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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. To be fair, I think that it is the way he went about it that upset some people Buttock. @mnelsonCGC Matt, if I may, is this portrayal of Buttock's correct? Did you decide to recruit a paid moderator because Dr, sorry, Mr Bedrock 'raised his voice and flexed'? Should we be thanking Mr Bedrock for bringing you all to your senses or, if that decision, say, was already in train, should we be more focussed on the way he conducted himself and considerate of the feelings of those who were unfairly tarnished in the fallout following his intervention? As a side note, I can't believe I've used the word 'buttock' twice in this post to you.
  2. I'll send you the link Matilda, as it will most likely be on the off world colony now...
  3. There's nothing there really worth it in my opinion - even the TGK #77 (Blank Panther prototype) isn't high enough to warrant the expense.
  4. Hope you like it. The opening scenes which lead us into the theme are stunning, I think. And I like the theme song much more now - it compliments the mood perfectly as the effect of the apparent betrayal slowly sinks in. Look out for the look on Craig's face in the car while he's processing it, as the bullets hammer alarmingly into the rapidly failing glass. Brilliant.
  5. I'm going to go a third time next week. I get a little obsessed with a film once in a while, and this is one of them. With some films, I find there's something going on that is out of the ordinary. Something imperceptible that stays with you. Difficult to put into words, but a sort of mood. I like the mood of this film, and the more I dwell on it the more I like it. Odd really, isn't it, Oddball.
  6. No flake! Here's my 88: Is this your one? I save all images to the files. Three of these, I've seen so far. No UKPV as you say Maud, but there is a 15cv of that one. I'm going to completely rewrite my Archie journal page at some point, and include a post about the Miller distributed cents copies. I like to get Miller on the radar whenever possible - he's been unfairly overlooked down the years.
  7. I see the point in your last sentence Legion, yes. One of the challenges of being a member of a community like this is knowing when to speak and when to say silent. We don't always get it right. I do think it helps though for otherwise level headed people to show that they have reflected and made up after blow ups like these. Being a community, those not directly involved might want to chip in with their thoughts, especially in defence of those who they feel may have been unfairly maligned. It is a chat forum after all, entirely natural. The trick, I think, is to separate those who you think are trying to help, genuinely, from those who are looking to stir the pot or, shall we say, raise their own profile. And some people are clearly just lonely, looking for any human interaction they can find. Maybe I'm in that last category I like it when people get on. Mr B has a formidable board following, knowledge and history. I'd like to see him here, posting still. Is there a way for that to happen? I think so. I'll step back from this discussion now, though, to show that my intentions are decent. My final contribution is this simple suggestion - meeting people half way with apologies is a potentially productive way forward. That's got to be better than festering animosity, surely?
  8. Many of us have been pointing out how the lack of paid resources has had a negative affect on the boards over recent years. I have sent countless polite, constructive messages to CGC staff on this as well as advocating publicly for greater site support. I do not know Mr B, but he's clearly a board member of some standing and a figure in the comic collecting community. I tried to diffuse some of the anger that was coming across when this all kicked off. My take is that Mr B lost his head and people who were not at fault ended up getting bashed. If I may say, your summary is very favourably edited and has an air of 'the end justifies the means' about it, as if we should all now be grateful that Mr B made some noise and we now have Mike as a result. I don't know if that is true. But he did not go about things in a calm and dignified manner, making a virtue almost of being aggressive. Some of his posts to the volunteers and admin staff were - to me at least - unacceptable. He would have been better to approach Matt directly, and vent his anger to the right people - the paymasters. I've tried to embrace the fact that we now have CGC Mike on board. It's a positive step. A break with the past. CGC Management would do well, in my opinion, to make a public apology for the lack of resources here, and acknowledge what that lead to. Mr B, in my opinion, would do well to make an apology for some of the language he used. People make mistakes, and exercise bad judgment on occasion. No one is perfect. But you make a mistake, reflect, and make good. Then you can move on.
  9. I would imagine your summary is how many that followed the publicly posted elements would remember it. This was a sad affair in my opinion that escalated out of all proportion. Unless I missed them, there are some outstanding public apologies still owed, not least to the volunteers who were publicly thrown under the bus by CGC representatives. If people worked a little harder at getting on, and giving a little ground occasionally, maybe even apologising if they have let themselves down, I think that would be good for the community.
  10. The 1965 JIM is 'Thor annual #1' in all but name Wiff, don't worry. And your copy is a UK Price Variant, with a Thorpe & Porter UK price stamp on it. Quite common for that issue. It won't have a Canadian interior @pemart1966
  11. I read that one and punched the wall with Me fist, oh!
  12. Good man Wiff. If money's not an issue, keeping some of the keys as an investment would be something to consider too. Have fun with the research.
  13. Imagine them as a Christmas present. Just edge the socks, wouldn't they
  14. It should be quite exciting on the day. There's nothing quite like the buzz in the room when a lot takes off is there. Good luck if you're bidding Lips.
  15. One last tip - take each book in turn, and check eBay sold prices. Your copy looks similar to these two and....
  16. You've got some crackers in there Wiff. A Spidey pence run is a lovely thing to behold. If selling is your intention, I'd give 30th Century Comics a call and see what they could do for you. There are a lot of vultures out there, as I'm sure you'll appreciate, but they are trustworthy chaps and I think they would be more than happy to market / sell the keys for you. Condition is a massive factor when it comes to value, and you have some lower grade copies there it seems, but it looks like there are some nice mid grades books too. You can post some pictures here... https://boards.cgccomics.com/forum/42-hey-buddy-can-you-spare-a-grade/ ...to get an idea of condition if you'd like the input from the experienced graders here. The more pictures, the better - front, back, interior. Note any missing pagers / cut coupons / writing. All in all, a wonderful thing to have found. Wonderful comics if you love them and with the added bonus of being worth a bomb if you don't. Post some pictures of the westerns if you can. They have much less value than the super hero books, but I love to see pence copies of them
  17. A cool run indeed, with three different UK prices across three consecutive issues hiding in there I always loved those slap dash final shilling books
  18. You won't go wrong with those Wiffy. ASM #1 seems to have doubled in price in the last year - this pence copy sold for £10K in October - looked about a raw 3.0 to me, so you'll do well with a graded copy if selling is your intention: Keep an eye on this forthcoming auction here - it will give you a flavour of what to expect: https://www.andersonandgarland.com/auction/search/?st=amazing spider-man &sto=0&au=471&w=False&pn=1
  19. There is a demand that I have picked up on, yes. Some US dealers seek UKPVs specifically, even going as far as to place ads in Overstreet, and there are many US board members here who, quite rightly, salivate over them. No staining jokes please. It's a small market of course, compared to those collecting cents copies, but it's definitely there and, I think, growing. I was at a UK auction recently, and most of the lots sold to overseas collectors. @Pantodude - what sayeth thou? Thou hast kept track of You Kay Pee Vee financial progress hath thee not? @Wiffy - why the interest in US interest? What's up with Blighty?
  20. Hello Wiffy Funny you chose Wiffy as your board name as I can smell UK Price Variants from a mile off I presume we're talking Marvel, but do let us know what you have and we'll take it from there. Pictures are always lovely, if you can work out how to do that. Historically, pence copies have commanded lower prices than the cents ones, but the times they are a changin, and some of the early Marvel keys can now go for the same if not more than the cents copies, as collectors on both sides of the pond start to realise how comparatively scarce they are. I've dabbled in pence copies a bit, so if you'd like to know more, and have a bit of time, have a read here:
  21. @mnelsonCGC Matt, if you're reading this I just wanted to say before I log off that it has been a breath of fresh air having Mike interacting with us all on forum related matters today and since his appointment. It was a great decision to bring him on board and I can see he is going to make a real difference here. @CGC Mike Mike - you can pay me later. Pounds though, remember, none of that dollar rubbish.