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About this journal

John Morlar's Pence Palace of Doom



"EMU indeed! What were they thinking...? Anyway, I expect you'll be wondering why we are here. Those eternal cretins Marwood & I have once again beseeched me to oversee this summary of pence related blathery in order that they may be freed to return to the miserable obscurity from whence they came. What a pair of snivelling, self serving popinjays those two are. A real stain on the history of these fine communicative boards. So, why have I agreed to oversee this nonsense then? Well God only knows my dear reader singular. God only knows. Maybe I simply cannot resist the allure of the underdog. And not that Sparky fool mind, in case you were wondering. No, he can stagnate in his rancid pit for all I care, the flea bitten scapegrace.

So, here's the deal. Read this old tosh, or don't. Do I look like I give a flying :censored: at a rolling doughnut either way? Thank you Marlon, for that line. I'll be off now dear reader. Appointment with Pelham at five. That's Harold of course, not the train. Do you think he will he haunt me afterwards...?"


"We shall see"


""Pence Palace of Doom" my eye Morlar! Since when were 'font variants' and 'fifteen cent variants' found in a Pence Palace! Why, they are no more than a half baked addition of unnecessary padding and verbosity! You're quite mad my friend, quite mad!"

"Oh, and you can tell that Zonfeld woman of yours that there's nothing wrong with me. Either of me!"


"Ah. I've just seen the 'miscellany' bit. Sorry about that. Carry on Morlar, carry on..."




Thanks for dropping by. I hope you found something of interest.

Be seeing you... 


Entries in this journal

The Mystery of the Harvey 15c Variants From 1972

What's that you say? The mystery of the Harvey 15c variants, you say? Never heard of them! Well, I certainly hadn't until last year when, whilst researching the distribution of Harvey comics in the UK by our old friends L Miller & Co, I happened across a book on eBay proclaiming an unexpected cover price. "Oh", I thought, "I didn't know there were price variants for these?", and I started Googleating. I like to think I'm quite good at Googleating now, after years of scouring online for

Thorpe & Porter Price Stamp Numbering

Thorpe & Porter UK Distribution Price Stamp Numbering Hello Reader  Those of you who have been foolish enough to follow my pence threads over the years will know that I have often speculated as to why the UK distribution price stamps used by Thorpe & Porter in the early 1960's were numbered 1-9 like so:   I've lost track of how many experts and collectors I have asked about it down the years and everyone was stumped. I undertook an exercise myself a year or so ago, cap

Get Marwood & I

Get Marwood & I in Thorpe & Porter

John Morlar's Journal Summary Page

Hello  Thanks for visiting my Journal. Or John's, if you're into frippery. My name is Steve, I'm based in England, and for the last ten years or so I have been on a mission to confirm and record every first printing UK Price Variant that exists for the seven known American comic publishers that produced them. As well as that I have gathered data on other types of first printing price variants including Canadian and Australian books. Basically, all those little nuances that most people w

Get Marwood & I

Get Marwood & I in Summary

Charlton Canadian Price Variants

Charlton Canadian Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of all the Charlton Canadian Price Variants (CPVs) that I have captured hiding between the cover dates of September 1983 and July 1984 inclusive. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them:               The Headlines My research shows that Charlton Canadian Price Variants exist for t

Marvel UKPVs - Thorpe & Porter Indicias (June 1960 ~ November 1964)

Marvel UKPVs - Thorpe & Porter Indicias (June 1960 ~ November 1964) Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Thorpe & Porter Indicia Types that I have found hiding in Marvels between the dates of June 1960 and November 1964 inclusive. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion threads in which we talk about them (it's the Marvel Pence Variants thread):                    Notes and Obse

Marvel US Price Font Variations (June 1960 ~ February 1961)

Marvel US Price Font Variations (June 1960 ~ February 1961) Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Marvel Price Font Variations that I have discovered hiding between the dates of June 1960 and February 1961. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them:                         Notes and Observations During the long years spent trawling eBay and other onl

Marvel 1999 ~ 2000 US Newsstand Price Variants

Marvel 1999 ~ 2000 US Newsstand Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Marvel Newsstand Price Variants that I have found hiding between the dates of October 1999 and February 2000. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them:                                                   Notes and Observations Most comic collectors have heard of the 3

Marvel 'L Miller & Co' UK Distribution Variants

Marvel 'L Miller & Co' UK Distribution Variants (May 1960 ~ September 1961) Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the L Miller & Co UK Distribution Variants that I have discovered hiding in first printing Marvel Comics produced between the dates of May 1960 and September 1961. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them:                                      

Marvel Australian Price Variants

Marvel Australian Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Marvel Australian Price Variants that exist between the dates of January 1991 and November 1996. Australian Price Variants (APVs) were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced headliners. They are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them:           

Charlton Comics - 15 Cent Price Variants

Charlton Comics - 15 Cent Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of all the Charlton 15c Price Variants that I have found hiding between the cover dates of March and April 1962 inclusive. Charlton 15cv’s are extremely rare beasts and don’t seem to appear that often. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them (it's the pence one):                     

Marvel Comics - UK Price Variants

Marvel Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Marvel UK Price Variants that I have discovered hiding between the dates of May 1960 and December 1981 inclusive. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the Archie discussion

King Comics - UK Price Variants

King Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the King Comics UK Price Variants (UKPVs) that I have found hiding between the dates of August 1967 and November 1967 inclusive. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the Archie di

Gold Key Comics - UK Price Variants

Gold Key Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Gold Key UK Price Variants (UKPVs) that I have found hiding between the dates of March 1973 and November 1975 inclusive. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the Archie di

Dell Comics - UK Price Variants

Dell Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Dell UK Price Variants (UKPVs) that I have found hiding between the dates of April 1960 and July 1961 inclusive. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the Archie discussion thr

DC Comics - UK Price Variants

DC Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the DC UK Price Variants that I have found hiding between the dates of July/August 1971 and February 1978 to September 1981. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the Archie discussi

Charlton Comics - UK Price Variants

Charlton Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Charlton UK Price Variants (UKPVs) that I have found hiding between the cover dates of 1960 and December 1963 inclusive. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to my Charlton d

Archie Comics - UK Price Variants

Archie Comics - UK Price Variants Hello Reader  Here is a summary of the Archie UK Price Variants (UKPVs) that I have found hiding between the cover dates of March 1960 to August 1960. UK Price Variants were printed in the USA at the same time as their cents priced counterparts. They are part of the same first printing run and are not reprints. If you would like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the Ar
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