) I happen to mention the stuff I saw to my elderly mom and she became very upset saying that No, I did not see what I saw. She goes to church but seems (to me at least) to like the pageantry of it all as opposed to being super-strict religious. She always asks me if I'm going to church "out there in California" while she goes to church a lot in Texas (now via TeeVee - hopefully not some of those Teevee frauds and charlatans but not sure whom else is on TeeVee but frauds and charlatans). Even tho she goes to church a lot she seems to often do the exact opposite of what Jesus (at least my understanding of him) would do in certain situations and avoids/look down upon people Jesus would help. But I digress, as long as you're going to a big ol mega-church, it's all good! I went once with her to a Christmas Eve service in a huge mega church in Houston and people were reaching for the Heavens then falling down on the floor rolling around while the youth group rock band played at a maximum bleeding ear level. Donuts were good.
  19. what time/day is it on in Los Angeles? I love MeTv! It's the only thing I watch unless my wife is around as I always forget password/way to get into Netflix and HBO and all that. At the halfway point of my wife explaining the remote controls (all three of them!) to the TV, I lose interest. Nothing on TeeVee is interesting enough for me to learn the remote controls.
  20. Agreed. As stated, I only told a few close friends and they in turn told others so I find I'm asked about it a lot. Then mocked. Is two such phenomenons a lot to experience? Do I have a gift/curse?
  21. Buzz, I grew up in Virginia amongst the civil war battlefields. One night I saw a ghost of a civil war soldier (don't know if Ghost Soldier was Union or Confederate). Much later in life I saw some poltergeist activity. Wife and I were staying at an old hotel in Lone Pine, Ca (gateway to Death Valley) and I woke up early around 2:30am and with nothing to do and not wanting to wake my wife I just stared at a wall with a desk and chair nearby. Suddenly the chair shifted by 40 or so degrees. Both instantcess were freaky as all get out, but they 100% happened. Now I'm not one to walk around and constantly bring up I saw a ghost. I'm a very private person and I keep this private but some people know and they ask me about it so I tell them and they mock me. I don't know if you believe in ghosts or not, however, for the sake of this question let's say that yes, you believe me that I 100% saw a ghost and witnessed some ghostly activity. Question: How should I move forward when asked this question? How should I handle the naysayers? Thanks in advance. Noman
  22. The gentlemen photographer I know is still alive. They said, "Noman, don't ask him any questions!" Good for your mom. Awesome camera! Those are Mole Richardson "Tweenies" (350 watt) lights to the far left. In case you were wondering.
  23. I also know the police photographer in Los Angeles that was there and photographed the Tate house once the Manson followers got done. I was warned way ahead of time to not ask him about this, as it makes him very angry to talk about. People always want to ask me about the film biz and it's boring as heck to talk about (mostly cause questions always revolves around celebrity worship), I'm guessing police photographers feel the same way. But, man the questions I had, which is why I was warned way ahead of time.