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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. The after affects of a jolly good rogering, I reckon.
  2. He'll breach a bit more than trust with that finger And I think she knows it.
  3. Nice book I like that it says 'Reprints Superboy #1' on the label, but not that it says 'Australian Edition', for the reasons I've outlined in this thread. The word 'Edition' is too closely connected to first printing variations as a term in the industry and isn't necessary here. Here is your book - the lone copy on the census: Everything is factually correct in the top seven components of that record. If I understand the new model correctly however, your book would now be labelled as Superboy #1 and filed in the census against the DC record. We'll see if I'm right or wrong on any of that when the announcement comes. Talking of which, breathe in....
  4. Yeah, it's Marvel and DC all the way over here. Very few dealers with eclectic stock I'm afraid Jeffro. And you just don't see comics much at boot sales or in charity shops anymore. There's nothing like the flea markets that I see people like Robotman post stuff from. I worked for a charity with 9 retail shops for 8 years and saw two comic collections come in in all that time. Anything like that tends to go straight in the eBay pile anyway now, alas. They're all wise to it now, charity shops, with the internet. I'll keep looking though.
  5. Joking aside Yorick, that is such an obvious, natural, understandable reaction from you there. Because it is not The Incredible Hulk #1.
  6. Imagine being 11th at the end of round three and getting five bullseyes in the final round...
  7. Try reversing the polarity of the neutron flow next time. If that doesn't work, run up and down some corridors for a bit.
  8. Still no sign of the announcement on this... While we continue to wait, I spotted this copy of the 1968 Norwegian Koloss #1 on FB, which reprints Marvel's Incredible Hulk #1 from 1962: There were eight issues of Koloss printed, according to the GCD and other sources: Issues #1-6 reprint Incredible Hulk #1-6, and issues #7 and #8 reprint Tales to Astonish #59 and #61 respectively. My understanding is that CGC intend to call a non-US reprint by the title of any key US book that it reprints or shares a cover with. Accordingly, I expect Koloss #1-6 to be slabbed as Incredible Hulk #1-6 and, subject to CGC's criteria as to what represents a key, Koloss #7 and 8 will be slabbed with a leading title of either Koloss or the TTA books that they reprint. I can see from the registry that our Koloss #1 above was graded only a few weeks ago, so I assume that it has been slabbed and recorded in line with the new model if that model is due to be announced any day now: While we wait for that clarification, let's see how the Norwegian title Koloss fairs on the census currently. Bear in mind that there are three publisher names in the frame here: Serieforlaget Se-Bladene Stabenfeldt If we start with the search term of 'Koloss'... ...we get this one entry (note the incorrect Publisher): Click on that, and we get a single result - Koloss #4 - again with the wrong publisher details: Click on that and we see a single recorded slab. Note that there is no reference to the 'Incredible Hulk #4' that Koloss #4 reprints there - just the 'Key Comment' of 'Hulk'. And it still records Koloss as a Marvel Comic: Unless I've missed something then, the census tells us that CGC have graded one book titled Koloss, and it is #4. So where then is this 9.6 graded Koloss #2? It is slabbed as 'Koloss' so should be listed under Koloss, no? Let's try searching Incredible Hulk #2 instead, as that is what it reprints: OK, it looks like there is an entry against the publisher 'Serieforlaget' for 1968 - let's see if that is it: Looks like it - a 9.6 is there, but not with the slab title of 'Koloss' but 'Incredible Hulk'. Not definitive, therefore, but likely to be that book: Let's see where our 8.0 graded Koloss #1, sorry, Incredible Hulk #1 is then, on the census: Hmmm. No 'Serieforlaget' this time, but there is a 'Se-Blandene' dated 1968 - let's see what it has: There it is, an 8.0 slabbed Koloss #1 is recorded: So that means that this one Norwegian title - Koloss - exists in three different places on the census, with entries littered with inaccuracies and misleading information, and with no obvious way that I can see to connect them. The picture will be muddied further if someone submits a Koloss #7 or #8, which we do not know how CGC will record. Now, please - how is that in any way satisfactory? Could CGC have made that anymore complicated if they tried? How much has the opportunity for operator error been magnified here, do we think? Surely it would have been better to stick with the actual book titles, dates and numbers, and find an alternative way to recognise and connect any reprinted key book status? I will be interested to see whether concerns like these - which I have been raising now for a year - will be covered and addressed in the announcement. Aside of the concerns regarding the census recording, I will also be interested to see if CGC address any of my other core concerns in their communication. They say that they are doing this out of a love for the wonderful 'foreigns', and they want to bring them to wider attention. That is actually very noble, and I agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly. They are indeed, wonderful, beautiful things, and worthy of wider recognition, but as what they are, not what they are not. How can relegating a book's actual title to a footnote on the slab label, and absent completely from the census record, be a sign of love? Is that not disrespectful? How can labelling a book printed six years after the original as the '1st appearance' be correct? After all, there is a world of difference between the following three phrases: Origin and 1st appearance of the Incredible Hulk Reprints the origin and 1st appearance of the Incredible Hulk 1st appearance of the Incredible Hulk in a Norwegian title Isn't there? Which will CGC go for, do you think, of those three options? I guess we'll find out soon.... The 'Norwegian Edition'....of what! There isn't a 1968 US book called 'Koloss' for this to be the Norwegian edition of!
  9. One better than me - I didn't sign up but have been playing along anyway and scored 16 over the first three rounds. Not too bad.
  10. I finished the first pass of my 'what might exist / what likely won't' review last week and it runs to four pages of A4 commentary before I add the charts and pictures There doesn't seem to be much interest in this journal, so rather than bore everyone with it now I'll wait for a few more books that I've ordered to turn up, then try to pair it down a bit. With a bit of luck, a whole segment will disappear if the content of a handful of books turn out to be as I expect In the meantime, no new 15c variant examples to report. Notwithstanding what I have discovered, and the theory I have presented, Harvey comics are exceptionally scarce in the UK. Hardly any dealers have any and even eBay is a comparative graveyard. If any others do exist, it might take a good while for them to show.
  11. Not a US distributed comic, but this book made me laugh. The cover image looks quite intriguing, doesn't it. Threatening, even. What could the title be? What title would suit the story of these two Gentleman who are clearly at odds with each other over something underhand or illicit? Oh, right.
  12. What a fantastic post - congratulations Grumble. I still remember buying #1 off the shelf as a kid
  13. It's a licensed reprint, distributed in the Philippines. There's a thread about them here:
  14. There are three printed differences between the US and UK copies of Amazing Fantasy #15: Cover price The UK copy has the cover month missing (to accommodate for the shipping window to the UK) The UK copy has an additional line of UK specific distribution data just below the regular indicia details Both first printing copies have the same guts. There have been attempts to pass off the UK Price Variants of early Marvel keys as cents copies by cutting away the price and cover month. CGC graded an Amazing Spider-Man #1 this way some time back (shown below) - I advised the owner to get CGC to clarify whether it was a UK copy or not (the UK indicia would be present, if so) but CGC mucked it up by cracking it, reslabbing it, and not taking a picture of the indicia area. The owner had to take their word for it.
  15. Ah, you've taken all the romance out of it Albert. Probably true though, your version.
  16. The GCD has three prices for #533 of World Illustrated - a two shilling, a one and six and a one and three: Obviously not cheap enough!
  17. I gathered images of non-comic publications with T&P stamps for a time, and still add them to the files when I see an interesting example. Here's one such '1957' penned example which I spotted on the bay this morning: I wonder which shipment that arrived in...
  18. On eBay now, the first example I've seen of this book that has a detectable possibility of being one of the mythical 'make weight' books: Click... Clearly that could be a later 6p, but if it were a 6d, that would put it in the pricing ballpark for the time...